Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 6 Shocking Buddha Zhang Qishan

"It's just my Qin Jun's appearance and abilities are too good."

Qin Jun walked on the street and muttered.

In the aspect of temperament, the sun can't hide the charm of Qin Jun. Zhang Qishan and the others are shocking.

Qin Jun received the system reminder and looked around.

Only then did I see two young officers standing in front of the street stall.

The young man on the left is about 26 and seven years old, with a majestic face.

Qin Jun couldn't help secretly praising: "The temperament is really good, he must be Zhang Qishan, the legendary Buddha master of Changsha Nine Gates."

Changsha Nine Gates refers to the nine powerful tomb robber families in Changsha.

After the victory in the defense of Changsha City, his reputation once reached its peak, and he was called the Admiral of the Nine Gates.

Qin Jun clearly remembered the description in the movie:

"Everyone knows Changsha's nine admirals, and everyone in the eight lines."

"These big families of tomb robbers are very powerful, covering all links of cultural relics smuggling, and almost all the artifacts and antiques flowing out of Changsha must pass through one of them."

"When doing business in Changsha City, you can only choose one of the nine major forces, and there is no other way to go."

In Qin Jun's memory, Changsha's Nine Clans are very powerful, and the nine patriarchs are all powerful.

At this moment, the Changsha defense battle has not yet started, and Zhang Qishan is already the leader of the Nine Gates.

It is enough to see how powerful Zhang Qishan is.

On the other hand, Zhang Qishan was also the anti-Japanese defense officer of Changsha City. He had the highest reputation among the people and loved the people very much. He was honored as Master Zhang Buddha.

Young, stable and strong.

The calm and handsome image in the film and television even fascinated his little fans.

At this time, the real Zhang Qishan stood watching Qin Jun from a distance. He had a very good temperament, similar to the one in the film and television drama, only slightly less outstanding than Qin Jun.

"The appearance of Zhang Qishan means that it is a familiar plot, which is the most enjoyable."

Qin Jun smiled secretly, seeing the big characters in the plot was in a good mood.

When Zhang Qishan appeared, Qin Jun immediately confirmed that this was the familiar plot of the old nine gates. He could live a more leisurely life and gain great benefits in advance to become stronger.

It can also be shot in advance to prevent some tragic tragedies from happening.


"Get out, get out."

A group of unexpected guests emerged from the crowd.

They were very strong, and they stood in front of Qin Jun with big three and five thick ones.

The person is not good!
Qin Jun was too outstanding, and his entry into the city attracted attention from all directions, and these people from all walks of life immediately focused on Qin Jun, wanting to find out his truth.

If he is weak, eat him.

The boss has a wide waist and a fat head, and the two horizontal flesh on his face are trembling.

He walked closer, looked Qin Jun up and down with scrutiny, and asked teasingly, "Hey boy, where are you from, do you dare to run around before weaning?"

The other party spat viciously at Qin Jun's feet, and laughed loudly: "Don't show off your little face, Changsha City doesn't eat this, haha, the hair is not all grown, go home and eat milk!"

Qin Jun smiled, stepped forward and slapped the boss's fat face.

You are only breastfeeding, and your whole family is breastfeeding.


The leader was whipped and spun three times, screamed in pain and fell backwards.

The other six men rushed up fiercely with fists clenched.

Qin Jun did not retreat but advanced, stepping on the nine-secret gifted unicorn, he moved forward and rushed towards them, his body was as light as a flying swallow, and he was as light as a frightened bird.

His fists exploded with divine power, his figure swept across the crowd, and he punched six men in the stomach with six punches.

"bang bang bang"

The six men flew out sideways and upside down.

"What's the situation, I'm not dazzled."

"Oh my god, he should be only sixteen or seventeen years old. A child is so good at beating up six grown men?"

"He's so strong, and his skills are amazing!"

There was an uproar in the street, the men were shocked, and the women exclaimed.

Qin Jun's arms seemed to have great power, and his white fists blasted six brave men away, causing people on both sides of the street to cheer for Qin Jun, and the cheeks of the beautiful women and girls flushed with excitement.

The six big men's stomachs were pounded by Qin Jun's fist, and their internal organs were colic, and they hugged their stomachs on the ground and howled in pain.

"Stinky boy, you are courting death."

The broad-waisted and fat-headed leader got up and rushed over angrily.

Qin Jun jumped up and flew up.

He kicked out the soles of his shoes in a row, kicking his head hard on his chest, sending him flying three meters away.


The boss groaned and fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

Qin Jun's abilities are astonishing, and he has just shown the power of the divine fire unicorn body and the unicorn nine secrets. These men in the rivers and lakes are by no means opponents.

The boss's mouth was covered in blood, and he said with a ferocious expression: "I am under Liu Ye's subordinate, you have angered Liu Ye."

Qin Jun landed steadily, and asked curiously: "Master Liu, the sixth son of the great swordsman of the Nine Gates?"

"It's the famous sixth master, the strongest master in Changsha City! You have heard of the sixth master, and you must know that he has hacked from the east to the west of Changsha City. You are afraid, boy!"

"I'm not afraid, you guys provoked me first, if he doesn't make sense, don't blame me for not being a martial artist."

Qin Jun chuckled lightly.

The sixth master in the mouth of the thugs is the famous swordsman of the Nine Schools, the black-backed sixth son.

The black-backed sixth son is highly skilled in martial arts, and his sword skills are very powerful. He has been carrying a big knife all year round. He once slashed a street from the east of the city to the west of the city.

But Qin Jun is not afraid of angering the other party.

His strength has reached the level of a great master, and he has the Qilin physique and the Qilin Nine Secrets. He is by no means a vegetarian.

"The black-backed sixth son has the strongest pure force in Changsha City, but there is a big gap in his ability compared to the legendary figure of the Nine Gates, Master Zhang Dafo..."

As the most eye-catching kid in Changsha City, Qin Jun smiled brightly at Zhang Qishan and disappeared into the street in a taxi.

Behind him, the young lieutenant Zhang Rishan exclaimed: "Good boy, he is so handsome!"

"This boy is not simple."

Master Buddha Zhang Qishan watched Qin Jun leave, and said solemnly: "He is light in hand and extremely strong. He is really amazing at such a young age. He can easily beat six or seven of the sixth's men to the ground with just one face-to-face. His background is definitely not small."

Zhang Qishan's eyes are tricky, the first time he sees Qin Jun, he is sure that Qin Jun is extraordinary.

Qin Jun easily knocked Liu Ye's men down, which made him even more surprised.

If you fight him yourself, what are your chances of winning?
Zhang Qishan thought about it, and said: "Recently, many mysterious forces have flooded into Changsha City, so be careful, and this little guy, let's pay more attention to him, and find out whether it is an enemy or a friend."

The adjutant responded: "Yeah!"

After Zhang Qishan gave his instructions, his sharp eyes saw the three members of the Wu family who were returning to the city.

Zhang Qishan walked over quickly, and asked with emotion: "Old Wu, what's going on, why did the old man die?"

Old Dog Wu's face was as pale as paper.

He just shook his head violently, and hurried away with the old man on his back in a panic.

"Let's go home, go home, and leave Changsha City..."

Angkor and Father Wu's lips were pale and ghostly chattering.

They were worse than Old Dog Wu, they fell down while walking, and lost their souls in fright.

Adjutant Zhang looked extremely surprised: "It seems that the fifth master and the others encountered an absolutely terrifying existence when they were fighting. I don't know if it is a human or a ghost. It can scare them like this."

Zhang Qishan said solemnly: "I hope it is not a living person. Changsha City is very important, and it cannot be messed up at this time."

They didn't know that the three of the Wu family were frightened by the handsome young man Qin Jun they met just now.

The dead became living, and the living entered Changsha City, like a great evil entering the city.

The Wu family was terrified by the fight this time.

Zhang Qishan and Zhang Fuguan watched the three of the Wu family leave. The three walked unsteadily, which made their eyelids twitch wildly.

"Mass egg."

Zhang Qishan couldn't help mumbling.

I shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending Changsha City, so don't make any mistakes.

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