Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 87 Lao Jiu's visit, the disgraced Patriarch Huo

Early in the morning, Huo Jie's two families acted in unison, with a strong desire to invite the mysterious master.

Huo Jinxi, the Patriarch of the Huo Family, got up and said with a smile, "Xiao Cui, has the housekeeper prepared any presents? I'm visiting a young master today. It would be best for our Huo Family to invite you to be our guest."

Outside the door, Xiao Cui replied energetically, "The housekeeper is ready, and the best purple ginseng is here!"

"it is good."

Huo Jinxi responded, and then said: "Come and help me get dressed."


Xiaocui opened the door and came in to put on small clothes and big clothes for the Patriarch.

"Patriarch, who are we visiting today?"

"Hehe, he is a young expert. The sixth masters call him Lord Qin. He is really amazing this time. He saved everyone by himself."

"Ah, his surname is also Qin?" Xiao Cui was puzzled.

"What's also surnamed Qin?"

"Oh, didn't you tell the Patriarch about that good-looking boy a few days ago, and his surname is also Qin."

"Ha ha."

Huo Jinxi couldn't help laughing, and said: "Things like ghost cars entering the city are three-thirds true and seven-point false, which cannot be verified. The 'Master Qin' we visited today is brave and resourceful, and he is a very capable man. You don't know him The real ability is not comparable to a little guy who solves some ghost cars."

Half an hour later, Huo Jinxi put on a beautiful cheongsam, she walked out with the beautiful Xiao Cui and the housekeeper, and stepped into the car.

The Huo family car drove slowly, and set off to visit the mysterious and young master.

At the same time, Xie Jiuye from the other side also set off, full of energy.

I really look forward to being able to win over that young mysterious master.

The mysterious master really existed, and it was said that he was born as a hero, which became a new focus of Changsha's Jiumen characters.

On the other side, the fourth master of Jiumen came ashore and sneered: "Hehe, a hero is born as a boy, isn't it? I have been working on the Changsha Waterway for half my life, dominating the Xiangjiang River, and I have never seen a real hero come out as a boy. According to the legend, since the other party has done two things in a row, I will go and see what he is capable of, and I have lost a team, so I have to ask him clearly."

"Hehe, it's all blown up to the sky!"

"Let's see how mysterious he is. At the age of 20, who is not a peerless beauty?"

A while ago, the water locust was almost sent to the tomb of blood corpses, and was so angry that it jumped.

Now I want to know who the hell dared to cheat him.

Now there is even a loss of troops, but the other party is indifferent, which makes him very unhappy.

In the Li family compound, half of Li pushed his wheelchair out.

"That's all, I'm very quiet and want to move. I heard Steward Li's words are amazing, so I, Master Li, will stop by to have a look when I go out for a stroll, and draw him over."

"My third master is still famous, and it would be a waste of talents for Huo Jie and his family to win him over."

Half of Li, as the top three of the Nine Schools, is very arrogant in his bones, and he is determined to win that young master.

The only remaining old dog Wu was frightened and hid at home and closed the door tightly when he heard that the man went to the tomb to get some amazing treasures.

I specially bought several pure black dogs to guard the yard to ward off evil spirits.

There was a battle between heaven and man in his heart, and finally he took the pure black dog and gritted his teeth and went out.

But instead of going to the Qin Academy, he went to Qi Tiezui and Heibei Lao Liu to inquire about some news.

He has always been rigorous in his work, fearful, bold assumptions, and careful verification.

Early in the morning, the heads of the old Nine Sects were moved by Qin Jun, and Qin Jun practiced the Junlin sword technique and the Luomu sword technique diligently, practicing martial arts every day.

Little progress is made every day, Qin Jun is very happy, and goes out of the house to buy things to supplement nutrition.

on the street.

Qin Jun bought two meat buns from the bag seller, brought a golden roast chicken, and went home with ten bags of pure milk.

A well-maintained silver Republic of China car drove on the street.

Inside the car, the maid next to her suddenly pulled her arm hard.

Xiaocui of the Huo family was very excited, and said in a mosquito voice: "Patriarch, that's him, that's him!... Qin Jun~~~"

Huo Jinxi looked surprised: such a good-looking boy, no wonder.

The car stopped, the windows rolled down.

Huo Jinxi inside showed a hint of arrogance on her cheeks, and said with a faint smile, "Hello little brother, I am Huo Jinxi, the head of the Huo family. Little brother, you are not married. I can introduce you to a marriage."

Hey, so your Huo family also want to find a super son-in-law?
Qin Jun refused frankly: "No need!"

Huo Jinxi smiled lightly and drove away.

She believed that this was a youthful character. It is not easy to marry a daughter-in-law these days, and it is even more difficult to climb a high branch. It only takes a little bit of social beating, and he will be happy.

I'm just afraid that her face will hurt later...

Next to him, another car drove by, which aroused the curiosity of the people.

The owner of the car looked at Qin Jun and drove into the big alley ahead.

Xie Jiu also left, left...

Qin Jun suddenly showed a strange expression: "Xie Jiuye?"

Good fellow, the Second Patriarch Huo Jie drove towards my yard so graciously, are you here to win over me, Qin Jun? I'm right here!
Qin Jun went up with the buns, roast chicken and pure milk, walked calmly into the big alley, and walked to the gate of the courtyard.

"We'll wait for Sixth Master's recommendation."

Huo Jie's family parked at the front door, waiting patiently for the black-backed sixth child.

"That's outrageous."

Qin Jun is funny, Patriarch Huo and Patriarch Xie are both well-known elders of Changsha, one of the most famous celebrities, and now they even visit him but don't recognize him, making such a low-level fool.

They're serious, but funny.

Blame myself for being young, too deceptive.

Qin Jun smiled and calmly stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

Huo Butler had an extraordinary bearing, and said indifferently: "Visit a master."

Master Xie Jiu looked sideways, couldn't help but be moved, and said: "Seeing that this little brother looks gorgeous, is it the one who was rumored to solve the ghost car entering the city?"

Qin Jun said calmly: "Yes, why are you knocking on my door?"

Qin Jun stepped forward and opened the door, smiling as he watched Huo Jinxi reconcile Lao Jiu.

"your home?"

Huo Jinxi and Xie Laojiu's eyes were astonished, and said: "This is not the home of the young master who attracted the people in the city, and he came back from the mine, don't you..."

The two patriarchs looked at Qin Jun's figure in surprise, looked at him, and the next second...

The face is wonderful!

Huo Jinxi reconciled Lao Jiu with a very surprised expression on his face, and opened his mouth slightly, fluttering in the wind for a while.

Who did we miss just now?

Xie Laojiu smiled angrily, cupped his hands and said: "It really is a hero born a boy, Mr. Qin is so young and deserves his reputation, this time it is my Laojiu who is blind."

Xie Laojiu looked sideways at Patriarch Huo who did not speak.

Facing the smiling Qin Jun, Huo Jinxi's face was slightly red, and his mouth opened again and again.

The slap in the face came so fast that she was caught off guard.

She thought about just now that she wanted to recruit someone to be her son-in-law, and she still treated him with a little arrogance, wanting him to be beaten by the society first?
It's so embarrassing to face this young rightful lord now.

"My patriarch is ashamed..."

At this moment, Huo Jinxi wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in and calm his mind. As the head of the family, he had never been so humiliated.

Huo Jinxi said calmly, "It's a big joke, I hope Lord Qin doesn't mind."

The Patriarch Huo was a little confused, Qin Jun couldn't help laughing and said: "It's okay, Qiniang, Master Jiu, everyone come in and sit down."

As for the Huo family Xiaocui and other followers behind, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

The little head is empty.

(Special thanks to the book friend "user 94088467" for the precious gift of the blade! Special thanks to the book friend "Gu Renyu of Tianlu Mountain" for the two love letters and three precious gifts! Special thanks to the book friend "Koga Manyo who likes cold plums" Thank you very much for the precious gifts! I am also very grateful to the two book friends 2, Xun Xunzina for the three small gifts. I am also very grateful to the book friends Yanyun, Liu Wufeng who likes bad women, Muzi Lebao, and the golden monkey Xiao Ba, Zha Tianbang ↓ Yan Liang, the little fist stone of Dongsheng Imperial City, and a small gift from the positive big yellow duck.)

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