The ghost seal emits a green light.

It was just early morning.

The sun has just risen, and the blue and white genius has just shone.

But at this time, the sky and the earth are dark in the Chaos Stone Ridge.

The pure black yin energy of Guixi swallowed up the white mist in an instant.

Both Wu Xie and Lao Yang were taken aback.

"This is, the ghost world..."

Wu Xie once saw Hong Chen open the ghost world.

However, the battle last time was no more than one-tenth of this time.


Old Oxygen was dumbfounded.

"This is a recruiter!"

"No wonder they don't panic..."

Only then did Lao Yang understand why he heard the word Yin Bing,
Wu Xie didn't respond at all.

"The ghost seal has already been fused by him..."

Despair once again appeared on Lao Oxygen's face.

I thought that the Yin soldiers would become a hindrance to the two of them, but who knew that Cheng Yaojin's three axes would stay here.

It's fine if the effect of Yin soldiers is not displayed.

What made Lao Yang even more desperate was the next scene,
Black air swept away.

Two teams of gray and white Yin soldiers.

Instantly stood in the ghost world.

The sudden change made them stop.

at this time.

Ghost soldiers with dozens of people on each side sandwiched the three of them.

Hongchen holds the ghost seal.

Black air swept across, and pitch-black Yin soldiers emerged from the ghost world one by one.

them now.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are Hongchen's personal guards.

The pitch-black Yin soldiers ride on horses.

Facing the gray and white ghost soldiers.

Although there are only a dozen people.

But this momentum is really frightening.

"This... this is a Yin soldier."

Old Oxygen was taken aback.
Although he was transformed from a bronze branch, Lao Yang's memories of his lifetime were completely preserved by him.

No one knows better than him how terrifying this gray and white Yin soldier is.

Yet now.

Dozens of white Yin soldiers faced seven cavalry in black armor holding various swords and weapons.

For a moment, he seemed so weak, pitiful and helpless.

The white ghost soldiers are extremely obvious in the black ghost world.

The iron cavalry of the world of mortals treads on horseshoes,

Oxygen was disturbed by the shocking sound.

The physical body is a little close to collapse.


Lao Yang glanced at Wu Xie from the corner of his eye, but found that Wu Xie didn't respond.

Just like a "normal person".


Oxygen was dumbfounded.

Could Wu Xie, an ordinary person, be stronger than him?

However, the big game is on the other side.

Follow Hongchen to give orders.

The black ghost rider started to move.

Stepping into the black air step by step, there were billowing ripples.

And the gray-white Yin soldiers also began to charge forward.

The two armies advanced.

Compared to the white dead souls under the old tree.

The pace of the black knight is particularly stable and resolute.

The white Yin soldiers are still accelerating.

at last!

They hit it.

"Even if you have Yin soldiers, so what, the little seven can turn the sky up?"


There are dozens of white Yin soldiers, anyone can have this illusion.


this time.

Old Oxygen loses everything...

The moment the short soldiers met, the white Yin soldiers began to collapse...

They swung their knives forward and slashed at the cavalry.


The black cavalry moved forward without moving.

None of the seven school lieutenants drew a knife,

The war horse just took a step forward and trampled down the white Yin soldiers head-on.

one, two, three...

The white soul composed of countless yin qi dissipated.

until the last one disappears.

The black cavalry had never struck a sword.

It seems that to deal with this kind of enemy, it is a little redundant to step forward with iron shoes.

at last.

The ghost world dissipated.

Hongchen took back the ghost seal.

Looking at the sunny day, breathing in the fresh air.

"That's the way it is..."

Hong Chen smiled slightly,
Didn't say anything.

Hong Chen even overestimated the strength of these Yin soldiers.

"You know it's better to let Xiaoqian work... Trouble..."

On the ghost sailing boat, Wu Xie was driven unconscious by the strong Yin Qi.

But this time.

What he saw was real.

"This is the ghost seal of King Lu Shang, borrowed by the Yin soldiers..."

Wu Xie couldn't say anything in shock.

The ghost soldiers dissipated in front of him.

And in Wu Xie's eyes.

A puff of black air was also activated,
The gloomy aura of the ghost world forcibly penetrated Wu Xie's confinement.

Wu Xie is one step closer to awakening his soul power.

And Lao Yang, who was at the side, had a very grim expression at the moment.

He saw the ghost world.

I saw the Yin soldiers who had forced him to flee in a hurry and escaped from death were crushed.

"This unscientific……"

Oxygen fell into despair,
Now he has to keep calm.

He is a normal person, it is impossible for him to see supernatural things like the ghost world.

He wants to pretend.

But how could he cover up the shock inside him.

The current old oxygen can be said to be extremely uncomfortable.

"Red Dust!"

Old Oxygen gritted his teeth and thought.

"Why, why do you have to spoil my good deed!"

Though I think so.

But when he turned his head, Lao Yang had another innocent smiling face who didn't know what had happened.

"What happened just now, I seem to have seen a ghost..."

"It's not like, we really met a ghost..."

Wu Xie swallowed and replied.

"It's just a kid, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Hong Chen patted Wu Xie's face.

Let him cheer up.

"The third master of the Wu family is not afraid of zongzi, but are you afraid of these brats?"

Wu Xie shook his head.

The scene in front of me just now is too weird, it doesn't make any sense to keep struggling.
After confirming that Lao Yang was fine, he took the lead in walking towards the black cave entrance.

Old Oxygen’s inner ps: I’m fine...can I be fine!


Through the Rock Ridge.

A dark, deep hole was revealed in front of several people.

Old Oxygen didn't look good.

Wu Xie only thought he was frightened.

Taking advantage of the situation, he carried the old oxygen's luggage on his back.

Let him rest for a while.

Hongchen took out the searchlight and shone into the cave.

It was pitch black, and there was still water shining out.

Hong Chen casually picked out a stone.

Throw it towards the water.

With a "plop", the stone fell into the water.

Hong Chen had probably guessed it.

"A deep underground river."

Hong Chen said.

When Wu Xie heard this, he put his luggage aside for the time being.

The food and some equipment in the bag should not get wet.


Wu Xie only took out a folding pole and slowly stretched it into the water.

"So deep!"

Wu Xie exclaimed.

The water actually has a depth of 1.4 meters five.

And this puddle is still a slope.

That is,

The further you go, the deeper the water becomes.

It is very likely that when you reach the innermost part, your whole body will be soaked in the water, which is no different from swimming.

"Old oxygen, how did you get there before..."

Wu Xie asked.

"There wasn't that much water back then."

Seeing the dark water, Lao Yang was also puzzled.

Did the water level rise so fast in eight years?
"Come on, the water level won't rise much,"

As Old Oxygen said, he was the first to pulse out.

Wu Xie picked up his bag and followed closely behind.


Mishaps happened.

"The water is deep, be careful."

It is Hong Chen who speaks.

Red dust is in the water on the right,
After taking two steps, I feel empty under my feet.

Almost fell into the water.

The water was only about one meter at the beginning, and it became precipitously deep within two steps, and it was impossible to step on the ground.

"There is a trap,"

Hongchen is certain that there must be something waiting for them ahead.

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