Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 121 Ye Yang's Gambling

This phenomenon lasted only a few minutes.

Then suddenly disappeared.

Ye Yang opened his eyes amidst the confusion.

But everything around seemed to be calm again.

Those Yin soldiers that I summoned earlier are also missing now.

It should be that seeing the ghost soldiers here disappeared, these ghost soldiers also went back.

Ye Yang began to look for the younger brother, Fatty and others.

But there was no trace of them, and at this moment the ghost old lady had disappeared.

Ye Yang is now very worried about the safety of his little brother Fatty and others.

But I don't know how to find them.

It's already late at night, and I don't know if there are still ghosts in the ghost market.

Now I can only go back to the ghost city and ask the ghosts in the ghost city about the whereabouts of my brother and others.

Ye Yang returned to the ghost city as quickly as possible without further delay.

Sure enough, the ghost market should have started at night.

Maybe when the sky is about to dawn, the ghost market will be disbanded.

Ye Yang came to the place where Fatty gambled before.

Sure enough, I saw 4 ghosts still gambling there.

Ye Yang is so anxious now that he can't care so much anymore.

He came directly to the four ghosts and said, "Brother ghost, I want to ask you something.

Are there any other ghost markets in our ghost market for 4 weeks? "

Those 4 ghosts were playing poker when Ye Yang came to ask them suddenly.

They all showed displeasure on their faces.

One of the ghosts said: "Don't you see that we are busy?

I have no time to talk to you! "

Ye Yang was extremely anxious now, and pleaded again hastily: "Brother ghosts, to tell you the truth, some of my friends are lost.

I'm afraid it was hijacked by the ghost organization nearby.

So I beg you ghost brothers, can you do me a favor.

Just tell me where there is another ghost market around here, or a large ghost organization! "

One of the ghosts glanced at Ye Yang, and said impatiently:

"It's okay to tell you, but..."

As he spoke, he stretched out a hand.

What he meant was obvious, that is, ghost coins that can only be used by ghosts.

Ye Yang immediately understood what he meant.

But I only have renminbi on my body, where can I find Mingbi?

At this moment, I saw 4 ghosts gambling here.

He said directly: "How about I bet with you a few times?"

One of the ghosts said: "Aren't you in a hurry? Why do you still have the time to bet with us?"

Ye Yang said: "I gambled with you to ask about your affairs."

The ghosts looked at each other, remembering that there was a fat man who gambled with everyone just now.

At this moment, another handsome guy came. It looks like there are quite a lot of people coming from other places to gamble today.

The poker that these 4 ghosts play is still 414.

Ye Yang actually doesn't know much about poker.

But he can rely on his discerning eyes to see through the back of the playing cards.

Look at the front of each playing card clearly, although the playing cards held by these ghosts are facing away from each other.

But Ye Yang could clearly see every card in their hands.

This is powerful, and it is almost the same as playing poker on the bright side.

These ghosts, how did they know that Ye Yang knew the magic eye?

In less than half an hour, these ghosts blushed from defeat!
These 4 ghosts looked at each other in blank dismay, today is so unlucky.

Previously, a fat man won everyone's surprise.

Later, the three ghosts partnered to beat him.

But now I met this handsome young guy.

Even if the three ghosts are in one place, they can't beat him.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer ghost coins in each ghost.

The ghosts suddenly thought that Ye Yang wanted to ask them about something.

Know that the money you lose will come back to you.

Just stop here, I don't want to play with Ye Yang anymore.

A ghost said, "I said, don't you have something to ask us?

Now you can ask, the money in your hand is enough to ask us! "

Ye Yang waited for so long, and what he was waiting for was this sentence.

Ye Yang weighed the coins in his hand and said:

"As long as you are true and answer my questions, these ghost coins will be yours!"

Those ghosts hurriedly nodded and said: "Okay, okay, if you have anything to say, just ask.

We will answer you truthfully! "

Ye Yang said: "I just want to find out if there is a big ghost organization nearby.

Have you ever heard that there is a person called Ghost Lord here! "

Several ghosts looked at each other, their expressions seemed to be a little scared.

A ghost quietly said: "We can tell you about this ghost master, but the matter is very important!

We told you, but you can't tell our words to other ghosts!

If you really leak the news, our lives will be lost! "

Ye Yang nodded, thinking that this ghost master is really powerful.

There should be many people in this ghost city who know about the ghost master.

These greedy ghosts, if not greedy for money.

If you want to ask other ghosts, it's really hard enough to ask.

One of the ghosts asked Ye Yang to sit down.

And the four ghosts also sat down together.

One of the ghosts said: "Today we will tell you everything we need to say.

This ghost master is the most powerful ghost in our ghost city.

I heard that the King of Hell in the underworld has nothing to do with him!
There is a ghost envoy under this ghost lord, I heard that his Yin-Yang Banner is very powerful.

Even if Lord Yan sent troops, he would not pay attention to it!
Here in our place is the King of Hell.

We are often bullied by him, and we dare not speak out!

Recently, I heard that the ghost master is practicing some kind of kung fu, which needs to absorb the youth's yin energy.

It is the yin energy of a little girl in the world of yang, and now I don't know if this yin energy has been gathered?

If his yin energy is enough, then he may be able to practice even more powerful magic skills!
At that time, I am afraid that the Underworld will really have nothing to do with him! "

Ye Yang nodded, and said: "I have heard about this ghost master, but it's not as clear as what you said!"

The ghost said proudly: "If you ask me, you are right, no ghost in this ghost city dares to talk to me like that.

Let me tell you, this ghost master has not only such powerful people as ghost messengers under his command.

The most important thing is that this ghost master has countless ghost soldiers under his command!

These ghost soldiers are brave and good at fighting, not comparable to our ordinary ghosts!

I don't know one thing now, you want to inquire about the ghost lord so much, do you go to the ghost lord to save your friend by yourself? "

Ye Yang nodded and said: "I also know that the ghost master is powerful, but my friend's life is at stake.

I can't just watch them die under the hands of the ghost master, so I don't care about the mountains of swords and seas of fire.

I must save my friend! "

The ghost held out a thumbs up.

"You are a good ghost, very loyal!
But your loyalty alone is not enough. If you go deep into a ghost army alone, you will definitely become the dead soul of this ghost master's subordinates.

I advise you to think twice! "

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