In the evening, Sun Guangmin, who had returned to the Marshal's Mansion, had been thinking about opening a Yizhuang. The biggest problem right now was choosing a site.

Longshan, where Sun Guangmin lives, is at the junction of western Henan and Shaanxi. This place was a famous post station in the Qin Dynasty. It is relatively closed, and people believe in ghosts and gods.

The Yizhuang is different from other places. This is a place where corpses are parked. It is called an ominous place by many people. If the Yizhuang is opened in a densely populated place, it will inevitably meet with strong opposition and lose people's hearts.

Sun Guangmin thought about it, and decided to hand over the site selection to the fat Taoist priest. After all, the fat Taoist priest has made many friends in the world, and maybe he can help.

"Come here."

Sun Guangmin yelled towards the door, and a guard responded and asked, "Young Marshal, what's the matter?"

"Go and call Staff Officer Zhang."

"Staff Zhang?"

"It's Zhang Tianshi."

"As ordered."

After a while, the door was pushed open, and the fat Taoist walked in with a smile on his face.

"The young commander is looking for me, there must be something wrong."

"Well, I want to open a charity village to give free burials to those who died in the famine. Now I don't know which place to choose. You can give me an idea."

"Fengshui is very important to open a charity village, otherwise it will form evil spirits and bring disasters. Therefore, the address is not very easy to find."

Displeasure appeared on Sun Guangmin's face, and he asked sharply, "Can you do this?"

"If you can do it, your subordinates can do it."

"Okay, I'll give you three days to choose a good location, which delays my opening of the Yizhuang. I'm asking you."

"Three days? It's a bit... That's okay, three days is three days, and the subordinate is leaving."

After the fat Taoist priest left, Sun Guangmin was still thinking about some things and didn't fall asleep. The paper figurine in the room, which was motionless, suddenly emitted a strange light, and even the paper figurine's body shook accordingly.

"There are ghosts nearby, and there are a lot of them."

Sun Guangmin muttered something in a low voice, and at the same time got up and walked out of the room.

In the courtyard of the Marshal's Mansion, Sun Guangmin saw groups of ghosts without any fear, and asked loudly, "What are you doing here at the Marshal's Mansion?"

Those ghosts fell to their knees one after another: "We all remember the great kindness of the young marshal, we are here to seek refuge."

"Yeah, thanks to the young commander who found someone to save us."

"Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. I am very happy that you trust me. Please go to the side room on the west side of the yard and wait for a while. I have my own arrangements."

Those ghosts left one after another, and Sun Guangmin thought to himself: "The ghosts who have been transcended are different, and they can be used by me."

It's just that Sun Guangmin couldn't rest tonight. He cut out the paper figurines overnight and collected those ghosts, allowing the paper figurine army to grow to hundreds of people, and it has begun to take shape.

Sun Guangmin only closed his eyes in the morning, and at noon, he was woken up by the noise outside.

After inquiring, it turned out that the people in the city had come to thank them, and they had already blocked the gate of the Marshal's Mansion.

The porridge shop's relief and soul-saving made Sun Yaoying and his son famous, which made Sun Yaoying very happy. He patted Sun Guangmin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "My son has a future."

"Thank you father, there is one more thing..."

Sun Guangmin told his father about the establishment of Yizhuang, and he got the full support of Sun Dashuai.

That night, Sun Guangmin was in his room, staring at the Hunming Bone Knife in a daze.

The origin of this treasured sword is not small, it can be regarded as a magic weapon, when Dong Zhuo gave up the Chituma and got Lu Bu, this treasured sword should also be given to the hero.

A figure slowly emerged, and then Xiang Zhong's voice sounded: "Young commander, are you looking for me?"

"General Xiang, this treasured sword is given to you."

"It's too expensive, and my subordinates dare not take it."

"Hey, you're welcome. Only a hero like you is worthy of this treasured sword. Accept it. My army of hundreds of paper figurines depends on your cultivation."

"Since this is the case, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Xiang Zhong knelt down on one knee, put his hands on his hands, and Sun Guangmin handed the Hunming Bone Knife to Xiang Zhong's hand.

"Subordinates retire."

Three days later, the matter of finding the address for Yizhuang was settled, and an abandoned medical center on the outskirts of the city was chosen, only one kilometer away from the city, not too far away.

This morning, Sun Guangmin took a few of his cronies and a fat Taoist priest to inspect the abandoned medical center.

An antique mansion with three large tile-roofed houses is enough to be used as a morgue, but the courtyard is very dilapidated and overgrown with weeds, obviously no one has lived in it for a long time.

Sun Guangmin looked around and said, "The place is okay, but it just needs to be cleaned up, Staff Officer Zhang, how about the Feng Shui here?"

"The yin and yin phases of the mountains here, it can be said that the mountain and the dragon have direction, the water dragon sees the water, the sand is high and the mountains are knotted, the air veins are not smooth, and the five elements are restrained, and it is against the twelve earthly branches. The Qi-gathering Huangji was suppressed, resulting in too much Yin Qi."

Sun Guangmin was a little unhappy, and asked: "So, Feng Shui is not good here, how do you do things?"

"Young commander calm down, listen to my explanation slowly."

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