"Ding! Your mysterious girlfriend used a special growth potion for you..."


Spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Choking Hong Chen sat up.

at this time.

Underground Qinling Mountains,

Hong Chen, Wu Xie, and Lao Oxygen are surrounding the quaint bronze trunk.

Observe from which direction to go down.

According to Hong Chen's inference,
Although the orientation here is relatively slope.


Follow the grain of the trunk down.

Even if it's just a branch, you can still find the trunk of the bronze sacred tree along the lines.

The only problem now is.

Estimated by driving distance here.

Red Dust is sure,

It is at least two kilometers away from the place where Lao Yang originally planned to dive.

"What a big tree, what a big game."

Hong Chen looked stern.

This is just a small branch of the Bronze God Tree.

Based on these two points, it is really impossible to estimate how many magic caves affected by radiation there are underground in the Qinling Mountains.

can only say,
The area of ​​influence of this terrifying giant tree has a diameter of at least two kilometers.

The farmhouse where Hongchen Wu Xie lives is also within this range.

And, there is a high probability that it is the only family within these two kilometers.

Hong Chen suddenly got goosebumps.

Could it be that they have fallen into a terrible situation since they lived in the farmhouse.

"One force breaks all laws, so what if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire?"

Hong Chen thought,

He already felt that his physique had once again experienced a qualitative leap.

A frightening pure physical energy swam in Hong Chen's blood.

Until it covered all the meridians and blood vessels of the whole body.

"Ding! Your defense value increased: 2."

"Current defense value: 5+2"

Hear the system prompts.

Hong Chen was taken aback.

"Then isn't my defense higher than my speed?"

Hands deep in the world of mortals,

He squeezed his white palm.

A pair of slender hands did not look like a mature Tufuzi who had gone through three huge tombs.

And the two more prominent slender fingers.

Vibrating with Yingying energy.

"Dig it."

Hong Chen pointed at the root of the branch.

Said lightly.

Wu Xie and Lao Yang were taken aback.


how to dig...

The whole body of this tomb is a rock wall.

What do you use to dig?

Chisel, axe?
Wu Xie has already conceived the way to go on in his mind.

Looking at the thickness of the branches,
Wu Xie also roughly understands.

The bronze branches in front of them.

It is likely to be just a small section of the top branch of the bronze sacred tree.


Even this thickness is much thicker than the small section in the old oxygen pocket.

How should this be done.

"No way, just bite the bullet."

As Wu Xie said, he was going to get the Luoyang shovel.

"what are you doing?"

"what are you doing?"

Hongchen and Laoyang asked this question at the same time.

Wu Xie was confused again, "Didn't you say digging?"

Wu Xie looked at the two suspiciously.

"Look at this place, is it Luoyang who dug it with a shovel?"

Oxygen was speechless.

He knew very well how far it was from the trunk of the Bronze Divine Tree.

One shovel by one shovel dug through.

They couldn't see the end until they starved to death.

The sudden coma just now left Lao Yang with lingering fears.

He observed Hong Chen, and it was obvious that the facts were definitely not explained by Hong Chen's understatement.

"something wrong."

Old Oxygen thought.

But he couldn't directly melt his body and become one with the divine tree.


directly down the stem.

With the ability of the old oxygen, it can reach the main torso in less than half a minute.

Standing in front of the altar of Eclipse Nine Yins.

Now is obviously not the time to reveal your identity.

Old Oxygen looked at the world of mortals,

He was sure that Hongchen must have a way to quickly descend to the roots of the sacred tree.

And the world of mortals.

Hong Chen wanted to take the Nine Foot Sword and chop it down with a single blow.

Most of the destructive power of the Nine Foot Sword is direct,
As long as you control the strength,
Hong Chen felt that he could cut out a tunnel for the three of them to dive into.


This is all what was said before,

In Hongchen's hand now, he is holding one that is neither big nor small, just the size of a palm.

The shape is irregular.

Yellow green black gray blue...

A variety of colors flicker, even in the tomb, its light is not covered by anything,

Or in other words, its radiance will not be covered by any substance.

This is the natural light born from the inside out after devouring countless metal ores,

This is Wang Shi.

"Pinning Gold" lay quietly in Hong Chen's hands.


The nine-foot sword held in the other hand.

After the sudden appearance of pin gold, he became more and more restless.

"Is this fear? Or... craving?"

Through the system, Hongchen learned about the terrifying characteristics of pin gold.

But the Nine Foot Sword is a kind of spiritual sword intent after all,

Hong Chen is also not sure what kind of wonderful "chemical reaction" the combination of the two will produce.

"Then try it."

Hong Chen put his hands behind his back.

Pressing Wang Shi's "Pinning Gold" on the Jiuchi Sword,


Lao Yang saw Hong Chen with his hands behind his back.

Realized that Hong Chen had started to act.

However, he couldn't see through the world of mortals.

The strength of the branches of the sacred tree was not enough for Lao Yang to spy on Hong Chen's back.

Hong Chen's body was like an indestructible wall.

Completely cut off Lao Oxygen's little thoughts,
But in fact.

Hong Chen didn't care about these at all.

He could feel that a shocking change was taking place behind him.

Pin Jin was nibbling away at the nine-foot sword.


The sword's edge is nine feet long, and it is invincible.

Could it be that the sword body can be broken if it is damaged?

The meaning of the nine-foot sword is the best!
Even if you don't have a sword in your hand and you have the world in your heart, your palm is the blade and your hand is the sword.

Split the sea and cut the wind and clouds at every turn.

The damage to the sword body did not affect the dominance of the Nine Foot Sword Intent at all!

A powerful force of conquest exploded behind Hong Chen.

Instantly filled the entire tomb.

Both Wu Xie and Lao Yang were shocked.

They don't know what happened.

But how can the fear in my heart be said to disappear.

"what happened?!"

Old Oxygen stared at the world of mortals,

Pupils are wide open like an earthquake!


How could Hongchen care about these things.

He is holding a nine-foot sword in his hand.


Only then did he truly understand the horror of selling gold.

The pin gold nibbled away at the nine-foot sword,

When devouring, it passed Hong Chen's hands.

Hong Chen's skin clearly felt that the sword in his hand was changing.

Even more heavy.

more mysterious,
Hong Chen didn't look back.

He knew that the change behind him was one of natural change.

If you turn back at this time.

caught in the laws of nature.

I'm afraid my whole life will be stuck here.

Like Wang Zanghai, he has become a monster who has to pursue the truth in the world despite his life.

This is not what he wants.

The world of mortals only needs one mountain, one river and one pair of people.

Hong Chen wanted to live an ordinary life.

But the sales gold refused.

If Hong Chen looked back, he would find that terrible change.

The nine-foot long sword has been transformed into.

Black gray blue yellow green orange...

A sword of many colors.

The whole body of the sword was swallowed by gold!
The blade of the sword has completely become gold! ! !

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