"Son, I'm here to see you for my mother."

A soft woman's voice came, interrupting Sun Guangmin's thoughts.

Sun Guangmin withdrew his mind, looked at his mother, and said with a smile: "Mother, I want to rest, I have something to talk about tomorrow."

"You are always busy during this time, and I don't see you all day, and you don't talk to me at night."

Sun Guangmin showed an apologetic expression: "I'm really tired, I'm going back to rest."

After he finished speaking, he went back to his room and locked the door, hiding from this mother as if hiding from the plague god.

There is no way, just chat with her for a while, the identity of the counterfeit will be exposed soon.

In the next few days, everything went smoothly in Yizhuang, and Yin spirits continued to join the paper man army, but the number of Yin spirits who defected gradually decreased. At the peak in the past, dozens of people defected every day, and then only a few Several people.

The famine was gradually brought under control, the disaster eased, and the number of people who died nearby was gradually decreasing. This is a great thing for the local people.

However, the good times didn't last long, some monsters seemed to appear in the city, dozens of people were killed every night, and the death conditions were horrific, either missing arms or legs, or only half of their heads remained.

As a result, people panicked. If this continues, the people in the city will either be killed or run away. This place will easily become a dead city.

As a warlord guarding one side, Sun Guangmin was very angry and determined to eradicate this monster and bring peace to the local people.

At noon that day, the scorching sun was shining in the sky, and the weather was extremely hot. It had not rained for a whole month, and the ground had been scorched and cracked.

Sun Guangmin led the soldiers of the Eighth Regiment to clean up the corpses in the city. More than 30 people were killed last night, which made the people afraid to go out at night.

Those horrific corpses were carried on stretchers, moved to trucks waiting on the side of the road, and then transported to Yizhuang for centralized processing.

Sun Guangmin inspected around, took off his white gloves, and asked the fat Taoist beside him: "Consultant Zhang, as a staff officer, what do you think about this matter?"

"Young Marshal, these corpses are indeed too miserable. I haven't figured out yet, what evildoer they are."

The more the fat Taoist spoke, the lower his voice became, and he lost all confidence.

Although Sun Guangmin was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything more. He clapped his white gloves and said, "Close the team."

Two large trucks, full of dead bodies, were transported to Yizhuang on the outskirts of the city.

At the gate of Yizhuang, a beggar in ragged clothes stopped Sun Guangmin: "Young Marshal, many of these corpses died from the plague. A great plague is about to break out in the city."

The fat Taoist became angry when he heard it, and cursed: "Stinky beggar, what nonsense are you talking about? Get out of here."

As he said that, the fat Taoist wanted to drive the beggar away, but Sun Guangmin stopped him with his hand: "Wait a minute, let me ask."

"Who are you? Where did you get the news?"

"The villain was originally an apprentice in this medical hall, and he knew a little bit of medical skills. Later, the medical hall was targeted by ghosts, and the villain also suffered bad luck. Later, he left the medical hall and became a beggar. I can see that the plague is about to break out. gone."

Sun Guangmin took out a piece of ocean and said, "Here's a piece of money for you, but one thing to remember is that the plague is rotten in your stomach. Don't spread it out and cause panic. I won't forgive you."

The beggar took a piece of ocean and quickly bowed: "Thank you for the reward, officer. My mouth is strict and I won't talk nonsense."

Everyone unloaded the corpses from the truck and carried them into the Yizhuang. Many people were indeed frightened by the beggar's remarks and became timid. They dared not touch the corpses for fear of contracting the plague.

The matter of the plague should be taken seriously, and a conclusion cannot be drawn just from the words of a beggar.

Therefore, Sun Guangmin ordered the fat Taoist priest to go to the Renshengtang in the city to find the most famous local doctor, and he should be able to see whether these corpses were infected with the plague.

Two hours later, the people who had been waiting impatiently finally came to the fat Taoist priest, followed by a doctor in a white coat and holding a medical kit.

At that time, western medicine had already been introduced to China, and many famous physicians studied both Chinese and Western medicine.

The doctor examined the corpses and said, "A few corpses were really infected with the plague. This matter is no small matter."

"What kind of plague is it, plague, smallpox, or cholera?"

Sun Guangmin asked eagerly.

"Young Marshal, you can't see it now, you need to dissect the body."

"Then hurry up, we'll wait for the result here." The fat Taoist priest issued an order.

"Okay, I'll dissect the corpse right away." The doctor took out a scalpel from the medical box.

While the doctor was dissecting the corpse, Sun Guangmin was thinking about the plague. He didn't know how long the plague would last, and he didn't know what caused it, let alone predict what serious consequences it would cause to the people in the city.

"I seem to know the reason." The doctor stopped his movements and said suddenly.

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