Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 47 Why He 2 Has Dark Circles Under His Eyes

The man looked at the crowd, and then asked in disbelief:
"You guys don't really want to go to the Ten Absolute Tomb, do you?

I didn't say it, but with just a few of you, there are nine out of ten chances that you won't be able to come back! "

The fat man said angrily: "Hey, I said, can you say something nice, why can't you come back.

You don't know our strength, so don't talk nonsense, okay? "

The man said: "As for that unicorn beast, you won't be able to subdue it, and you still want to go down to the tomb!"

The fat man glanced at the man.

Ye Yang said: "Well, what do we call you?

It's already dark, we can only stay in this cave for one night today, and we will set off tomorrow. "

The man looked at the crowd and said: "You can live here if you want, this is not my territory.

As for my name, if you know it or not, it’s the same! "

After speaking, he lay down again, as if he wanted to continue to sleep.

The four gathered around the fire, took out food and drink, and ate briefly.

Each found a place to rest.

Everyone may have been a little overworked when they passed the Dead Head Peak.

At this moment, I lay down and fell asleep in a daze.

Unexpectedly, after sleeping until midnight, the man suddenly turned over.

He tiptoed to a backpack.

Started to take out the things inside.

It's all about eating and drinking.

What kind of sauced beef, marinated eggs, ham sausage, and drinks like beer.

Maybe this person has always been careless, and he started to eat and drink as soon as he sat on the ground.

Ye Yang and his brother had already heard the voice of this person getting up.

But absolutely did not expect that he was just for food and drink.

The backpack belonged to the fat man, Ye Yang touched the fat man.

The fat man woke up and saw that the man was eating his own food.

Still in a daze, he rushed to that person and grabbed his hand.

The man was startled, then smiled and said:
"Have you heard the saying "Jiang Hu Emergency", I haven't eaten for three days.

Have something to eat, don't be so stingy! "

The man got rid of the fat man's hand and continued to stuff the sauced beef he was eating into his mouth.

The fat man let go of his hand and watched him for a long time.

Suddenly he laughed.

"I said, you are so strange, why didn't you come over when we were eating.

Lying there and pretending to be dead? "

The man smiled sheepishly and said: "You don't know, I have a big appetite.

I can't get enough to eat in front of you. "

The fat man squinted at him.

"Okay, just from your words, it's quite honest, the fat man will let you eat to your full today.

See, there is not enough in this bag, but there is more in that bag.

You just eat as much as you want, as much as you want. "

The man grabbed the fat man's hand.

"Good brother, just say this to you, and I will make you my friend."

Then I started to gobble it up and eat it.

Fatty looked at him eating, and grinned, this is too delicious.

This bag of things, which was the fat man's rations for the past few days, was wiped out in an instant.

The fat man didn't feel bad about this.

But this is a barren mountain after all, so eating and drinking are really important.

There is no place to buy it, so the fat man is really distressed.

The man ate and drank enough and patted his big belly.

"I'm full, I'm full, thank you so much."

Then he stood up suddenly and walked around the fat man.

Then go around again!
The fat man was treated like a rare animal.

Then he couldn't help but said: "Hey, let me say, what are you doing going around and around, are you digesting food?"

The man said: "As far as your physique is concerned, it's so suitable, you are a perfect match."

The fat man was confused by what he said.

He asked angrily: "What kind of thing is a perfect match! Can you just say it?"

The man smiled and said, "We have similar physiques, so we are a perfect match!"

The fat man stood up suddenly and looked at the man suspiciously.

"I said don't mess around, fat man, I'm not that kind of person.

Besides, I don't have any eye for you, so you should die as soon as possible! "

The man couldn't help laughing.

"I think you seem to have misunderstood me, I mean we have similar physiques.

Practicing this technique is simply a perfect match. "

The fat man blushed, he was quite embarrassed about the misunderstanding just now.

The fat man was thick-skinned, and it was only a moment, so he asked:
"What kind of exercises are you talking about, let me hear it?"

The man said: "Just now you invited me to eat and drink, I can't eat and drink for nothing, can I?

I will teach you an invincible exercise in the world, the transformation technique, if you can learn this exercise.

It can be said that it is very suitable for you who often go to the grave.

But, let me declare in advance, if you go to the Shijue Tomb, I can't guarantee that you will come back alive. "

Fatty was very curious about this skill, so he asked, "What kind of skill is it? It's still invincible, so why can't you go to the Shijue Tomb?"

The man said anxiously: "I just started teaching you, can you learn it so quickly?

If you learn it so quickly, it can no longer be called the Invincible Transformation Technique!

You take your time, and only after learning can you act recklessly.

Don't talk so much nonsense, learn it or not, I'm still not willing to pass on this peerless skill to others! "

The fat man thought for a while, then nodded and said:
"Then try to learn."

The man gave the fat man a blank look.

"If I didn't regard you as a friend, I wouldn't bother to look at you more.

Simply do not know what is good or bad. "

Just like that, the two fat men began to teach the exercises.

And Wu Xie and Ye Yang, the little brother, they have been woken up a long time ago.

Looking at these two live treasures, I couldn't help laughing.

The fat man studied for most of the night, but he didn't succeed in transforming.

With two big dark circles under his eyes, he asked feebly:

"I said bro, when will I be able to transform successfully.

I can't practice this thousands of times, and I haven't succeeded even once! "

The man also had two big dark circles under his eyes, waved his hands again and again and said: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, take your time...

Haven't I succeeded in transforming yet? "

The fat man said in surprise: "Damn it, brother, you haven't successfully transformed yet?
This is too weird! "

Then suddenly remembered something and said:

"Brother, let me tell you, can this transformation technique make me as handsome as those two little brothers?"

The man was surprised and said: "The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. Do you understand this sentence?"

The fat man said: "I said your transformation technique can't make me handsome, why should I imitate him?
Hey, I said I won't become that pig's head like you, right? "

The man clapped his hands and said: "Yes, yes, it is to become that pig's head, you don't know.

After turning into a pig's head, you will be invulnerable, so you will be invincible. "

The fat man almost fainted, what kind of strange technique is this.

Even if he is weak enough, if he turns into a pig again, he will die now.

Hastily said: "Brother, take back the exercises. Fatty won't learn it anymore, I don't want to become a pig's head."

The man said: "You don't want to learn such a good exercise? It's a pity that you have already learned it, and now you can't take it back."

When the fat man heard this, he rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and almost passed out!

The man said again:

"You must have misunderstood me again.

But you don't have to transform every day, if there is no danger, why do you transform? "

When the fat man heard this, he quickly grabbed his own person with his hands and saved himself.

He let out a long breath.

After a while, he said: "So, I can still accept it."

At this moment, the sky is already bright, and everyone is up.

Seeing that both of them have big dark circles under their eyes, they look like Bear Big Bear II in cartoons.

I couldn't help laughing again.

Wu Xie said: "What are you two studying without sleeping in the middle of the night?
Fatty is in your current state, how can you go to the Shijue Tomb today! "

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