Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 82 Adversity sees the truth

Ye Yang exchanged 10 exchange points for the life-changing technique.

Hastily threw it into the air, chanting words in his mouth.

The life-changing talisman suddenly burned in the air.

Then it turned into a ray of light and entered the little brother's body.

After a while, I didn't see my little brother improving.

Ye Yang became a little anxious, and hurriedly shook his little brother.

He kept shouting: "Brother, wake up! Wake up!

how so?Is this life-changing technique fake? "

And just when Ye Yang couldn't stop shaking Xiaoge.

The little brother opened his eyes quietly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Ye Yang shaking himself anxiously.

The little brother didn't know where he was, he only remembered that he had been hit by the palm of the white-haired old man.

Then I don't know anything, presumably I should be dead.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw Ye Yang.

Suddenly burst into tears.

He thought he was really dead, and Ye Yang didn't follow his instructions.

It must have been suicide and died along with him.

Thinking of this, I cried even more heart-piercingly, and roared loudly:
"Ye Yang, you are a liar, why don't you live well?

Why do you have to die with me?
You are a liar, you are a big liar! "

Ye Yang was crying but smiling.

He looked at his little brother affectionately, his face was already full of tears at this moment.

He smiled and said, "Brother, reach out and touch my face, and you'll know what's going on!"

The little brother just woke up like a dream.

He quickly stretched out his hand and touched Ye Yang's face.

He felt the heat on Ye Yang's face, and the hot tears that just flowed down.

The dead will not have body temperature, let alone hot tears.

He said in a loud voice: "Ye Yang, are we really not dead?"

Ye Yang tightly grasped his brother's hand.

Nodding vigorously:
"We are not dead, we are still alive, you should be happy now!"

The little brother wailed loudly.

"It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive, I thought I'd never see you again!
Do you know how sad I feel?

I know you will be very sad because of my death, but I really hope you live.

Now that's great, we can all be immortal!

Ye Yang, it's great that we live together! "

The little brother looked at Ye Yang's face, and suddenly froze there.

He slowly stretched out his other hand, stroking a strand of white hair on Ye Yang's temple.

A trembling voice said: "Ye Yang, how old are you, why do you have this strand of white hair?"

Ye Yang was also a little surprised by the younger brother's question.

This must be because of my brother's death, which made me feel overly sad.

Only then will the hair turn white for a while.

Ye Yang smiled and said: "Everyone gets old, but what is this strand of white hair worth?

The main thing is that we are still alive! "

The little brother nodded vigorously.

He got up suddenly and threw himself into Ye Yang's arms.

The two embraced for a long time in the tomb.

It's good to be alive, especially when you're with the people you love.

The two of them didn't know how long they hugged quietly like this.

It was the younger brother who reminded the two of them that they knew they were still in the ancient tomb.

At this moment, we must leave here as soon as possible, because we don't know if there are other crises in this ancient tomb.

The two held hands and walked around the ancient tomb together.

But no exit was found, and the two looked at each other in blank dismay.

Unexpectedly, both of them survived.

But he was trapped in this ancient tomb abruptly.

The two turned around like this again, but still didn't find the exit.

The little brother suggested: "Since we have already entered this ancient tomb, we can't find the exit.

Let's simply go inside to see what is hidden in this ancient tomb, maybe we can find the exit of this ancient tomb! "

Ye Yang nodded, and said softly: "We will do whatever you say, I will listen to you now!"

The little brother showed a happy smile, and the two of them held hands even tighter.

The two held hands and walked towards the middle of the ancient tomb.

In the middle of this ancient tomb is a circular area.

If it wasn't for the white-haired old man and others who brought Ye Yang and the little brother here.

I'm afraid they will have to go through a lot of trouble to enter this ancient tomb.

In the middle of this ancient tomb is a large square box made of gold.

From a distance, I saw this big golden box shining with golden light.

The little brother was about to go forward to open the box.

Ye Yang reached out his hand to stop the little brother, and said softly: "Be careful, there are traps here!"

Let me do it, and stood in front of the little brother while talking.

The little brother looked at Ye Yang with a serious expression on his face.

Feeling warm in his heart, Ye Yang didn't expect Ye Yang to start caring about himself now.

Suddenly feel very special happiness.

I couldn't help but remind Ye Yangdao: "You have to be careful too."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "Don't forget, I know how to read the Bagua phalanx.

This box should be arranged according to the position of the gossip.

Moreover, the organs are divided into eight directions, and there should be organs in each direction!

The two of us must crack the mechanism one by one!

After we have cracked all the eight organs, then this big box can be opened! "

The little brother smiled softly.

"Let's crack the organ together!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Ye Yang's hand again.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Two people go from life to death, and from death to life.

It can be regarded as sharing weal and woe, although they did not express their love.

But both of them are like a mirror.

Ye Yang easily deciphered the eight mechanisms according to the formula of the Wanfa key.

It can be said that these eight organs are dangerous.

If it weren't for Ye Yang, who possessed the magic key technique, ordinary people might not have cracked the mechanism before.

It's already dead.

Wait until the eight organs around the golden box are cracked.

Together again, the two walked towards the golden box.

Everyone is scrambling to open the box.

They were all afraid that there would be danger when they opened the box again.

So they rushed to open the box, leaving the danger to themselves.

And use this method to protect the other party.

After the two argued for a long time, their hands were tightly held together again.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

At the same time, he extended his other hand.

They decided to open the golden chest together.

Regardless of life or death, they will face it together.

The two slowly opened the box, and to their surprise, there was no danger.

The golden box was opened, but there was another golden box inside.

It turned out that the huge gold box outside was just to hold the small gold box inside.

This golden box is designed like this, maybe the things inside may also be very precious.

The two of them opened the small golden box at the same time.

There is also no danger.

They looked into the little golden box together again, and were shocked by the contents inside.

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