Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 161 I Will Use My Heart to Save Ye Yang's Life

During this time, Li Xiaoqing kept taking care of Ye Yang, and Ye Yang was also very grateful to Li Xiaoqing.

But only with gratitude, what Ye Yang can't forget now is Xiaoling.

No matter how much Li Xiaoqing tried, the person Ye Yang loved deeply was still Xiao Ling.

After this time, Ye Yang became seriously ill for almost half a month.

Li Xiaoqing also knew how deep Ye Yang's love for Xiao Ling was.

This also aroused Li Xiaoqing's curiosity about Xiaoling, and she wanted to see Xiaoling very, very much now.

From Ye Yang, he found out about Xiaoling's village.

Ye Yang's family lived in a small town, while Xiaoling lived in a small village under the jurisdiction of the town.

Xiaoling now has only her own mother. Many years ago, Xiaoling's father went hunting in the deep mountains.

Accidentally encountered a fierce tiger, not only failed to hunt, but lost his life!

Xiaoling's family was already living in poverty, but the death of her father made the already poor family even worse.

In order to meet Xiaoling in person, Li Xiaoqing led his subordinates to pretend to be imperial envoys.

After several days of trekking, they came to the village where Xiaoling lived.

After inquiring in the village, I found out that Xiaoling's family lived in the easternmost part of the village.

All the officers and soldiers came to Xiaoling's home!From a distance, Xiaoling's family still lives in those rough rough houses.

The building of the house is extremely simple, and it looks like it is extremely poor.

At this moment, Xiaoling saw so many officers and soldiers coming to her home.

Not knowing what was going on, he could only help his mother out of the room.

Xiaoling's mother looks like she is only in her 40s, and she shouldn't be so decadent at this age.

It can be seen from this aspect that Xiaoling's mother should be caused by illness.

It was only at this moment that Li Xiaoqing looked at Xiaoling squarely.

Looking at Xiaoling, she is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Skin like snow, extremely delicate and beautiful, beautiful complexion, not to be underestimated!
Although her complexion is not very good, she looks like a beautiful woman.

Li Xiaoqing thought that her appearance was already beautiful enough.

But compared to this peerless beauty Xiaoling, she is much inferior.

Could it be that Xiaoling in front of him is what Ye Yang likes?Just like her looks?

Still really like her.

At this moment Li Xiaoqing is pretending to be an imperial envoy, but now she is a woman disguised as a man.

Seeing the plight of Xiaoling's family, and seeing Xiaoling's mother's poor health.

It's not good, I told my purpose of coming here in front of Xiaoling's mother.

Pointing to Xiaoling's mother, he said, "I am the imperial envoy of the imperial court.

There is nothing particularly serious about coming here, so please avoid it as much as possible, I just convey some things to Xiaoling, and we will go back right away. "

Xiaoling's mother nodded tremblingly, and said quietly: "We are all from poor families, and we don't go out of the door without leaving the door.

If there is any case, it must have nothing to do with my Xiaoling!

I also hope that the imperial envoy will strictly investigate! "

Li Xiaoqing smiled and said: "Don't worry, ma'am, Xiaoling didn't commit any crimes, I just conveyed some news to her!

Don't worry, ma'am, I need you to avoid it now! "

Xiaoling didn't say a word at the moment, and helped her mother into the house.

After a while, she came out, slim and graceful, with a half-bowed body.

Li Xiaoqing looked at it for a while before Xiaoling said, "Your name is Xiaoling, right?"

Xiaoling nodded and said yes!

Li Xiaoqing said again: "You know Ye Yang, right? I heard that you grew up together as childhood sweethearts, right?"

Xiaoling didn't dare to look directly at the imperial envoy at this moment, but just kept nodding there.

Li Xiaoqing said again: "In this way, the relationship between the two of you must not be the same in a day!
I have one thing that needs to be conveyed to Ye Yang's family, but I can't find where Ye Yang's family is?

I heard that you grew up with his childhood sweetheart, you must know where Ye Yang's family is, right? "

Xiaoling seemed to feel something at this moment, and asked hurriedly: "My lord, what happened to Ye Yang?"

Seeing Xiaoling's expression of concern for Ye Yang, Li Xiaoqing's heart suddenly felt sour, and he was even a little jealous.

But after a while, after adjusting his state, he said again:
"I want to tell you one thing, that is, your beloved Ye Yang was there not long ago.

On the way home, I met a horse thief, was seriously injured, and is now dying!
Now the most talented doctor in the capital has been invited, but the doctor said that Ye Yang would not survive for three days. "

When Xiaoling heard the bad news, she almost collapsed on the ground.

He said sadly: "Master Imperial Envoy, is everything you said true?

Where is Ye Yang now, I'll go see him right away! "

Li Xiaoqing pretended to be sad and said: "How could I lie to you about this matter?
Do you know that Ye Yang has won the first prize in the imperial examination this time, but unfortunately, he encountered a horse thief on the way home!
Now life is dying, I am afraid that time is running out! "

At this moment, Xiaoling could no longer restrain her grief and began to cry loudly.

She kept shaking her head, unable to believe it was true, and said loudly:
"Master Imperial Envoy, tell me where Ye Yang is now? I'm going to see him for the last time!"

Li Xiaoqing said: "He is dying now, he is far away in the capital, what difference does it make if you see him or not?

I came here mainly to inform you, to tell Ye Yang's family! "

Xiaoling said: "Ye Yang's life is dying now, is there really no way to save him?"

Li Xiaoqing thought for a while, then pretended to be sad and said:

"It's not impossible, it's just that this method is too cruel.

Although Ye Yang's life could be saved, another person's life must be sacrificed!

This method saves Ye Yang, what is the difference between saving and not saving? "

When Xiaoling heard that Ye Yang was still alive, she hurriedly asked Li Xiaoqing:

"My lord, what method can I use to save Ye Yang?"

Li Xiaoqing said: "According to the doctor's diagnosis in the capital, what Ye Yang injured was his heart!

So if you want to save Ye Yang's life, you must use another person's heart!

But another person loses his heart, then there is only a dead end!

Who in this world can exchange Ye Yang's life with his own heart? "

Xiaoling didn't even think about it, she hurriedly said loudly: "I can, I can use my heart to save Ye Yang's life!"

Li Xiaoqing was shocked by Xiaoling's actions on the spot.

She looked at Xiao Ling in disbelief, thinking that what Xiao Liang said just now was in a state of losing control of her emotions.

Maybe it's not true.

So he asked again: "Can you repeat what you just said? Do you really want to exchange your life for Ye Yang's?"

Xiaoling nodded excitedly.

"As long as it can save Ye Yang's life, I'm willing to exchange my heart for it!"

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