Apart from the invasion of cold, there seems to be no danger found here.

But if you want to break the formation, you must go inside the formation.

But the closer you get to the formation, the more severe the coldness becomes.

Ye Yang thought carefully and felt that he hadn't found a way to break the formation.

If you continue to walk like this, you can only be frozen to death alive in the end.

This magic key only provides a method to crack the gossip formation!

But it didn't clearly mention how to crack the frost formation!

Could it be that this formation can only rely on one's own temptation?

Now there seems to be nothing else but this method.

Ye Yang began to observe his feet again.

I walked completely according to the direction of the Eight Diagrams array.

If you say that you are in the wrong direction, it is completely impossible.

Could it be that the breaking formation did not lie at the feet, but above the head?

Ye Yang observed the top of the array again.

They are all covered in frost, and there is no flaw at all.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that there is another universe!

There seems to be a hidden cave at the top of the formation, and the cold air seems to come from the cave at the top of the formation.

Ye Yang drew out his evil-killing sword and pointed at the cave.

A stream of light shot out and shot straight towards the cave.

There seemed to be something in the cave that suddenly sent out sword energy towards Ye Yang.

There was a burst of frost, and when the sword energy met this frost.

It is directly offset in the air.

Only then did Ye Yang discover what kind of creatures should be hidden in this cave?
The reason why it is so cold here may be the frost from some creature on the top of the cave.

Ye Yang once again sent out a sword energy into the cave, trying to force that thing out directly.

But this time the sword energy was the same as last time.

Before the sword energy entered the cave, it was directly counteracted by the icy air from the cave.

Ye Yang only used 50% of his strength for the first sword.

And he used 2% of the second sword, but it was easily offset by the icy air in the cave.

What a powerful creature is hidden in this cave.

Ye Yang sent out the sword again, and his strength had reached 100%.

There is no difference between this sword and the previous two swords.

It was easily offset.

Ye Yang felt a sense of fear that he had never felt before.

This feeling is very similar to that of the ancestor of the black earthworm. What is hidden in this cave?
I've tried my best but I can't force it out.

What should I do now?
Ye Yang stood where he was, neither advancing nor retreating.

What can restrain frost, but fire?

Ye Yang hurriedly opened his exchange store.

Began to search carefully.

Hope to find a talisman that can summon fire.

But this time he was a little disappointed.

I searched carefully several times in the dialog box of the exchange store.

There is no talisman to summon the sky fire at all.

This stumped Ye Yang, and suddenly saw the summoning talisman.

The summoning talisman here is divided into primary summoning talisman and intermediate summoning talisman.

And the high-level summoning talisman was never found.

It only cost two thousand exchange points to exchange for an intermediate summoning talisman.

Intermediate-level summoning talismans can be summoned by selecting people's skills.

That is to say, the list of characters who can summon fire control skills.

Of course, these characters are all dead people.

The only thing you can't choose is that you can't summon characters by name.

That is, it can only be a random selection of characters.

So who can be summoned, you can't decide by yourself, the only thing you can decide is that you can change the summoner's skills.

Ye Yang has no choice but to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

Throwing it into the air, he began to chant the incantation to summon the talisman.

Suddenly a flame flashed across the air.

Then it disappeared, and the sound of the system sounded in the ear!
"Congratulations to the host, the fire control technique is temporarily obtained, and it can only be used for one day, after one day passes.

Fire control will disappear! "

Nima, it's just one day, why not forever!
And why, isn't it a summoned character?
The system is also available now, is it so fooling people!

Now Ye Yang has no choice but to be able to use the fire control technique, and now he is satisfied!

At this moment, Ye Yang's mind suddenly seemed to be implanted with a kind of thinking.

Immediately understood how to control the fire.

Ye Yang drew out the Xie Xie Sword, muttering something in his mouth. At this moment, the body of the Xie Xie Sword was wrapped in flames.

Ye Yang shouted, and once again slashed his sword towards the entrance of the cave.

The sword shot towards the cave with a huge flame.

Maybe the thing in the cave knows the flames,
He jumped out of the cave directly.

At the same time, he also avoided Ye Yang's sword.

This sword did not castrate the sword, and directly stabbed at the wall of the cave.

Immediately, the ice and snow in the cave began to melt, and a lot of ice water dripped out of the cave.

Ye Yang was taken aback, this is too powerful.

Is this the sky fire?In this extremely cold place, such a large glacier can be melted away.

This really shocked Ye Yang.

And the thing that jumped out at this moment.

It turned out to be white all over, and it could walk upright.

Ye Yang knew from the Wanfa key that this kind of creature is called a snow ape.

They can only be seen in extremely cold places.

They are good at attacking with ice, so in such an environment, it is very helpful for them!

Ye Yang also knew this truth.

So Ye Yang continuously fired sword energy around, trying to cool down the cold in the formation.

That snow ape looks clumsy, but it is actually very flexible.

Under Ye Yang's close attack, he can still dodge the attack calmly.

From time to time, he would attack Ye Yang, which gave Ye Yang a headache.

If you keep fighting like this, there will always be a time when you run out of strength.

Ye Yang could also see that the snow ape had all his strength, and he was definitely no match for exhausting his physical strength with it.

You must make a quick decision so that it can be beneficial to you.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang suddenly pretended to slap his foot and fell directly on his back.

Seeing Ye Yang beating, the snow ape was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

Because Ye Yang fell and exposed a huge flaw.

Seeing this opportunity, Snow Ape jumped towards Ye Yang, trying to press Ye Yang directly under him.

How could he know that Ye Yang had already made preparations, and he saw the moment when the snow monkey jumped up.

With one foot kicking the ground, the whole body sprang out backwards.

Snow Ape had already used all his strength to smash Ye Yang directly under his body.

This sudden change caught it off guard and directly slammed it hard to the ground.

Ye Yang was overjoyed, he saw the right moment, and stabbed out with a sword, hitting the back of the snow ape.

The snow ape screamed wildly, its body suddenly bounced off the ground, and turned a somersault in the air.

Spotting on Ye Yang, he slammed towards Ye Yang again.

Ye Yang was shocked, his Xie Zhu sword didn't hurt the snow ape at all.

This is too outrageous, how thick is the skin of this snow ape!

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