With Qin Jun holding the heavy treasure, the surrounding scene became quite different, and strange clouds and land appeared.

The statues of ghosts and gods loomed all around, as if they came alive at any time.

"Rakshahai City!"

Qin Jun was surprised, and his blood became hot immediately.

Back to the familiar place again!
So if you can find that stone gate, you can also find the subordinates you want to find!

Qin Jun looked expectantly and said: "Follow me, I have only been to this place a while ago, and I can find what you want to find."

Qin Jun took his brother Zhang Qiling and set off, avoiding the terrifying layout of ghost statues, passing through the Rakshasa illusion, and half an hour later, he came to the final Qingwu illusion.

In front of Qin Jun, Qin Jun saw a strange fog from a distance.

"That's where the stone gate is!"

Qin Jun cheered up all of a sudden, and walked over quickly.

Qin Jun rushed into the fog.

"Hey, why is Shimen gone?"

Qin Jun jumped into the air, there were originally three stone steps in the mist, and there was a mysterious stone door on the third stone steps.

But now it's all gone.

Qin Jun couldn't help asking solemnly: "System, I took away the meteorite copper from the sky, has it destroyed the appearance of Shimen?"

The system sweetly answered, "Don't worry, the host, after the host's mystification, the world node of Qingwu Ultimate Secret Dead has been stabilized, and will no longer be affected by the meteorite copper."

"After system detection, this portal was affected by the fake host behind it, and it will be opened again tonight."

Will open just fine!

Qin Jun heaved a sigh of relief, and reminded the little brother: "The door will only appear at a certain time and at a certain place, and the time should be almost here."

The little brother Zhang Qiling remained silent, staring at the eerie mist in the middle.

This eerie mist is weird, and it has exceeded the red line of danger warning in his heart.

While Qin Jun and the two waited quietly and nervously, the fog suddenly surged in front of them.


Qin Jun said nervously, took out the bronze sacred tree, and held it tightly in his hand, the little brother Zhang Qiling also became cautious in an instant.

As the two watched nervously, a stone door appeared in front of them.

Full of mysterious symbols and textures.


The stone gate vibrated slightly, and opened calmly in Qin Jun's wide-open eyes, and a gap of one person's width appeared, emitting black, red and white lights all over the sky.

Qin Jun's eyes were shocked instantly.

"There are really Yin soldiers passing through the Shimen, I didn't see it last time."

Qin Jun saw a corner of it clearly, his heart trembled uncontrollably, he was greatly stimulated by the strange scene inside, and his cells became crisp.

It feels very exciting, this is indeed the world of tomb robbers!

"This is……"

At this moment, even the little brother Zhang Qiling was moved.

Seeing the psychedelic scene in front of him, the little brother Zhang Qiling was in a trance.

It seems to have seen the ultimate secret behind the bronze door recorded in the secret room of the Zhang family's ancient building.

The ultimate secret of the meteorite copper behind the giant bronze gate is firmly guarded by the Zhang family in the northeast, and a corner of the ultimate secret of the meteorite copper outside Changsha City has been opened for him.

Brother Zhang Qiling said in a deep voice: "The living people stop, I will go in."

This is related to the protection of the Zhang family for generations, and Zhang Qiling wants to go in to explore the situation.

"This treasure is for you. Be careful. If you encounter a powerful monster wearing a jade robe, withdraw immediately."

Qin Jun solemnly handed out the bronze sacred tree to remind the younger brother.

Similar to the giant bronze gate, to enter this gate, one must not only have a specific time and place, but also possess a specific treasure.

Qin Jun remembered that only special treasures such as ghost seals could enter.

The little brother Zhang Qiling hesitated for a moment, then silently took the bronze sacred tree from Qin Jun's hand.

This trip was dangerous, and he felt the threat of death.

At this moment, under the intense gaze of Qin Jun, the little brother Zhang Qiling held a Yin Talisman tightly, stepped into the stone gate, and his figure disappeared in the light.

Qin Jun held the bronze sacred tree to resist the weird power behind the stone gate, and waited patiently for about 10 minutes.

There was a series of hurried footsteps behind Shimen.

Qin Jun stood up suddenly, secretly vigilant.

Ten seconds later, Qin Jun saw a dark shadow looming in the psychedelic light behind Shimen.

The black shadow staggered and fled towards Shimen.

Under Qin Jun's vigilance, the black shadow ran out of the stone gate, fell to the ground, and dropped the bronze sacred tree from his hand.

"Brother is injured?"

Qin Jun was surprised, and quickly squatted down to check the other party's injuries.

The little brother Zhang Qiling was in very bad condition. His whole body was icy to the bone, his lips were black and purple, and his eyes were closed tightly in pain.

"Cough cough."

Zhang Qiling coughed violently twice, and a smear of thick and colorful blood gushed out.

Qin Jun was very surprised, the little brother Zhang Qiling was so strong that he was injured inside, what happened to him?

Zhang Qiling closed his eyes tightly, and said in pain: "It's extremely dangerous inside, I saw another you, go, go quickly..."

"See me again?"

Qin Jun was surprised, that powerful dirty thing really didn't die.

"Do not be afraid."

Qin Jun said solemnly, and drew out the ancient black gold knife.

"Dump Dump"

A series of terrifying footsteps sounded from behind Shimen, it was the unknown thing chasing and killing the little brother, Qin Jun had no time to leave.

In the next second, Qin Jun was stunned.

Qin Jun looked around in astonishment, and saw his favorite thing that he had been thinking about day and night.

"It's the four gold-threaded jade-clothed blood corpse kings."

"My men!"

Qin Jun's heart instantly became extremely excited.

The four kings of the 3000-year-old gold-threaded jade-clothed blood corpse king quickly chased and killed Zhang Qiling, with eight men behind him.

They are the elder brothers and companions of young masters.

They were stained with unclean things and were lured into the stone gate. They were all turned into horrible ghosts and died.

The four gold-threaded jade-clothed blood corpse kings are two meters tall, tall and big, and they growl angrily.

Qin Jun stood upright, and shouted softly towards the stone gate: "Stop, I am your master."

Ten meters ahead, the four kings of gold-haired jade-clothed blood corpses pursued swiftly and approached Qin Jun three meters in an instant. After chasing them, they slowed down step by step.

In the next second, the four tall figures shook violently, and all of them stopped at once.

The four bloody corpses in gold-threaded jade clothes stood dumbly and looked out of the stone gate, as if in a daze.

Why is there another master outside the stone gate?
That absolutely handsome face coincides with the fragmented memory in the impression, so I can't remember it wrong.

"Inside the stone gate, they have weak sanity!"

Qin Jun was greatly surprised, and calmly said loudly: "I am the real one. You have been deceived by others, and something has turned into my appearance."

A Yin thing rushed out of the stone gate, trying to kill Qin Jun.


A tall blood corpse moved suddenly, its right arm swept and smashed out, and the hammer flew 20 meters away.

"You are fake, I am real."

A human-like horrifying cry suddenly came from behind the stone gate.

Behind the four tall and tall gold-threaded jade-clad blood corpses, another "Qin Jun" appeared.

The other party was cracked all over, and there were more than 20 fine cracks on his facial features, which had been disassembled and put together again, in an attempt to abduct Qin Jun's men again.

The four kings in gold-threaded jade clothes and the blood corpse king stood there foolishly.

Their heads turned towards the other Qin Jun, and then towards the real Qin Jun outside the stone gate.

"Looks like they're really confused."

Qin Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The blood corpses were inherently terrifying, but the four elders looked very tall and mighty, casting terrifying shadows, making them even more bloody and terrifying.

But now he's in a daze, a little dumbfounded.

Qin Jun quickly took out the R-rank Blood Corpse Token, and quickly contracted four unconscious blood corpse kings.

Then throw out a complete rare 3000-year blood corpse king inner alchemy.

The blood corpse inner alchemy flew into the stone gate and fell into the hands of the strongest blood corpse king in the front.

The stone door began to close slowly.

Qin Jun saw that the inner alchemy turned into a ball of light and disappeared into the mouth of the blood corpse king, and was digested by the blood corpse king.

Behind Shimen, a terrifying aura quietly rose.

"You are mine now."

With a smile in his eyes, Qin Jun took back the four major subordinates, feeling really refreshed!

Qin Jun held the Blood Corpse Token in his hand, and could vaguely feel the connection with the four blood corpse kings, allowing them to experience and become stronger behind the stone gate.

As the stone gate slowly closed, Qin Jun only caught a glimpse of another "Qin Jun" with an ugly smile on his face, and kept backing away.

The four blood corpse kings were cheated of their feelings, turned their heads to look at "it", seemed very upset...


The stone gate was completely closed, leaving behind the imaginative suspense of the war.

Outside the stone gate, brother Zhang Qiling stared blankly.

"This is bloody hell."

His eyes went dark, and he couldn't bear the injury and passed out.

(I am especially grateful for the love letter from the book friend "Silver Fox" last night and for her continuous support! I am especially grateful for the love letter from the book friend "The Final Color"! I am especially grateful for the precious reminder given by the book friend "Fu Jianling who loves spinach and chicken soup" today More! Special thanks to the book friend "Pei Yuan who loves asparagus steak" for the two love letters! Special thanks to the three book friends "Bai Yang Yingyue", "Wen Gongzi who loves egg dumplings" and "Steamed green bean noodles" Thank you very much for the praise gift of "Dong Dan"! I am also very grateful to the five book friends Bai Yingyue, Nine Nine Dragons Flying Dragon, Amaru, Pingzai is the most sappy, and user 3 for their small gifts.)

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