Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 26 Are You Willing To Be My Tomb Guard?

Wu Xie turned around and asked his third uncle:

"Third Uncle, you said you know what the sarcophagus is made of, that means you also know how the sarcophagus was opened?"

The third uncle nodded, and then said:
"The material of this sarcophagus is actually a kind of stone!
It's just that it is said that this stone is not from our earth.

It should have fallen to Earth from another planet.

When the stone fell to the earth from another planet, it passed through the friction of the atmosphere.

The last remaining stones are collectively called meteorites.

Sarcophagi made of this stone were bombarded and shot to no avail. "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, using this meteor stone to make a sarcophagus, only this tough guy can think of it!

Wu Xie said: "Then how can we open this sarcophagus?"

The third uncle said: "Unless there is a unicorn exposed."

Kirin exhausted?Many people are hearing it for the first time.

Qilin is actually a herbaceous plant that grows for many years, but it can definitely restrain this meteor stone.

But this Qilin must be swallowed by someone to be effective.

But the physique of ordinary people cannot be swallowed absolutely.

At this moment, the little brother has found a huge unicorn exhaust somewhere.

Judging by its thick branches and leaves, it can be concluded that this is a unicorn that is at least a hundred years old.

The little brother glanced around, and everyone shook their heads.

No one dares to take this unicorn.

Although this thing is not a highly poisonous plant.

But if people swallow it, there may be adverse reactions.

Finally, the younger brother set his sights on Wu Xie.

Wu Xie widened his eyes and asked suspiciously:

"Brother, can you see me?"

The little brother nodded.

Ye Yang said: "Wu Xie, your physique is pretty good, and you can handle this unicorn.

Don't worry, I can assure you that this unicorn can only bring you convenience and will not cause you any trouble.

There is one thing that will benefit you but not harm you, that is, if you swallow a unicorn that is more than a hundred years old, you can be invulnerable to all poisons! "

There is already a smile in Wu Xie's eyes.

The younger brother handed the Qilin to Wu Xie.

Wu Xie looked at it for a while, but he didn't care whether the Qilin was unpalatable or not.

Just put it in your mouth and start chewing.

The Qilin tasted bitter, and Wu Xie's face was full of indescribable sorrow.

This unicorn is really big enough, Wu Xie took a few minutes to eat it.

Only then did Uncle San open his mouth and say:

"Wu Xie, now you need to use your blood to open this coffin."

Everyone was taken aback.

What?With Wu Xie's blood?
Then how to open the coffin?
The third uncle said again: "Wu Xie don't think so much, you have so much blood in your body.

It's good for you to release a little bit! "

Wu Xiebai glanced at third uncle.

I thought to myself: It's not that you let bloodletting feel, you said it so confidently.

But this is just my own thoughts, but I dare not say it in front of third uncle.

Wu Xie bit his middle finger, and followed what the third uncle said.

Go around the sarcophagus and smear your own blood on the side wall of the coffin.

Not long after, I saw an extremely tiny crack appearing where the blood was just smeared.

If you don't look closely, you can't see it at all.

The fat man widened his eyes and said in disbelief:

"Fuck, this is so amazing, there is still a thin crack in the fused stone coffin.

Hey, don't even mention it, can your Southern School do it too! "

The third uncle said: "Fatty, don't be so talkative, watch out for those two behind you!"

The fat man didn't dare to look directly at the two behind him, and only glanced at them out of the corner of his eye.

I found that the two seemed to be whispering.

Nima, when did you reconcile, these two guys are talking about it.

At this moment, the little brother told everyone to leave the coffin farther away.

Just use the ancient black gold knife to pry the crack.

Before the knife touched the coffin, there was a sound in the coffin.

Ye Yang also heard it, and hurriedly said:
"Brother, watch out for the sound of breathing."

The little brother nodded.

The ancient black gold knife was quickly inserted into the crack of the coffin.

There was only a loud bang.

The sarcophagus lid flew up directly.

Everyone looked into the coffin, and saw that there was a steady stream of black air coming out of the coffin.

It is not clear what is in the sarcophagus at all.

And at this moment, King Zhou Mu suddenly roared.

A palm directly into the sarcophagus.

A stream of light flashed by, and I don't know what happened.

The original palm force issued by King Mu of Zhou was bounced away as if he had touched something.

King Zhou Mu was furious, and he was about to launch another palm.

Then I heard someone in the sarcophagus gasp.

The voice was full of magnetism, as if he was only in his twenties.

Hearing this sound, who would have thought that the corpses lying in the coffin were thousands of years old.

King Zhou Mu was furious!
"What kind of skill is lying in a coffin, if you have the guts, come out and compete!"

King Lu Shang was also looking at the coffin with good eyes at the moment.

He wanted to know, after so many years, what has become of this tough-faced student.

The third uncle hurriedly told everyone to evacuate farther from here.

Just when everyone wanted to evacuate, it was already too late.

Suddenly a person stood up in the coffin, wearing a black iron mask on his head.

Wearing a golden armor all over the body.

At the moment, he is watching everyone.

Ye Yang was very impressed with this mask, that was when everyone was trapped in the Seven Stars Coffin.

A similar mask appeared on the wall.

Ye Yang's thoughts turned quickly, and he suddenly thought:
Could it be that the seven-star suspicious coffin has something to do with this iron-faced student?

At this moment King Mu of Zhou suddenly said loudly:

"Student with an iron face, return my jade figurines, today either you die or I die!"

The iron face hidden behind the black mask laughed loudly.

"A group of ants dare to compete with the sun and the moon.

You want to fight me hard, so I just want to know, do you have the qualifications? "

Tie Miansheng spoke very arrogantly, and he didn't take King Zhou Mu seriously at all.

King Mu of Zhou was about to go into a fit when King Lu Shang next to him suddenly said sharply:
"Tie Miansheng, do you still remember the old man?"

Tie Miansheng laughed.

Glancing at King Lu Shang, his eyes were extremely arrogant.

"How could I forget my lord, without you, how could I live till now!"

Ye Yang couldn't help his doubts, and asked:
"Iron Miansheng, the organs in this tomb and those blood corpses are not all your masterpieces!"

Tie Miansheng originally had a smiling expression.

Seeing Ye Yang's question, he said angrily:
"Who are you, do you think you are qualified to comment on me?"

Ye Yang smiled instead of anger!
"Since you don't want to say it, let me say it for you!

From the first sarcophagus we encountered as soon as we entered the tomb.

Until now, all the organs and traps were designed by you!
But one thing I don't understand is why even King Lu Shang and King Zhou Mu can be tricked by you? "

Tie Miansheng squinted his eyes and looked Ye Yang up and down for a while.

Only then said quietly: "Young man, I am very optimistic about you, are you willing to be my tomb guard?"

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