Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 17 Nine-Headed Snake Cypress

The ghost's hand trembled and quickly withdrew.

But at this moment, the light can already be seen in front, it can be seen that everyone has been dragged out of the passage by the ghost hand.

Ye Yang made several leaps and came to the entrance of the passage, only then did he see clearly what was going on.

I am standing on the edge of the cliff at this moment, fifteen or sixteen meters away from the ground.

And looking at his surroundings, there are densely packed caves on the cliffs.

There are thousands of them too.

And in the middle of the tomb, there is a towering tree, which is as tall as a ten-story building.

It's so thick that it can't be hugged by more than a dozen people.

And the big tree was still wrapped with thick vines, and those vines criss-crossed, almost covering the entire rock wall.

But at this moment, only the little brother himself was entangled by the rattan.

The other five people leaned on a small platform, standing against the rock wall.

If you take a step forward, you will fall down.

He didn't dare to make too much movement, because the cane was right in front of everyone.

Only then did everyone figure out what the ghost hand in the cave was.

In fact, it is this weird rattan, they pass through those densely packed caves.

Stretch out to catch people.

Ye Yang saw that although the little brother was entangled by those vines, he was not in danger.

This is quietly reassuring.

The little brother was hung on the cane and said loudly:

"Don't worry about me, have you seen the platform below?"

At this time, everyone looked down.

The cliff is also more than ten meters high from the ground.

This tomb seems to have opened a big hole, and now you can see the sky when you look up.

There is moonlight shining down from above, so you can clearly see everything on the platform.

It was a circular platform, and there seemed to be a person in white clothes lying on it.

It's too far away to tell if it's a man or a woman.

The fat man said excitedly: "Fuck, this must be the main tomb of this tomb.

Young Master Ye, think of a way, how can we get down there. "

The third uncle said: "Fatty, haven't you seen my little brother? You know his skills.

He's all entangled in these ghost vines, do you think you can get down there? "

Pan Zi leaned against the rock wall and said loudly:

"Third Master, this ghost rattan seems to have caught us.

I move a little, and it moves with my movement.

If you think about it, you will definitely be entangled in the air by these ghost vines! "

Ye Yang said: "I can go down, that ghost rattan dare not approach me.

Then I'll think of a way to pick you up too! "

Speaking of which, Ye Yang jumped and jumped in the direction of the little brother.

Before reaching the little brother's approach, the cane that entangled the little brother suddenly withdrew.

And the little brother is hanging in the air now, Ye Yang grabs the little brother and jumps to the side.

Jumped directly to a small platform opposite.

There were a lot of vines that came to catch the two of them, but before reaching Ye Yang's side, they all quickly avoided.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, their faces full of disbelief, which was too strange.

What is going on with Ye Yang, Shi Lai is afraid of him.

Some ghosts are also afraid of him, and such a thick cane is also afraid of him.

The two of them landed on the small platform, and the little brother was also quite surprised.

But he didn't want to talk in the first place, and this is not the time to ask questions.

Ye Yang tried to move around, he wanted to try these vines would not dare to get close within a few meters away from him.

After trying a few times, I found that those vines would never dare to get close to Ye Yang's body within two meters of him.

But there are five or six people here, all around Ye Yang, and I am afraid there is not enough space at all.

Ye Yang thought about it, and the only thing that could bring everyone down together was this towering tree.

But this big tree is already covered with vines, and everyone will be entangled by these vines when they come down.

The only solution.It is to first figure out what kind of tree this tree is.

According to the records in the Secret Key of Wanfa, this kind of tree is called Hydra Cypress.

Hydra is a man-eating tree with hand-shaped vines, many vines, and large limbs. It is called "octopus tree" in foreign legends.

Can entangle approaching prey to kill and digest it.

It can kill animals, attract insects through decaying animals, and spread pollination.

It has an even more terrifying name, the Devil's Tree.

It can be seen that it is an extremely dangerous tree.

I am not afraid of the vines of Hydra cypress, but what about Uncle San and the others?
It suddenly occurred to me that there is such a tree, there must be something that restrains this tree nearby.

At this moment, the fat man laughed loudly and said:

"These vines are very interesting, as if they have eyes.

Look at them, do they follow me as my feet move? "

Suddenly, a thick rattan directly entangled Fatty's legs.

The fat man's huge body was directly swept into the air.

Because the fat man was too heavy, the rattan seemed to be unable to support the fat man, and fell straight down.

The fat man yelled loudly, like killing a pig.

Ye Yang and his brother wanted to save Fatty, but it was too late.

The fat man was only two meters away from the ground, and suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The position where the fat man is now is on that platform.

The distance from the platform is less than one meter.

The fat man was hung upside down like this, and he could see everything on the platform by slightly raising his head.

The one lying on the platform turned out to be a female corpse!
The female corpse had a very beautiful face, lying flat on the stone platform with her eyes closed as if she was sleeping.

That appearance is the same as the real person.

The fat man yelled: "Nimma, is she still alive? Come and save me!"

He said he was in a hurry and wanted to climb up.

The third uncle said: "Since you are down, fat man, you can just jump down.

This corpse has been dead for many years, how could it still be alive! "

When the fat man heard this, the boss was not happy.

"Hey, I said that third uncle, you come to Fatty to hang around for a while!"

At this moment, from the corner of his eye, the fat man suddenly saw a male corpse next to the woman.

And he was wearing a mask, which was a bronze mask with a fox face.

He was clad in armor all over, and held a purple-gold box with his hands on his chest.

When the fat man moved his gaze to the fox's eyes.

It was found that the fox's eyes were open.

And his eyes were cold and piercing, and in an instant, the fat man felt as if his entire body had been electrocuted.

His sanity was also a little unclear, and he hurriedly looked away.

Fortunately, they were all lying still and did not move, so the fat man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fuck, the eyes in the fox mask of this male corpse are a bit evil?"

At this moment, the younger brother and Ye Yang have already come down.

Ye Yang looked around and found that there were many stones on the ground.

Picking up a piece and looking at it carefully, I realized that this is not an ordinary stone.

This kind of stone is called Tianxin Stone, which restrains the hydra cypress vines.

As long as the lime powder is applied to the body, the rattan will not dare to get close.

Thinking of this, he picked up a few more Tianxin stones, and then flew to the big tree.

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