Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 156 Little Brother Becomes a Zombie

When Ye Yang saw his exchange talisman, he actually consumed 20 of his exchange points.

Ye Yang really doesn't know which great god can be summoned by consuming so many exchange points.

Ye Yang threw the exchange talisman into the air, after the talisman was burned out.

After a loud bang, a person flew into the dark sky suddenly.

This person is wearing a hunting silk, carrying a pointed gun, and riding a hot wheel. From the appearance, everyone knows who is coming.

It is the third prince Nezha!
Ye Yang didn't expect that he would spend 20 exchange points, and what he really attracted was a main god.

The third prince of Nezha is known to almost everyone, everyone knows him, and he has long been known to every household.

The king of Hades saw the person who came, and it was the third prince Nezha.

He hurriedly got out of the sedan chair and knelt down on the ground.

I bowed three times to Nezha in the sky.Then he opened his mouth and said: "I don't know that Nezha God came here, and the little one is far away to welcome me, and I hope God will forgive my sins!"

At this moment, Nezha stepped on the Wind Fire Wheel and was suspended in mid-air, majestic and murderous.

He pointed at Yinfeng Cliff with a pointed spear.

He shouted loudly: "Where is the evildoer, if you don't come out, you will die!
By order of the Jade Emperor of Heaven, I am here to send you back to Heaven! "

The ghost master saw that it was the third prince Nezha.

At this moment, he also panicked, knelt down hastily, and bowed three times.

Prayed: "God, please forgive my next life because I didn't commit too many crimes."

Third Prince Nezha said loudly: "How deep your own crimes are, I won't go into details!
I have no right to execute your life and death, and I came here this time to bring you back to heaven.

As for your life and death, it depends entirely on the Jade Emperor! "

The ghost master knew that he was going to heaven, so he would die for sure.

Will be sent to the 18th floor of hell, never to be reborn.

But now he didn't dare to run away, because Nezha was too powerful.

Running away in front of God Nezha is no different from death.

But he felt a little unreasonable just waiting to die like this!
Now that the left and right are dead, it is better to make the last struggle.

Maybe there is hope to escape and ascend to heaven, thinking of this, he knelt down to Nezha again.

Facing Nezha, he respectfully said: "God, I will go back to heaven with you this little one. I hope God can say a few kind words in front of the Jade Emperor, and spare my life. I am grateful!"

Nezha said: "Monster! Don't gossiping, come back to heaven with me now!"

The ghost master was still kneeling on the ground, and suddenly his body began to be surrounded by clouds and mist.

The ghost fog gathered more and more, and finally the figure of the ghost master could not be seen clearly.

Nezha angrily pointed at Yinfengya with a sharp spear in the air, and shouted loudly: "Monster, how dare you use an axe in front of the third prince, I'm afraid you are impatient?"

While speaking, the tip of the fire-pointed gun emitted a cold light.Shoot directly at the top of Yinfeng Cliff.

After a loud bang, the ghost master fell directly from the Yinfeng Cliff to the ground.

At this time, Huntian Ling was tightly trapped on his body, and the ghost master didn't even have any room to struggle.

The third prince pointed at the ghost master with a pointed spear, and you have to take him away.

Ye Yang rushed over suddenly, knelt down on the ground, and kowtowed three times to the Third Prince Nezha.

Then he said: "Nezha God, walk slowly, I have a request, I hope God can agree to me!"

Nezha looked at Ye Yang and said, "You are human, why did you appear in this haunted den?"

Ye Yang hurriedly bowed and said: "This ghost master has done a lot of evil, he has already arrested several of my friends!

Almost all of them were rescued by me, but there was one person among them that I couldn't rescue!
I also hope that God Nezha will make the decision for the little one and help me find that friend. I am very grateful! "

Nezha frowned and said, "You mean your friend is trapped in Yinfeng Mountain, but you can't find his hiding place, is that so?"

Ye Yang hurriedly nodded and said yes!

Na Zha pointed at the ghost master who was trapped by Huntian Ling with a pointed gun in his hand.

Loudly said: "Have you trapped this human friend, let's talk about where he was trapped by you!"

The ghost master hurriedly said: "God, his friend should be the one with the unicorn tattoo. He is trapped on the top of the Yinfeng Cliff right now!"

Third Prince Nezha said: "Then why are you still standing there? Let him go!"

The ghost master hesitated for a moment, and finally gave orders to the little ghosts under him.

How did he know that these ghosts under his command did not obey his orders at all.

At this moment, all the little devils were lying on the ground with their heads down, but they didn't dare to move.

Third Prince Nezha said: "Quickly release this human being to me, what are you little devils still doing here?"

A few little ghosts ran to the top of Yinfeng Cliff after hearing the third prince's order.

Brother Fang came out of an ancient cave on the top of Yinfeng Cliff.

At this moment, the little brother's whole body was stiff, and he walked towards the crowd with a blank expression.

Nezha saw what was wrong with the little brother at the first glance, and hurriedly asked Ye Yang, "Is this friend of yours a zombie?"

Ye Yang hastily waved his hands and said: "God, my friend was originally a human, but now he has become a zombie!
This is all a conspiracy by this ghost master, God, you can't spare this person! "

Nezha frowned, and asked the ghost chief interrogator: "You evil, you have done a lot of evil! You should have been punished long ago!

Now you have turned a good human being into a zombie, I want to know what your intentions are? "

The ghost master kowtowed and said, "Third prince, I am also forced to do nothing!

I used to be an official in the underworld, but it's a pity that the King of Hades doesn't allow me to be in the underworld!
Later, I escaped from the underworld and established my own ghost land in Yinfeng Mountain!
But the King of Hades never let me go, so we have been fighting all these years!

The little ones naturally know that only when their own abilities improve can they not be bullied by others!

So Xiao Xiao had no choice but to practice his own magic skills.

As long as your magic power reaches a certain level, you will never be afraid of Hades again!

In fact, it was not my intention to turn human beings into zombies!
The main purpose of turning humans into zombies is to use these zombies to protect me! "

Nezha said: "Master, I don't have the heart to listen to your random explanations here. I just want to ask you how to change this human being back to its original form!"

The ghost master didn't dare to speak anymore, and hurriedly lowered his head.

Because of this question he can't answer, turning humans into zombies.

Even turning zombies into humans is impossible for this ghost master.

Third Prince Nezha thought for a while, and finally made a decision:

"Since you, the ghost master, can't turn a zombie into a human, then you have to take this human to heaven!

The Gods in the Heavenly Court are relatively powerful, and maybe they will be able to save this human being! "

Ye Yang was taken aback, before he could recover, Nezha had already left with the ghost master and brother.

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