Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 103 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

The fat man thought about it, judging from the racing car just now.

The driving skills of these people are simply too ordinary.

It's pretty easy to beat them.

Wu Xie grabbed the corner of the fat man's clothes.

He reminded: "Fatty, I always feel that there is something wrong with these racers. They won't be cheating, right?"

The fat man smiled and said: "Wu Xie, you think too much, they are all rich second generations.

The family is very rich, and the 1000 million is nothing to them.

But the 1000 million is different for us, their driving skills are obviously not as good as mine!

Don't worry, let's see how I win this 1000 million! "

At the same time as he said this, the fat man also showed a look of complacency.

But Wu Xie was still a little uneasy.

He said again: "Fatty, I think 1000 million is a bit much, how about 500 million?"

The fat man said impatiently: "Wu Xie cares too much about you, so don't worry, just wait and see.

See how I won the 1000 million, just sit by my side and count the money for me! "

After Wu Xie persuaded the fat man twice to no avail, he could only let nature take its course.

But at this moment because of the relatively high stakes.

This time there were only three contestants.

These three players still count the fat man.

That is, the two young men who ran ahead at the beginning.

Among them is a yellow hair.

And for the lottery of this 1000 million car race.

It also attracted many racers to watch.

Everyone clear the track.

The yellow hair whistled to the fat man.

The expression on his face was very natural, with a little smug look, as if he was in a normal game.

The fatty looked at the expressions of the two young men and hesitated for a moment.

But I immediately thought of the driving skills of these two people in the last competition.

The anxiety I had just now disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the three cars have parked on the starting line at the same time.

As soon as the flag fell, the fat man couldn't wait to rush out.

I didn't expect the fat man to be number one this time.

And the two cars followed Fatty's rear.

The two young men couldn't stop screaming and shouting.

The fat man is now in the first place, which has also given him a lot of confidence.

As long as these few corners are completed, then the 1000 million lottery will be in hand.

The fat man is already smug.

And this result was a bit beyond Wu Xie's budget.

He really didn't expect that these two young people didn't surpass Fatty.

Does that mean that the fat man won the first place, and the 1000 million will be obtained?
And at this moment, the yellow hair behind said loudly: "Hurry up, fat man, I feel that your speed is not too fast!"

And another person also said loudly: "Fatty, be careful, I might overtake you at this turn."

While talking, the two young men laughed.

Wu Xie heard the contemptuous words of these two young people.

But now the fat man is still number one.

The fat man also laughed loudly and said: "If you want to beat me, what's the use of talking, you have the ability to directly surpass me!"

The two young men stopped talking, because they were approaching a turning intersection ahead.

Fatty's driving skills are still good, and he has been pressing the two young people forward.

While observing the turning intersection ahead, he was also observing the situation of the two cars behind through the rearview mirror.

But where do you know, it's just at the turn of the intersection.

The yellow hair suddenly stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

Even accelerating in the curve, only the sound of friction between the tires and the ground can be heard.

Even at this bend, he directly threw the fat man behind.

The fat man kept trying to suppress the yellow hair behind him, but he didn't dare to speed up because of the curve.

It has even slowed down when turning, and only in this way can it pass through the bend safely.

But what I didn't expect was that Huang Mao accelerated at the bend.

Although his car is not the fastest speed, it is at such a speed in a corner.

It's already very fast, the fat man has been trying to suppress the yellow hair.

But at this turning intersection, Huang Mao ruthlessly overtook him.

The fat man was a little anxious this time.

Almost kicked the gas pedal to the bottom.

But it is getting farther and farther away from the yellow hair in front.

And the young man behind the fat man.

He also yelled: "Fatty, are you convinced or not, let's see how I surpass you!"

So at the next turn, the fat man could only watch helplessly as the young man behind him overtook him.

Only now did the fat man realize the insidiousness of these young people.

For the first time, they deliberately lost to the fat man, just to let the fat man increase the chances of racing.

This way they can earn more racing prizes.

Fatty couldn't stand the temptation, and was finally deceived by these young people.

But now it's too late to regret.

Fatty can only chase desperately at the fastest speed.

Two 10 minutes away, soon to the end.

The fat man was naturally the last one.

The yellow-haired man reached the finish line first and saw the fat man's car approaching.

He smiled and said: "Fatty's driving skills are still not good, you need to practice more!"

The fat man kicked the car door, got out of the car, and said angrily:
"I didn't expect the two of you to play tricks with Fat Master!"

The yellow hair still smiled and said: "Don't care if we are some kind of trick, I am willing to bet and admit defeat!

Transfer 1000 million to me now! "

The fat man pointed at the two young men and hesitated for a long time: ""

The yellow hair stood on tiptoe and raised its head proudly.

"I said fat man, you don't know how to play tricks, do you?

I want you to transfer the money, did you hear that? "

Fatty was very annoyed when he lost this race.

Loudly said: "You two fucking boys are pretending to be Fatty, aren't you?

How about we have another car race, and let you two boys be convinced! "

The yellow hair and the young man suddenly laughed.

Huang Mao said: "As long as you have money, I will accompany you, but now you must transfer the 1000 million to my card!"

The fat man said: "Okay! Okay...I'll transfer the money to you now!
But don't forget about our next game! "

At this moment, many people gathered behind the two young men.

The fat man rolled his eyes.

"Let me tell you guys, look at the two of us, we won't run away without giving you money!

Besides, with so many of you, we can't run even if we want to!

Let's play again. If I lose this game again, I will transfer the money to you. What do you think? "

The yellow hair and the people behind him looked at Fatty and Wu Xie.

Several people discussed it.

These people thought that Fatty and Wu Xie had no chance of escaping.

Because this racetrack is almost all their people.

Once again, this fat man will definitely lose.

Now that the money has been delivered to the door, they can't refuse it.

Thinking of this, Huangmao said loudly: "Okay, let's have another match.

If you dare to play tricks, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of this racetrack! "

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