"By the way, where is Jin Jing? Why didn't I see him?"

Ruhua suddenly asked very suspiciously.

Only then did everyone look around, and Xiaodi took a flashlight to shine around. All the stone figurines stood still, obviously losing the control of the black energy, and they could no longer pose any threat.

Everyone's eyes followed the light of the flashlight and looked around, but they didn't see Jin Jing.

Sun Guangmin explained: "Jin Jing fled into a secret door just now, let's go, since we have broken the formation of ghost figurines, let's chase after it."

Then, Sun Guangmin turned to the entrance of the burial pit and said loudly: "Hey, you all come here."

Company Commander Zhao watched over Yan Xiao, jumped into the burial pit with the soldiers beside him, and walked to Sun Guangmin and the others.

Then everyone walked to the platform on the right. Xiao Di groped on the stone wall, but couldn't find the mechanism to open the secret door.

"No, it seems that the mechanism that activates the secret door is inside, and the opening or closing of the door must be controlled inside."

Xiaodi shook his head helplessly and said something.

"I saw that this secret door is very thick. There were enemies all around just now. I didn't forcefully destroy the secret door. Now that the enemies have been eliminated, we can destroy this secret door."

Sun Guangmin explained it to everyone, making everyone feel that this method can be tried.

Sun Guangmin stimulated the aura in his body, and condensed the thunder in the palm of his right hand.

Then Sun Guangmin slapped the secret door, and when it hit the stone wall, there was a bang, the secret door vibrated and a crack appeared.

However, the secret door was not completely destroyed, and Sun Guangmin had been fighting for too long before, and the spiritual energy in his body was seriously insufficient, so it did not form a huge destructive power.

"Young commander, let me try."

Fat Kui yelled, and then used his unique skill, Bahuang Divine Power Palm, and slapped the secret door.

After the sound of "boom", it really had an effect. The crack on the secret door was bigger than before, but this secret door was too thick to be destroyed by one or two attacks.

"I'll come again."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking very domineeringly, he activated the spiritual energy in his body again, condensed the thunder in the palm of the god, and quickly blasted towards the secret door.

With a bang, the secret door collapsed and turned into a pile of stones.

Everyone was very happy, Xiaodi smiled and said, "It's done."

"Well, let's go after it."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, he flicked his fingers and released some paper figurine soldiers, including General Xiang and General Xiao.

"Two generals, you lead the way ahead, Jin Jing may be ahead, you have to be careful of ambushes."

After Sun Guangmin gave the order, General Xiang and General Xiao responded: "The last general obeys."

Then, they walked into the secret passage behind the secret door, and others followed.

The secret passage was not very long. After walking for about a minute, we arrived at a huge space.

Xiao Di took a flashlight and looked around, and everyone realized that this was a palace, and there was a black sarcophagus in the middle.

"Well, we have come to the main tomb. The sarcophagus should lie with the Qin Dynasty General Zhenyuan."

Sun Guangmin said something softly, making everyone nod slightly after listening.

"By the way, I remembered that when we came to the fork in the road, one road went forward and the other road went to the left. We walked to the left and came to the sacrificial pit. If we walked forward, we should have come here It’s the master’s tomb.”

Fat Kui sounded suspicious.

Sun Guangmin imagined the nearby spatial structure for a while, and then nodded: "Well, that's right, we passed through the secret door on the right just now, and we should have come to the place where we walked forward at the fork in the road before, that's right, it's here. "

"Golden Essence is hiding here, everyone, look for it quickly."

Huang Ying reminded, and then everyone started wandering around the main tomb.

The main tomb is very strange, except for the sarcophagus in the middle, there is nothing else, but there are many holes in the ground, not vertical, but obliquely downward.

Xiao Di took a flashlight and looked into the cave, but found nothing.

"Could the Gold Essence hide in here?"

Ruhua suddenly asked.

"Old man, go and have a look."

General Xiang volunteered and asked Sun Guangmin to nod his head: "Well, be careful, General."

General Xiang jumped into the cave, and came out quickly, shouting: "There is no gold essence inside, there are many corpses, and there are treasures buried with him."

Those soldiers were very happy when they heard it. After all, they finally entered the ancient tomb, so they definitely couldn't return empty-handed.

Company Commander Zhao asked softly: "Young Marshal, do we have to take all the gold, silver and jewels that were buried with us?"

Sun Guangmin thought about it for a while, and said: "Let the soldiers of the third company move out the treasure, and the others continue to search for Jin Jing."

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