Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 90 The Unrepentant Flood Dragon

The eldest gave the second and third a wink.

He stabbed the sword at the dragon first, and the second and third looked at each other.

He also followed the boss and attacked the dragon.

Who knew that the three of them hadn't arrived at that Jiaolong's side yet.

The flood dragon suddenly spit out a jet of water at the three of them, and the three of them were immediately pushed out by the jet of water.

First of all, the second child was the first to fly out, and as soon as he came out of the water, he started yelling.

The third child flew out immediately, and the third child was also yelling at the moment.

And the last one who flew out was the boss, who didn't shout like the second and third.

Because he was the boss, he had to pretend nothing had happened.

Only in this way can the calmness of the boss be shown.

Three people were pushed out of the deep pool by the water column one after another.

At this moment, all three of them turned around with their heads covered.

But the moment you come out of the deep pool.

They had already seen that everyone was looking towards them.

The boss pretended to be deep and sophisticated sitting there cross-legged.

At this moment, there is an unstoppable stream of water flowing down from my hair and body.

But he still sat there pretending to be deep.

Pretending to be an outsider, everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

The second child and the third child saw the eldest child sitting there.

He could only resist the dizziness of being hit by the water.

I also learned from the boss to sit there in a dignified manner.

All three of them had words in their mouths, and they didn't know what they were mumbling there.

These villagers don't know what happened under this deep pool?
I thought these three Taoist priests had succeeded in slaying demons and demons.

They all started cheering.

Only the old man with a cane said loudly: "Three of you, you went down to the deep pool, have you eradicated that evil dragon?"

The three of them dare not answer everyone's questions now, they just keep nagging.

The fat man suddenly laughed.

"I think these three Taoist priests were driven out by this dragon."

Some villagers pointed at the fat man.

Some villagers also yelled at Fatty.

Anyway, many villagers said some ugly words.

They are all condemning the fat man for not being able to speak.

And Ye Yang, the white-haired old man and others are well aware of it at this moment.

He should have been kicked out by that dragon before he got to that dragon's side!

Everyone wanted to ask what happened to the three of them down there?
But seeing the three people there pretending to close their eyes and meditate, they couldn't stop muttering.

It's all about not wanting to answer them.What happened underneath?
The white-haired old man shook his head and said to everyone: "They are lucky to be able to come up alive.

If you want to know the situation of this dragon, then the only way is to go directly.

Only let you see the actual situation of Jiaolong.

Only then can we know how to deal with it. "

Everyone nodded. For everyone, they went down to the bottom of this deep pool.

In fact, it is not a problem.

At this moment, the white-haired old man is leading the way.

Then everyone followed behind the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man was very familiar with the location where Jiaolong was hiding.

He waved his hand as he walked into the grounds of the deep pool.

Warn everyone what to watch out for.

At a depth of tens of meters, the white-haired old man pointed in one direction.

When everyone saw that direction, there were two bright lights.

Knowing that it is not a lantern, it should be the two eyes of Jiaolong.

Ye Yang signaled everyone to stop, and he slowly swam towards the dragon by himself.

The little brother was worried about Ye Yang and kept pace with Ye Yang.

After walking only a few tens of meters away, he had already seen clearly where the dragon was.

At this moment, the dragon is surrounded by something like an iron cage. This is what the old man said about the trapped dragon pillar.

The flood dragon glared at the two of them, roaring continuously.

But did not attack two people.

Instead, he roared in a low voice while observing Ye Yang and the little brother!

Ye Yang couldn't speak in the water.

All he could do was observe Jiaolong quietly.

When the Jiaolong saw the two of them standing there, he suddenly seemed to lose his patience.

At this moment, he couldn't help roaring again and again, and suddenly spit out a jet of water at the two of them.

Ye Yang and his brother stood there holding hands.

The defensive posture has been prepared long ago, although the water column came fiercely.

But it didn't push Ye Yang and brother out.

On the contrary, two people shot together.

Ye Yang is holding the evil sword, and the younger brother is holding the ancient black gold knife.

Both of them struck the water column with a sword at the same time.

The originally turbulent water column was blocked by two sword qi in an instant.

Instead, it rolled towards the dragon crazily.

That Jiaolong was visibly startled.

Another jet of water was spit out, which collided with the jet of water that Ye Yang and the little brother turned back.

It can be regarded as offsetting the attack of this water column.

At this moment, the Jiaolong actually spoke.

"Who are you guys and what are you doing here?
It seems that you are not ordinary people, and coming here is exactly what I want.

I have been in this deep pool for too long.

It makes me so happy to meet someone here. "

Ye Yang and his younger brother looked at each other, they couldn't talk at all in the water.

The little brother suddenly made a sound in his throat.

Ye Yang couldn't hear what the little brother said at all.

But from my brother's expression, and his familiarity with him, the most important thing, he knows my brother best.

So the little brother doesn't need to speak, Ye Yang can understand his inner voice.

The little brother uses ventriloquism, which is extremely difficult to practice in this world.

It's just that my ventriloquism has not been perfected yet, and ordinary people can't hear it at all.

But that flood dragon has practiced for thousands of years, and there is no sound in this world, which he cannot hear.

The little brother said expressionlessly: "Jiaolong, you are trapped at the bottom of this poisonous dragon pond.

Do you know what crime you have committed? "

The flood dragon roared angrily.

"Ignorant humans, what do you know?
I just want to turn into a dragon, is there anything wrong with that?
Why does this so-called way of heaven make things difficult for me? "

The little brother said: "It's not that the way of heaven is making things difficult for you, it's that you are too eager to transform into a dragon.

You grow rapidly by killing people, your cultivation base.

This has violated the common sense of nature, and the way of heaven can't let you go. "

Jiaolong swam around in this trapped dragon column.

Still roaring: "Is the heaven afraid of me Jackie Chan?

I just killed a few humans in order to achieve my avenue!
Only after I transform into a dragon can I make greater contributions to the Dao of Heaven.

I just want to know where I am wrong, they are so indiscriminate.

A curse was placed on it, so that I would never be able to cultivate into a positive dragon for the rest of my life.

How can I accept such a curse, one day, I will break this trapped dragon pillar.

If I can't draw a dragon, I can only turn into a demon.

When this day comes, I am asking Heaven for an explanation. "

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