While the master and servant were talking, the sound of someone talking came from the villa downstairs.

The woman said excitedly: "The foreign experts have arrived, this time the young lady is really saved."

President Xu was also very excited, and greeted Ye Yang and the others.

So he went downstairs to meet the foreign expert himself.

President Xu and the others went to the villa at the same time while they were talking.

President Xu said to the servant: "How is Miss now?"

The woman said: "Miss was ill just now, it seems that she should be sleeping now!

I'm going to have a look..."

President Xu said: "You don't need to look at it, just use the wheelchair to push the young lady out!
Let this foreign expert take a look! "

The woman agreed, turned and walked away.

In less than a while, a little girl about ten years old was pushed out from the other side of this floor.

The little girl seemed to be asleep, and her face was flushed.

It seemed that he had just cried.

The woman pushed the little girl here.

Only then did the foreign experts hastily stretch out their hands to take the pulse.

Give the little girl the pulse for a long time.

Asked in unproficient Chinese:

"Does your lady have a high fever all the time?"

The woman nodded hastily and said, "There must be two or three high fevers a day.

Every time I have a high fever, I cry very hard, the kind that can't be coaxed well! "

The foreign expert gently patted the little girl's eyelids.

Then he said: "Normally, if you have a high fever, you should take two antipyretics and you should go away!"

The woman said: "Young lady's high fever is very strange, the fever won't go away after the injection, and it's the kind that gets worse with the injection.

On the contrary, if you don't get an injection, the effect will be much stronger than the injection! "

The old foreign expert pondered for a while.

Then he turned around and took out the specially made foreign medicine from his medical kit.

It must have been the kind of muscle injections given to children.

President Xu couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with this child who keeps having a high fever? And when he gets sick, he will cry very loudly."

The foreign expert said: "It may be your country's medicine, and it may not be effective for these special fevers!
I can assure you that our country's pharmaceuticals are absolutely top-notch!

Just give the young lady an injection of a small bottle, and the high fever of the young lady will subside immediately!
Don't worry, everyone, the medicine will cure the disease. "

President Xu nodded reassuringly.

The foreign expert took out another needle and a syringe.

After mixing the potion, he said to the woman: "When this potion is injected into her body, she will feel very painful!
You must protect her well, and don't let him act aggressively! "

The woman kept nodding her head in agreement.

At this moment, it has come to the side of the little girl.

President Xu said: "Let me do it!"

The woman nodded hurriedly, and quietly stepped aside.

Watching silently.

But Ye Yang, brother and others did not expect the little girl's high fever to be so severe.

Domestic doctors can't cure it, so can foreign doctors cure it?

Is this the reason why monks from afar know how to chant scriptures?
At this time, the foreign doctor motioned President Xu to hold down the little girl.

To prevent the little girl from suddenly waking up during the injection.

This will affect the injection medicine.

According to the foreign doctor's instructions, President Xu held the little girl tightly in his arms.

Who knows, at this moment, the little girl suddenly woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her father hugging her.

At first I didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly, I saw the needle in the foreign doctor's hand.

Suddenly there was a strange cry, and he burst into tears.

No matter how much President Xu coaxed him, it was useless.

The more you coax her, the more noisy she becomes.

The foreign doctor hurriedly asked President Xu to hug his daughter.

Quickly injected a shot of medicine into the little girl.

Then he said confidently: "The medicine I injected will take effect in 5 minutes.

I think within 10 minutes, the little girl's fever can be completely subsided! "

Everyone looked at the current time to see if it would be like what the foreign expert said in 10 minutes.
Will this little girl have a fever?

After the injection, the little girl became even more violent.

No matter what method President Xu uses to coax him, the more he coaxes him, the more he will cry.

And his face became more and more red, which was caused by a high fever.

The little girl glared at the foreign doctor, as if she wanted to eat the foreign doctor.

Time passed by every minute and every second, although it was only 10 minutes.

It's like a century has passed.

During these 10 minutes, the little girl's crying never stopped.

Wait for everyone to wait for 10 minutes.

I thought the little girl's fever would subside soon, but how could I know that the little girl's fever is getting worse at this moment.

Even the crying was a little vague.

President Xu panicked at this moment.

The Chinese doctor next to him hurried over.

Going to probe the little girl's forehead, how did you know that the little girl's forehead was burning with high temperature!
It's hot right now.

The Chinese doctor hurriedly turned to the foreign doctor and said, "You said that the little girl's fever will subside in 10 minutes.

But now it seems that his fever has not subsided, on the contrary it has increased!

What is going on here? "

The foreign expert kept waving his hands and said, "Impossible, impossible!

My medicine will reduce the fever 10% after 100 minutes!

Why don't we wait, maybe in a few minutes, her fever will really subside! "

President Xu is holding his daughter at this moment, feeling the heat from her body.

Burning his own body, he couldn't help asking worriedly: "Doctor, this is too strange.

When I held my daughter just now, his body temperature was not so high.

But now I feel that the temperature of her body is getting higher and higher, and I am afraid that he will continue to burn like this.

Will it burn her body down? "

At this moment, Ye Yang, brother and others also surrounded him.

Seeing that the little girl's face was getting redder and redder, and now she was starting to twitch.

Looking at the situation like this, it seems that life is in danger immediately.

The foreign doctor was also a little scared at the moment.

He hurriedly put his hand on the little girl's forehead.

I found that the little girl's fever did not subside, on the contrary, it got higher and higher.

He withdrew his hands and stayed there, observing the little girl.

But I couldn't figure out what was going on.

The fat man saw that the little girl had a high fever, so he grabbed the foreign doctor.

He said sharply: "Quack doctor, you are a quack doctor, everyone said that your country's medicine is powerful, why hasn't his fever subsided yet?
You give me a reasonable explanation. "

The foreign doctor was suddenly grabbed by the fat man and lifted up.

At this moment, I was so frightened that the dead souls all took off.

He hesitated for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

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