"Is it alive?"


Yin Qingfeng and Qin Lao were taken aback.

Then his complexion changed drastically.

Unheard of!

They didn't even react.

Yin Qingfeng was still immersed in the shock of the sudden fall of the yellow cloth just now.

The contents of the box have already been appraised by the most authoritative experts.

With Mr. Qin's face, there will be no one who will not help him.

But even so,

The unanimous identification results given by others are: metal dust.

As for what metal it is.

Qin Lao only knew that it was copper.

But he didn't expect that all the most advanced machines in Longguo could not analyze the origin of this box of powder.

A while ago,
Mr. Qin was going to attend the forum next door, but when he was passing by the outskirts of Kyoto.

Elder Qin accidentally caught a glimpse of a person lying in the field.

When he rushed over, the man was out of breath.

Half of his body was buried in the soil.

Obviously, he was tortured with great violence during his lifetime.

Mr. Qin wanted to report the crime, but who knows, he just took out his mobile phone and found out.

There is no signal around.

Mr. Qin hung around for a long time, and finally dialed the phone.

^_^ However, look at the corpse again.

The body was strangely missing.

Old Qin panicked.

"What exactly is going on."

However, the pits on the ground still exist.

Mr. Qin searched for a long time but failed.

But found himself dizzy.

faint nausea symptoms,
There was even a hint of hallucination.

"There is a problem, there is a problem with the magnetic field here,"

Afterwards, Elder Qin asked the driver to get off the car,

Take out several boxes that are commonly used in the trunk to store artifacts and documents.

Put all the soil near the ground into it,
Wait until you get back to the lab.

Scientists from several colleges were also at a loss.

In the end, he told Mr. Qin that it was just a pile of dirt.

However, Elder Qin didn't believe it at all.

Intuition told him that the underground world he pursued all his life.

A corner has been revealed.

This is his chance!
"Continue to check."

Elder Qin said, as a result, unintentionally, a colleague brought soil into the radiation room.

Prescribed a set of high-intensity resonances for it.

This is where the miracle happens.

Metal dust that is so fine that it cannot be found is extracted.

Looking for the world of mortals.

All the famous masters around Kyoto have already consulted,
Qin is always disappointed.

Let alone metal.

Those people didn't even see the powder,
But Hongchen's sentence is indeed unprecedented.


Old Qin was fooled, and so was Yin Qingfeng,

On the way Yin Qingfeng came, he heard Mr. Qin say something.

Nor is she some superhuman with special skills.

The powder is already dubious,

The empty box is in the eye.

"Is this box alive?"

Yin Qingfeng's eyes were full of shock and confusion.

But Hong Chen's expression told him that this thing must not be safe!

"Hongchen, what do you think?"

Hong Chen swallowed and smeared.

There was an ominous premonition in my heart.

"Bronze powder..."


"This is bronze?!" Elder Qin was greatly shocked.

Hastily took out the files in the package and started to compare.

"Bronze... It's right! It's right!"



"Yes, yes!"

Elder Qin's joy was beyond words.

All four of them could tell that the old man had met with great joy.

Finding a wife is probably not so happy.

"Radiation! This is extremely strong radiation!"

If it wasn't for the radiation, Elder Qin's dizziness at that time, how to explain the hallucinations.

If it's something radioactive, that's easy to explain.

"Volatility, shock..."

Hong Chen said this sentence.

Qin Lao lowered his head instantly, looked at the value of the resonance line on the file,
“Far above par!”

There is nothing wrong, Hongchen is right.

"Old Qin..."

"What's wrong? Brother Hong? What's wrong?"

Elder Qin asked anxiously.

The footsteps also subconsciously moved towards the door.

Fearing that something might go wrong with Hong Chen, he was about to turn around and leave,

"Old Qin, tell the truth, I believe you."

"What the hell is in here?"

Hongchen looks serious, Mr. Qin was taken aback,

Mr. Qin pushed his glasses, and his expression instantly became serious...

"I have done countless experiments... I still haven't figured out what's inside..."

Elder Qin was also very ashamed, and wanted to ask Hong Chen for advice, but who knew that Hong Chen could only see the amount of information at a glance.

It is more comprehensive than the conclusions drawn from dozens of experiments,
If I had known that he dug out the soil, I would have brought Wu Sanju directly.
Elder Qin felt that he had wasted his time.

"To be honest..."

Hong Chen paused.

"Don't check any further."

Old Qin: "What?"

Hong Chen: "The things inside are alive."


Qin Lao didn't have time to be shocked, his brain was running through every metal substance that could move.

However, within his knowledge base, nothing was found in the end.

"How did little brother Hong see it?"

"It's inconvenient to disclose this." The matter of the five-clawed golden dragon's pupil strength, except for Wang Zanghai, who has already been locked up.

Hong Chen didn't want the third person to know at all.

"But Mr. Qin, you have to trust me and stop as soon as possible."

"This thing has too much radiation. If it is kept close to the body for a long time, I don't know what kind of damage it will cause to the human body."

Elder Qin nodded slightly. Obviously, Hong Chen's words didn't move him.

However, what Hong Chen said was not unreasonable.

Mr. Qin has reached his current status, and being open-minded and sincere is his most powerful quality.
He's not someone who doesn't listen to advice.

And Hongchen already has a decision in his heart,
Bronze, too radiant,

can counteract the psychic powers,

has a will of its own.

Isn't this the Bronze Sacred Tree?

The mysterious giant tree of the Qinling Mountains is buried deep in the ground,

The memories of the previous life told him.

This secret, which is not inferior to the giant bronze gate, is about to surface.

The huge sacred tree, the winding pagoda road...

Giant snakes entrenched in the ground, man-eating ants...

"Hey, what should come will always come..."

"" I will take strict care of the things in the box. "

Mr. Qin was deep in thought, and said seriously.

"But I still don't understand, how do you know the clue of this thing?"

Old Qin asked.

Yin Qingfeng was also very curious.

There is obviously nothing in this box!
Although she stood for a long time, she quietly felt some physical discomfort.

But hypoglycemia can also be a symptom of this.


Living thing?

Yin Qingfeng listened to the old and the young talking,

Everyone is not well...

"In my opinion, how about putting this box in the safe of our Crescent Hotel?"

Crescent Hotel has the most stable cultural relics protection measures in Longguo.

It is not unreasonable for Yin Qingfeng to say so,
"I'm going to trouble you again this time."

"Teacher, what do you say?"

The two played politely.

Naturally, Hong Chen's attention never moved away from the box.

He always felt a sense of familiarity.

But can't tell what it is...

"Boy, do you want me to remind you something?"

Wang Zanghai is carried by the world of mortals,

At this moment when he spoke suddenly, Hong Chen was also taken aback.

"You let me out, and I will tell you the secrets in this box."


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