The younger brother and Ye Yang looked up together.

There seemed to be something hanging high on the top of the cave.

It's just that this cave is relatively dark, so I can't see clearly at all.

When everyone approached slowly, they could see clearly that there was a mummy hanging on the cave.

Moreover, this mummy was only half of its body, just like the half-human corpse they saw in Liujia Village.

What the hell is going on here?Is there any connection between the half corpse here and the half corpse in Liujia Village?
Could it be that the culprit who killed Liu Family Village is hiding in this cave?
Everyone walked forward for dozens of steps, only then did they see clearly that all the densely packed corpses in the cave were half corpses.

Moreover, these half corpses have been air-dried for a long time, and they have become half mummified corpses.

And these mummies are all the upper half of the body.

What kind of strange creature is this? Why does it only eat the lower body of people?

While the three of them were guessing, they suddenly heard the sound of someone talking in the cave.

The three of them listened attentively, and the voice seemed to have only rang once and then fell silent.

The three of them looked at each other, not daring to speak loudly to each other.

They just nodded their heads symbolically, and then they went back into the cave together.

This time they were very careful, because creatures that could eat half of a human body were really scary.

They must be extremely careful, and a single negligence may lose their lives.

Here, when I walked nearly 100 meters.

Then he heard the faint voice of speaking.

Could it be that Wu brought them along?
The three of them moved forward rapidly again, and at this time the cave suddenly opened up.

On this wide flat ground, a group of people stood in darkness.

There must be as many as six to seventy people, and these people form a large half circle.

There is only one side where no one is standing, and everyone is right.

There is a tall tripod, more than two meters high.

Dingzhong didn't know what kind of smoke was coming out, it was blowing out at the moment.

And around the cauldron, there were three people with disheveled hair.

Holding the iron sword in his hand, he kept walking around the tripod.

At this moment, there are still words in the mouth, and the people around are echoing.

In the crowd, the three people also carefully searched for the figures of Wu Xie and others.

He actually saw Wu Xie Fatty and Man Yue, standing on the side of the crowd, as if they were watching the fun.

Xiao Jiu waved to them, and Wu Xie saw Xiao Jiu and the others.

He was already very excited at this moment, and hurriedly told everyone that Ye Yang was still alive.

Fatty Man Yue and Wu Xie rushed over here immediately.

The six people reunited again, and they were all very excited.

Xiao Jiu briefly introduced the situation of Wu Xie and Yue Yang to the three people.

Then I asked what was going on at the scene.

The fat man straightened his stomach, and said, "These people are all nearby villagers, and there are three Taoist priests in the middle.

They paid a lot of money to invite them here, and they heard that they came here to drive away evil spirits.

You also saw it when you were walking, this hole is full of half bodies bitten off by these evil spirits.

They cast spells to deal with the evil spirits in this cave.

I heard that these three Taoist priests came from a famous place, it seems that they came from Kunlun Mountain! "

Ye Yang said: "Then the big cauldron in the middle is to lure this evil spirit out?"

Wu Xie said: "That's right, but these people have been here for three or four days.

It seems a little impossible to use this method to attract evil spirits!
But these villagers seem to trust these three people very much, and they insist on letting these three people do what they want to attract evil spirits!
We also just arrived here a few days ago, and we saw these villagers. "

Ye Yang nodded, turned to Man Yue and asked, "Man Yue, have you found your grandfather yet?"

Full Moon shook her head, looking preoccupied.

It can be seen that Man Yue is worried that the evil hidden in this cave is her grandfather.

If it was really my grandfather who killed so many villagers.

Ye Yang and the others will not spare his grandfather.

But after all, blood is thicker than water, so that's his grandfather.

This is one of the only few relatives that Man Yue has in this world.

Everyone also knew what Man Yue was thinking.

But if it was really his grandfather who killed so many villagers.

It is absolutely impossible for everyone to spare, but everything is unknown now.

Everyone slowly approached the villagers, hoping that these evil spirits could come out soon.

Seeing the three Taoist priests walking around the cauldron, they muttered something.

As if it was really done.

Xiao Jiu couldn't help laughing and said: "I think this Taoist priest is just putting on airs, they don't know how to exorcise evil spirits at all.

It's just bluffing and cheating here, the purpose is to cheat the hard-earned money of the villagers! "

Fatty agreed with Xiao Jiu's point of view and nodded heavily.

"Xiao Jiu, you are right, I have already seen their plot, but these villagers are very stubborn.

They didn't listen to us at all, even when we got closer, they got angry at us.

So we can only stand aside and watch the excitement. "

Ye Yang said: "It stands to reason that this evil spirit is so powerful that it shouldn't be afraid of these villagers.

Why didn't you show up for so long?
Do these three Taoist priests really have a way to get rid of evil spirits? "

Everyone also felt it through Ye Yang's analysis, which is very strange.

And at this moment, the three Taoist priests finished their religious rituals.

He stopped and sat down to rest for a while.

At this moment, some villagers brought some snacks, water and the like.

for the three to eat and drink.

The three Taoist priests were also polite, and began to eat and drink.

At this moment, the smoke in the cauldron was still coming out continuously.

There was a very old villager with a cane.

He bowed to the three Taoist priests.

Asked: "The three priests have worked hard, we have done rituals for five days in total today.

As for the rest of the money, we will send it all to you after the ceremony is done!
I just want to ask, when will these evil spirits appear? "

One of the fat Taoist priests rolled his eyes.

A little unhappy, he said: "You old man is always talking, maybe it's because we've been doing things here for too long.

Waste of your money, but I have something to tell you!
In fact, the three of us are gambling here with our lives, this little money is not too much for us at all!
If you keep talking, we will stop doing things, then turn around and leave! "

The old man was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

A villager helped the old man to sit aside.

Apparently the old man has been asking these three Taoist priests every day for the past few days.

Because for every day of deeds, they have to give them a day's worth of money.

The villagers earn hard-earned money, and the old man obviously cares about the money.

But the three Taoists didn't take it seriously.

The longer you work here, the more money you make.

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