The two mothers told each other about the pain of parting, and once again began to cry in each other's arms.

The meeting between the two is really a mixture of sorrow and joy. The joy is that mother and child can be reunited, but the sorrow is that Tianting will never let their mother and daughter go.

After a long time of deliberation, Ye Yang's mother finally made up her mind to bring Ye Yang back to the Heavenly Court.

Plead guilty to the Jade Emperor in person, maybe the Jade Emperor will spare them both for the sake of the Queen Mother.

Ye Yang's mother's name was Liu Ruoying, and she was a servant girl under the Queen Mother.

And Liu Ruoying is also the queen mother's favorite maid!

After Liu Ruoying left, the Queen Mother was depressed for a long time.

And this time when Ye Yang got along with his mother, Liu Ruoying also discovered a problem.

That is, she accidentally discovered that her son's life was less than 10 years away.

When asked about Ye Yang, Ye Yang told his mother the truth.

Knowing that her son would not live to be 10 years old, Liu Ruoying burst into tears on the spot.

Ye Yang smiled and said: "People live forever, how long they live is not important, the important thing is to live wonderfully.

10 years is a lot for me! "

Liu Ruoying didn't know what kind of person her little brother was, but her son actually had a lot of affection for him.

And Liu Ruoying knew that her son had lived for 10 years, and she was once immersed in grief.

Suddenly one day she happily came to Ye Yang.

Said to Ye Yang: "Mother almost forgot one thing, that is, your father left his inner alchemy to me when he was dying!

Your father said that this inner alchemy is of great help to your Eternal Evil Physique evolution.

Yang'er, tell your mother quickly, how far has your Evil Physique evolved? "

Ye Yang glanced at the personal panel, Eternal Evil Body has evolved to more than 60% at this moment.

Then he said to his mother: "Mother, my eternal evil body has evolved to more than 60%!"

Liu Ruoying was already extremely happy at this moment, and took out the inner alchemy of the Eternal Demon King from her bosom.

It was directly stuffed to Ye Yang, and said happily: "This is your father's inner alchemy, after you swallow this inner alchemy, your eternal evil body can evolve to 100%!
Your practice can completely reach the realm of your father's life, and the most important point is.

After the evolution of the Eternal Evil Physique is completed, you will be immortal forever!

In other words, you will live forever, and your 10-year life limit will be lifted! "

Ye Yang was extremely happy when he heard the news.

At this moment Liu Ruoying took Ye Yang to the Heavenly Court.

Ye Yang is still a little hesitant at this moment, after all, his mother is betraying the heaven.

And it has been hundreds of years away from the Queen Mother, will the Queen Mother still miss the old love at this moment?

He is now the Eternal Evil Physique, and he is now the heir of the Eternal Demon King.

He can lead all the demons and goblins, and he is completely strong enough to resist the Heavenly Court!
It's not that Liu Ruoying didn't think about it, but he knows Tianting best.

If he really went against Heaven, he might end up sacrificing his own son's life.

So Liu Ruoying resolutely decided to take her son and plead guilty to the Jade Emperor, only then can the problem be completely solved!
When the couple appeared in the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor was very angry.

At that time, he sent heavenly soldiers and generals to capture the Eternal Demon King, but they all returned in vain.

The Jade Emperor was furious and ordered his left and right to take Ye Yang down.

And Liu Ying still has the side of the queen mother, so if she wants to deal with Liu Ruoying, at least she has to wait until the queen mother arrives.

And at this moment, a person came hurriedly outside Xiaobao Hall, it was the third prince Nezha.

The third prince knelt on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "Jade Emperor, although Ye Yang is an Evil Physique, he is completely different from his father, the Eternal Demon King!
At least Ye Yang hasn't really killed a single person until now!

It is also the fault of the Eternal Demon King if he is at fault, it has nothing to do with his descendants!
So Nezha asked the Jade Emperor to send Yeyang lightly. "

The Jade Emperor's eyes were wide open, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

I thought to myself what is the relationship between Nezha and Ye Yang?
Why are you still pleading with Ye Yang?
And what the Jade Emperor didn't expect was that,

Daoist Taiyi also came to the Lingxiao Palace in a hurry, begging the Jade Emperor to let Ye Yang go.

This really embarrassed the Jade Emperor.

What the hell is going on here?

At this moment, the queen mother also rushed here from the bedroom.

Before stepping into the Lingxiao Palace, Liu Yanying cried and ran towards the Queen Mother.

She hugged the Queen Mother's leg and wept bitterly.

The moment the Queen Mother saw Liu Ruoying, her eyes became moist.

Trembling voice said: "You are Ruoying, are you really Ruoying?"

Liu Ruoying was showing her true feelings at this moment, choked up and said:
"My lady, I am Ruoying, I really miss you so much!"

The queen mother and Liu Ruoying hugged each other and cried, since Liu Ruoying left the heaven.

It has been almost hundreds of years, and the relationship between her and the queen mother has not only not faded, but the feeling of longing has deepened.

After she found out about Liu Ruoying, she said to the Jade Emperor: "Ruoying is my servant girl, and his son is also mine!

If you dare to attack Ruoying's son, it is against my queen mother, you better think clearly!
Otherwise, I will never end with you! "

The Jade Emperor looked at the Queen Mother and his eyes were red, if he really did something to Liu Ruoying and his wife.

This queen mother must not fight herself desperately.

The Jade Emperor did not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

It's just that Ye Yang is an Eternal Evil Physique, which is of the same bloodline as his father, the Eternal Demon King.

How powerful is his father's Eternal Demon King?The Jade Emperor has been taught.

So he would rather kill by mistake than let his heaven be threatened in any way.

But at this moment...

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