Ye Yang was shocked by Tie Miansheng's actions!
He repeatedly waved his hands and said:
"Kneel again later...wait...well...

I said tough-faced, your ability to recognize the Lord is too fast!

Can you make me feel ready?

You can speak clearly now, can you kneel down? "

But when he saw the iron face, he knelt down without hesitation.

Obviously, stopping Tie Mian Sheng doesn't make sense.

Tie Miansheng's face was full of excitement.

"Young master, listen to my explanation, I will not admit the wrong person!"

Everyone present was also shocked by Tie Miansheng's actions!
The fat man laughed loudly: "I said iron face, you are flattering and slapping on the horse's leg.

You committed the following crime just now, punishing the six clans! "

Wu Xie gave the fat man a blank look!
"Uneducated, can you say a few words less, that's a crime to punish the nine clans!"

The fat man touched the back of his head and said with a smile:
"It's not an exaggeration to punish the Jiu Clan if it's tough.

However, the fat man thought that he didn't know the owner just now.

And it didn't cause any bad consequences to the little master.

It should be dealt with lightly, and the Six Clans of Judgment are in line! "

Everyone laughed out loud at his unreasonable explanation!

At this moment, Tie Miansheng was kneeling in front of Ye Yang, listening to everyone laughing.

I don't know whether to smile correctly or not, and finally I laughed awkwardly.

The fat man pointed at the iron face and laughed loudly:

"It's better not to laugh when you are tough, I think your smile is uglier than crying!"

The third uncle said: "Fatty, can you stop babbling and listen to his explanation?"

The fat man gave Third Uncle a blank look! "Hmph, don't say it if you don't say it, let him say it!"

Tie Miansheng clasped his fists all around, and said shamelessly:
"I was rude to everyone just now, and I hope everyone will be happy."

Then he said to Ye Yang: "Young master, listen to my explanation.

I have already told everyone just now that the person I admire the most is also my savior.

Now I will call him benefactor.

Benefactor, after handing over the black iron box to me, let me guard it to the death.

Before leaving, he said something to me.

He told me that one day, a young man with the blood of the Evil Physique will come here.

At that time, it is time for me to hand over this black iron box to this young man.

Even if you have completed your guardian mission!

He also urged me to treat this young man as a young master!

From the fight just now, I can see that you are the blood of the Eternal Evil Physique.

There is no second Evil Physique in this world, so I won't admit the wrong person.

The benefactor also told me that this Soul Devouring Orb can be lifted except by him.

The young master can do it too, so I boldly beg, young master, please forgive me! "

Tie Miansheng knelt down in front of Ye Yang sincerely, with a very sincere attitude.

He fumbled for a while from his bosom before he tremblingly took out two pills.

He said sincerely: "I didn't intend to hurt the young master's two friends just now.

I am really ashamed, these two pills can relieve the pain of the two of them! "

As he spoke, he handed the pill to Ye Yang with both hands.

Ye Yang looked back at King Lu Shang and King Zhou Mu.

To say that these two are my friends, I always feel a bit far-fetched.

But it doesn't make sense to say that these two are not my friends.

Why don't you care so much, take the elixir in Tie Miansheng's hand,

After looking carefully, according to the Wanfa key, Ye Yang knew that this elixir is definitely not poison.

Even if it can't alleviate the pain of the two of them, it will definitely not cause fatal harm to the two of them!

With this in mind, no more hesitation, and immediately distributed the elixir to the two of you.

King Lu Shang and King Zhou Mu took the two pills.

Looking at each other, Tie Miansheng has always been very scheming, can the elixir he gave really relieve their pain?

King Lu Shang took the pill and threw it into his mouth without thinking.

He couldn't believe in Tie Miansheng, but he believed in Ye Yang!
From the time when Ye Yang sincerely saved the little fox, King Lu Shang had already made a huge change to Ye Yang.

King Mu of Zhou is a bit lonely here, he just had a few words with King Lu Shang just now.

Only then did he know that he and this King Lu Shang also share the same destiny.

At this moment, he can only trust King Lu Shang.

He also threw the pill directly into his mouth.

After a long while, the pain that the two of them felt as if they were dying before was no longer there!

The two looked at each other, and at the same time they clasped their fists at Ye Yang and Tie Mian, "Thank you for the medicine!"

Ye Yang saw that the two had returned to their original appearance.

He was also very polite to Tie Miansheng:
"Tie Miansheng, you can get up and talk."

Tie Miansheng said respectfully: "Thank you, young master!"

Ye Yang waved his hand and said: "Don't call me the young master, I dare not be such an unclear young master.

Now I have something to ask you, what is the name of the benefactor you mentioned?
Why would he know that I came here to find the black iron box?

And he seems to know me very well! "

Tie Miansheng was a little nervous, and said in a difficult way: "Benefactor, you never told me his name!
Not to mention his identity.

The young master can only wait until he sees his benefactor later to ask him! "

Ye Yang said angrily: "How could you not know him, are you lying?"

Tie Mian knelt down again in fear.

Swearing to the sky: "The little one has a sentence to lie to the young master, and the sky will strike five lightning strikes!"

Everyone looked at each other again.

Wu Xie looked at Tie Miansheng, then at Ye Yang, and said:
"I don't think Tie Miansheng is lying.

How about this, you should help him take out the Soul-devouring Orb first!

Let's talk about things in the future! "

Ye Yang observed Tie Miansheng carefully.

Can he take out the Soul Devouring Orb from Tie Miansheng's body?

Who can tell me how to get it.

Ye Yang gestured in front of Tie Miansheng, and said to himself:
"It is to cut the neck of the iron face first.

Letting go of his stomach, how can I take out this soul-devouring pearl? "

Tie Miansheng heard Ye Yang mutter that he wanted to cut his own neck and disembowel him.

I was so scared that I almost stood up and ran away.

Hastily reminded: "Young master, my benefactor told me, he said that the Soul Devouring Orb originally belonged to the young master.

He said that as long as you think about getting back the Soul-devouring Orb, the Soul-devouring Orb will come to you! "

Ye Yang nodded.

According to what Tie Miansheng said, he really just thought about it, but he didn't expect that the Soul Devouring Orb really flew out of Tie Miansheng's body.

It landed directly on Ye Yang's palm!
At this moment, Tie Miansheng also heaved a sigh of relief.

The feeling of oppression in the body has been eliminated in an instant.

Hastily said: "Thank you young master for saving Tie Miansheng, Tie Miansheng has nothing to repay, and I am willing to protect the young master for the rest of my life!"

Ye Yang didn't know how to answer Tie Miansheng's words.

He just stared blankly at the Soul Devouring Orb.

The Soul Devouring Orb is not too big.

About the size of a thumb, the entire bead is permeated with pure sky blue.

Ye Yang observed the Soul-devouring bead carefully, and he wanted to know, what is the use of this bead?

Tie Miansheng saw Ye Yang's doubts.

He hurriedly explained: "This soul-eating bead is said by the benefactor, in the hands of others, this bead is the same as ordinary beads.

But in the young master's hands, it will be very different.

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