Tomb Raider: At the beginning, she became the Queen Mother of the West raising her boyfriend in the

Chapter 21 Entering the main tomb, seeing the blood corpse for the first time

"Keep your pockets on your back, don't lose your baby."

Hong Chen exhorted.

Wu Xie was very helpless, the heavy pocket, not to mention the weight, almost caught up with half of his body in light volume.

It is difficult for him to carry it alone.

Hongchen patted Wu Xie on the shoulder and said eloquently:
"Look, if I carry this bag on my back, how can I protect you when I meet some female ghost Zongzi, right?"

Wu Xie shuddered: "Isn't there no female ghost?"

"Then who's right?" Hong Chen smiled.

"Don't worry, after we go up, we'll get fifty-five points, it's interesting enough."

"Okay, don't hesitate, let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Hong Chen strode forward and walked deep into the corridor.

Wu Xie followed behind with his pocket on his back.

If others see it, they will only sigh.

"Is this still the little third master of Wu Sanju who calls the wind and rain?"

Wu Xie: "How did it become like this?"

The two went deep.

Along the way, there are some gold and silver artifacts scattered around the corridor.

If you collect them all, it is not a small sum.

Hong Chen is not interested in these little things.

Wu Xie asked if he wanted to pick it up along the way, but it was a matter of little effort anyway.

Hong Chen said to let him go.

Wu Xie couldn't understand Hongchen's operation more and more.

But Hongchen is very measured in everything.

This made Wu Xie unable to question.


Hong Chen stopped suddenly.

At this time, the two have not come to an end.

The sudden stop made Wu Xie uneasy.

Guess if there is any danger ahead.

Hong Chen waved his hand to signal him to be at ease.

Then he casually picked up a piece of gold on the ground.

Ding ding knocked on the wall.

After confirmation.

The wind was blowing from the soles of Hongchen's feet, and he flew up to the wall, disappearing without a trace above.

In the tunnel at this time, there was only the sound of Wu Xie's own breathing, and there were no other sounds.

Wu Xie was stunned on the spot.

"Fuck... How can I keep up with this..."

Before Wu Xie opened his mouth to complain.

A rope dangled from the dark roof above.

The rope swayed three times and twice, which was the code word of the team, signaling to keep up as soon as possible.

Wu Xie tied the pocket to the bottom of the rope.

He climbed up first, and then pulled the treasure up.

It turns out that there is a hole in the tunnel.

Wu Xie climbed to the top only to find a dark robbery hole.

The rope just extends out of the hole.

"It turns out that this is the real way."

Following the rope, Wu Xie stepped on the wall to support his body.

Climb to the hole step by step.

As soon as he came out, he saw Hong Chen standing by the cave and looking out.

This hole was punched on the edge of a cliff tens of meters high.

The two stood by the hole.

In front of you is a towering giant tree.

Wu Xie was surprised.

Could this be the evil thing in the rumors—the hydra cypress!
Wu Xie's brain quickly searched for the shapes and characteristics in memory.

He is sure that this is the Hydra cypress unmistakable.

look further down.

There are two jade coffins lying flat on the root of the snake cypress.

"The tomb of King Lu Shang! We are here!"

Wu Xie just exclaimed.

Hong Chen over there quickly waved his hand to signal Wu Xie to be quiet.

Then there was a "boom".

The cliff face shook violently.

This swaying Wu Xie almost fell.

Fortunately, the tied dragon rope was shot in time.

Silently, he helped Wu Xie stabilize his body.

After standing firmly, Wu Xie waved to Hong Chen to thank him.

Hong Chen nodded, pointed down, and signaled Wu Xie to look down.

Look along Hong Chen's fingertips.

Finally, Wu Xie also found that guy!

A scorched rice dumpling was punching the wall below Wu Xiezheng.

There were bursts of dark red pus and blood between the carrion of the rice dumplings.

It must be the blood corpse!
Wu Xie swallowed, not daring to make a sound.

After a while, seeing that there was no sound, Zongzi left the wall and returned to stand beside the two jade coffins.

The two on the cliff communicated in sign language.

"Where are the others?"

"I don't know, but I found your third uncle."

Wu Xie's pupils dilated slightly, and his expression suddenly became anxious.

"My third uncle?! Where is he?"

Now I finally came to the main tomb.

The powerful blood corpse is below, and Wu Xie is worried about Wu Sanxing's safety.

Nervous emotions will inevitably affect body movements.

Although there was little movement, it still attracted the attention of the blood corpse.

The blood corpse turned around instantly.

Ding Wu Xie's direction.

Hong Chen waved his hand to signal Wu Xie not to panic.

After Wu Xie calmed down, Hong Chen pointed to the jade coffin at the root of the tree.

He briefly gestured in sign language: "Wu Sanxing is lying in the coffin on the left. He is still alive. It is not easy to go down."

Wu Xie was surprised, what should I do!
On the cliff tens of meters high, the blood corpse would notice the slightest movement.

The jade coffin was only a few meters away from the blood corpse.

Now Wu Sanxing is very dangerous!

Wu Xie looked eager to try.

It seemed that the next moment he was going to jump and fight to the death with that blood corpse.

Hong Chen shook his head.

"Look at the blood corpse, it's obviously guarding the two coffins. Your third uncle is safer than us right now."

Wu Xie looked at it, and it seemed to be true.

"So what can we do now?"



"Wait until the fox can't help himself and come out."

Only then did Wu Xie react.

He only considered Wu Sanxing's safety.

The most important thing is completely ignored.

How did Wu Sanxing get into the coffin!
Let the blood corpse rise from the coffin, and then lock Wu Sanxing in the coffin.

In the end, he retreated completely, and the structure appeared in the current situation.

This is not what ordinary people do.

I'm afraid it's the group who dug a hole in front of the beast gate.

Wu Xie thought.

Now there are blood corpses, the Wu family team, and mysterious people in the main tomb.

The situation is indeed not optimistic...

And the younger brother Panzi Fatty has not appeared yet.

Wu Xie couldn't help worrying.

At this moment, Hong Chen was staring at the roots of the snake cypress.

Soul power's perception of the strong Yin Qi told him.

There are extremely powerful evil things buried under the roots of the snake cypress tree.

And the general order in his arms was also chilling at this moment.

"Ghost seal!"

Hong Chen secretly set his attention.

Only one of the seven seals of the Warring States Period, Lu Shang Wang Guixi, can emit such a strong yin energy.

Back then, King Lu Shang used this object to dispatch Yin soldiers, and he was invincible in all battles.

The top fetish is right in front of you!

As for this blood corpse.

Hong Chen didn't take it seriously.

No matter how strong the zongzi is, it is still a zongzi in essence.

The thousand-year-old female ghost has been subdued, so are you afraid that this little blood corpse will fail?
Hongchen waited patiently for the mysterious man to appear.

After a while, there was a huge bang!
"finally come!"

Hong Chen saw the right moment and was about to make a move.

"Look, follow Fat Master to prepare wrongly, the baby is here..."

"Fuck! Blood corpse!"

The scene in front of him made Hong Chen dumbfounded.

I thought that the mysterious forces behind Chen Miao finally took action.

Who knew this was a way to open the way with explosives.

It was actually written by Fatty Wang.

Fatty walked in front, Pan Zi followed, and Xiaoqian was protecting them.

It turned out that the fat man held an improvised detonator in his hand.

The flamboyant and Pan Zi showed off their abilities.

The main tomb was found after a light blow.

Who knew their position was at the bottom.

As soon as he got out of the hole, the fat man stared at the blood corpse.

In an instant, there were tears in my eyes.

"You fat man is so lucky! Damn it! Run!" After saying that, the fat man turned around and ran away.

But Pan Zi behind him didn't know the situation in the main tomb at all.

As he walked forward, he collided with the fat man who turned back.

After the blood corpse heard the explosion, it immediately found two strong men.

"Roar!" After a cry, the blood corpse found the intruder.

It exploded instantly!

He rushed towards the fat man.

"Bodhisattva save me!"

The fat man closed his eyes, clasped his hands together and waited for a miracle.

"not good."

See the situation is not good.

The wind was blowing under Hong Chen's feet, and he stepped on the rock wall and flew towards the blood corpse.

The fat man who was desperate on the verge of life and death last second.

In the next moment, he was taken aback for a moment, and then surprised.

"Hey, is this the Bodhisattva empress, she looks too handsome..."

"Bodhisattva, you are tall, the third master is lying in the jade coffin! Go!"

Hong Chen's movements were extremely fast, and the blood corpse that he pressed with just one finger couldn't move.

Fatty and Pan Zi were shocked when they heard this.

Then he rushed towards the jade coffin.

"Fuck! Third master!"

Looking at Wu Sanxing in the coffin, Pan Zi almost cried.

"Third Master, why did you become a rice dumpling! Third Master!"

"Woo! Woo!"

A low cry came from the coffin.

The two opened the coffin, only to find Wu Sanxing who was tied up.

At this moment, he was twisting and calling for help in the coffin, making a whining sound.

"Quick, save the third master."

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