"The tomb under the sea?"

Wu Xie had never heard Wu Sanxing mention such a place.

"Why do you..."

Wu Xie hasn't asked yet.

I saw Aning took out a document from his arms and showed it to Wu Xie.

What was printed on the paper was a snake plum copper fish.

"How do you have this thing?"

Wu Xie was surprised.

With so much going on, he's sure now!

As long as it gets in contact with the snake, plum and copper fish, even if it is participating in the auction, something big will happen!
This thing is a thunder!
"Why doesn't Third Uncle discuss it with us..."

Wu Xie rubbed his head.

He probably guessed what Wu Sanxing was doing this time.

"Don't be shocked." Aning said lightly.

"My boss has a lot of things that you can't think of. This time the clue is provided by him."

"Two of our search and rescue ships have gone missing. If it wasn't a last resort, I wouldn't come looking for you."

"What's the use of looking for me?"

Wu Xie glanced at Aning.

"I haven't heard of that underwater tomb, and I don't know what happened."

"Wu Sanxing said before leaving that if there is a problem, go to Wu Sanju to find Wu Xie."

Aning said with certainty.

Now it was Wu Xie's turn to be helpless.

He is just a small shopkeeper.

The ups and downs of life have just begun.

How did you take on such a heavy burden...

"and this."

As he spoke, Ah Ning took out another piece of paper from behind the document.

"He said to show you this and you will understand."

Aning's second piece of paper is a line diagram marked with black lines vertically and horizontally.

It looks like a scribble directly.

But this time!
Wu Xie was shocked!
This is the pattern of the third snake plum copper fish!

He is very clear,

This picture can definitely be perfectly spliced ​​with the dragon veins on his computer.

Because there are several very critical contextual routes.

It was exactly the same as Hong Chen's label at the time!
"Come with me!"

Wu Xie grabbed Ah Ning's arm and led her to the inner courtyard.

"Let me introduce you, Hong Chen, my partner."

"In addition to the fat man just now, there is also a Poker Bottle who is not here now..."

"At present, Wu Sanju is just a few of us."

"A Ning?"

Wu Xie took the document and walked forward on his own.

He didn't notice Aning's reaction at all.

He didn't even look up to see Aning's eyes.

"Did I tell you not to let me see you again?"

Hong Chen spoke lightly.

When Ah Ning got off the train, Hong Chen paid attention.

When she arrived outside Wu Sanju's gate, Hong Chen had already guessed the general idea.


Aning's reaction to Hongchen was not surprising at all.

at this time.

Ah Ning, who was following Wu Xie's buttocks, went limp.

The painful memories left on the train half a day ago are still lingering in my heart.

The abdominal pain didn't even go away.

Along the way, Aning had already endured to come to Wu Sanju.

But at this time, I saw the world of mortals!
She wants to die...

"No, I, not..."

Ah Ning couldn't speak clearly, she didn't dare to look Hong Chen directly in the eyes.

He lowered his head slightly, and stepped back while stuttering.

"What's the matter, Miss Aning?"

Seeing Ah Ning's strange reaction, Wu Xie was also taken aback.

"Could it be that Xiaoqian frightened her?"

His legs were trembling, his eyes were wandering, and he couldn't help but feel distracted.

This is obviously possessed by ghosts!

"Miss Aning, are you bewitched?"

"Don't worry, Hongchen is the natural enemy of ghosts! Don't move, I'll let him take a look for you!"

"No! I'm fine, I'm fine, don't bother me!"

Seeing that Ah Ning reacted so strangely, Wu Xie was also puzzled.

Then he looked at Hongchen.

He asked with his lips, "You two know each other?"

Hongchen spread his hands paralyzed, "I don't know."

"That's weird..."

Wu Xiezheng was puzzled, and Hongchen stepped forward.

Whispered something in Aning's ear.

"Do what you should do, one more nonsense will bury you here."

"it is good."

Aning replied tremblingly.

She couldn't figure out why this great god was here.

The moment I saw Hong Chen.

She had already been defeated by the desperate fear in her heart.

This is also the strength of Hongchen.

A hit on the train.

Ah Ning is still fresh in my memory!

Hong Chen's speed, accuracy, and explosive power have all been brought to the extreme,
Only the strength of that blow.

Instantly dissipated when he first came into contact with Aning's body.

Let the impact circle around the skin and superficial muscles without going deep inside.

This resulted in a harmless blow.

To achieve this, it is almost impossible to do the above-mentioned exercises without decades of effort.

This is a combination of rigidity and softness, and the way of both strength and speed.

Even Er Yuehong didn't master it.

This is the benefit of super experience potions!

Pulling up the attribute value is the kingly way.

Look beyond the surface.

He is tossing about in the world of mortals casually, and the foundation of ordinary people is protecting him dozens of times, and he will not overturn if he does any physical skills!

And this kind of technical attack is also in Hong Chen's plan.

Meet this lawless wanton enemy.

Breaking his body is not as good as breaking her mind.

Tenacity wandered on Aning's body.

It can be said that there is no difference between the long-term tearing and severe pain and the torture.

First use extremely high speed to destroy the enemy's first psychological defense line.

Let it be confused while maintaining its long-term pain.

As time goes by, Hongchen's figure becomes more and more profound in Aning's heart.

And the shadow caused by the world of mortals is always lingering.

Over time, it will naturally evolve into a demon.

And Aning is going crazy.

She was a member of the mercenaries.

Not afraid of death on the battlefield.

After working for Jude Kao, he has always maintained an indifferent attitude.

Be an emotionless killer.

The behavior on the train can also be seen.

Aning was trained to disregard the code of conduct for the sake of efficiency.

But it was all ruined by that kick.

Scared, scared.

After Ah Ning saw the world of mortals, his mind was full of deadly thoughts.

This also made Hong Chen very embarrassed.

I originally wanted Aning to steal some information after she became distracted.

Who knew that Ah Ning was thinking of countless ways to escape from Wu Sanju at this time...

She has lost her mind.

Aning didn't think of it herself.

After she received the task, she didn't take Wu Xie seriously at all.

Even Wu Sanxing, Aning didn't believe that he could bring out the treasure from the underwater tomb.

Therefore, when she came to Hangzhou this time, she didn't want to discuss it at all.

Her plan was to rush into Wu Sanju, tie up Wu Xie, and take her directly to Xisha.

It's just a tool man, what do you want Resby.

But all this is different now.

Hong Chen disrupted all her thoughts and actions.

She wants to kidnap Wu Xie?

How can it be!

I'm afraid her head has already been inserted into the ground of Wu Sanju before she makes a move.

She didn't want to experience that heart-piercing pain again!
"Wu Xie, the equipment has been packed, let's go now, and we can go to sea tomorrow."

"it is good."

After Wu Xie agreed, he silently looked at Fatty Hongchen.

In all fairness, he didn't want to involve other people in this matter.

There are still treasures to be found in Lu Palace.

But this time it was his Wu family's private matter.

Wu Sanxing was in trouble, and he didn't want to hurt others.

"Just right, things haven't been packed yet, let's go."

The fat man smiled happily.

"Why are you hesitating? Naive, Hongchen, you bring the picture, I'll call my brother~"

Hong Chen nodded, and also made an OK gesture to Wu Xie.

"Old rules, quick fixes, pack things up."

"it is good!"

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