Suddenly remembered that I still have an exchange shop.

Hastily opened.

[Suzaku Talisman Elementary] exchange points 200.

[Green Dragon Talisman Elementary] exchange point 200.

[Five Lightning Technique, Elementary] Exchange point 200.

[Exorcism, Elementary] exchange point 200.

[Puppet Art, Elementary] exchange point 200.

[Substitution, Elementary] Exchange point 200.

[Wall Climbing, Elementary] exchange point 200.

[Yin Yang Eye, Elementary] Exchange points 200.


What kind of technique is that?

The system explained:
"It means that you can create a double that is exactly the same as the main body.

A blinding method to prevent the other party from finding their own body! "

This is great, I am using it right now.

Ye Yang looked at the personal panel.

Only two hundred exchange points.

Ye Yang immediately exchanged for the substitute technique.

The system sound sounded again.

It is the first time for Nian host to use the exchange store.

200 redemption points are given away.

Great, it can be used now.

Ye Yang immediately spent another 200 exchange points.

Exchanged for Wall Climb.

Ye Yang knew the principle of substitute technique.

Transform into a double that is exactly the same as yourself.

take his place now.

And his real body, turned into a phantom, sneaked towards the crystal coffin.

Ye Yang has since exchanged the wall climbing technique.

At this moment, I climbed onto the rock wall at an almost ninety-degree angle.

It's like walking on the ground.

It's just that this is only a primary wall climbing technique, so it can only climb a height of ten meters.

And that was far enough to reach the crystal coffin.

Ye Yang saw the timing, and swung his sword straight to the ghost's heart.

How did you know that the ghost was entangled by the little brother.

But unexpectedly found Ye Yang in an instant.

Raising his hands, he actually blocked Ye Yang's sword.

Only then did Ye Yang see clearly that there were many purple vines wrapped around the ghost's arms.

Nima, this is its weapon!
Ye Yang tried to attack it for several times, but returned in vain.

Nima, this is so embarrassing for labor and management, isn't it!

Ye Yang is only a few meters away from this ghost at this moment.

But he couldn't find a chance to stab it.

If it wasn't for the younger brother's stalemate with the black gold ancient knife.

This ghost may attack itself.

And now what?
Ye Yang was quick to wit, and untied the black blood shirt.
With a shake of his hand, the black blood shirt directly covered the ghost's head.

The black blood shirt is not a supernatural object, it has a restraining effect on ghosts.

This sudden change caused the ghost to immediately lose its vision.

Ye Yang seized the opportunity and stabbed out with a sword, hitting the ghost in the heart.

A sword passed directly through the body, and the ghost let out a miserable roar.

The body shrank sharply in an instant, turning into a black air.

Ye Yang devours Yin Qi.

The system sound sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully swallowing Yin Qi.

Three hundred exchange points will be rewarded. "

Nima, three hundred points.

This is really how much risk you have experienced, and how much reward you have!

But at this moment, the ghost entangled the hair of Hei Jin Gu Dao, and it suddenly broke into several sections.

scattered down.

The little brother didn't know what happened.

Looking up, I saw that ghost suddenly disappeared.

I was thinking about what was going on!
Ye Yang's phantom has returned to his substitute.

Immediately show the prototype.

Even if the little brother is not an ordinary person.

But for the sudden and shrill roar of the ghost just now.

Then he disappeared with a dazed look on his face.

The little brother was not someone who was willing to talk.

At this moment, I couldn't help but ask:

"Did you kill that ghost?"

Ye Yang smiled and said:
"It's just a coincidence, I accidentally killed him."

The little brother has black lines on his face.

Nima, how powerful was this ghost just now.

He knows it!

Looking at Ye Yang's relaxed face.

The little brother couldn't help being extremely shocked in his heart.

This person is so powerful, who is he?

The little brother went to the boat and woke everyone up one by one.

Uncle San was the first to wake up.

"Hey, what happened just now? My head hurts!"

Then came Pan Zi, Da Kui, and finally Wu Xie.

Everyone didn't know what happened.

Then he asked the little brother, and the little brother motioned to ask Ye Yang.

They could only ask Ye Yang to narrate what happened.

After listening to Ye Yang's statement.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Knowing that if it wasn't for Ye Yang's help, the consequences would be unimaginable.

And they are more concerned about such a powerful ghost.

How was it removed.

And the little brother just said lightly:

"It's him!"

Everyone looked at Ye Yang.

The third uncle said: "Brother Ye, are you also here to fight?"

Ye Yang smiled and said: "It's considered!"

Wu Xie is the most warm-hearted.

He smiled and said, "Brother Ye, with such skill, why don't you join our team!"

And the third uncle and others, you look at me, and I look at you.

He didn't speak for a while.

Obviously they didn't want to take this unidentified person with them.

Wu Xie said: "Brother Ye is on his own, joining us will take care of each other.

Besides, Brother Ye saved our lives just now.

Third uncle, you should say something. "

The third uncle forced a smile and said:
"Okay, I agree."

Pan Zi obviously doesn't like Ye Yang.

He said: "You can join us, but those of us are more or less good at inverting.

You behave well, if you don't have any specialties.

I advise you not to join the team as soon as possible. "

Da Kui is neutral and does not make a statement.

And the little brother likes Ye Yang very much in his heart.

If it weren't for Ye Yang, it's still unknown whether everyone can leave this place of corpses today.

The brother who never likes to talk.

Now speak too.

"Take him!"

In this way, Ye Yang successfully joined the team.

But Ye Yang could see it.

These people are not optimistic about him.

If you don't behave well, you may really have to leave someday.

Wait for everyone to leave the corpse.

It was getting dark, and there was a village in front of us.

They all entered the village and stayed at the guest house in the village.

Had a hot shower and ate something.

Then chat with the waiter at the guest house.

Chatting and chatting, we talked about the strange things in this mountain.

I heard from the waiter that there used to be roads here.

The mountain collapsed the year before last, revealing a large tripod.

It is said to be a national treasure during the Warring States period, but was later taken away by people from the province.

At that time, this incident was a big sensation, and later attracted many tomb robbers.

They concluded that there must be a Warring States tomb here.

The tomb robbers came one after another, but they all returned empty-handed.

When it came out, it was miserable, like a person who had fled from famine for many years.

Because there are many tomb robbers here, more than 100 heads were dug out there.

And that place is Ghost Head Pit.

Since these strange things appeared in the mountains, the village has not been peaceful.

Strange things often happen, and young people die every year.

According to a Taoist priest, someone in the village must have robbed the tomb of the Warring States Period.

It may have been a taboo that brought a curse on the village.

The village invites Taoist priests to do it every year.

But to no avail.

They said that this Guitoukeng was too evil.

Everyone was horrified.

After discussion, Uncle San and the others discovered the location of the Ghost Head Pit.

That's where the faucet is.

Generally, large tombs are built under the position of the dragon head.

Everyone rested and planned to explore this ghost pit the next day.

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