The flying fairy rope is a high-tech nano-tomb-robbing tool. The small diamond-shaped rope will immediately open when it hits the stone wall, and instantly stretch out countless nano-tentacles to suck the black cliff.

In the next second, Qin Jun felt his feet leave the ground.

Immediately there was a pain in the abdomen.

It hurts.

But what frightened Qin Jun was not the abdominal pain, but whether the rope could firmly hold the stone wall.

Can it bear the weight of four men!

Especially the big black-backed sixth child.

At this moment, Qin Jun felt that his body was still falling.

While Qin Jun was terrified, he fell rapidly, and his speed rapidly decayed.

Although the flying fairy rope is thin, it has very good ductility. The four of Qin Jun seemed to be bungee jumping, swinging a thrilling swing on the cliff, falling continuously, and then quickly rebounded after the speed reset.

It swayed, and finally stopped slowly.

Qin Jun and the black-backed Lao Liu were tied up with ropes like gourds and hung halfway up the cliff.

The bronze platform below fell rapidly.

In Qin Jun's field of vision, "booming" sounded, carrying the huge bronze coffin and the gold-threaded jade-clothed blood corpse king that had been discarded by the four great venerables gradually disappeared into the endless dark abyss under his feet.

Qin Jun took a deep breath:
too frightening.

Qin Jun looked up and saw that the flying fairy rope was nearly 20 meters long, and the end of the rope was firmly attached to the cliff.

It carried the weight of four men without falling off, and hung them firmly above the mouth of the abyss.

The rope body is soft, but it is extremely strong and has not broken under force.

This little transparent rope does it.

It saved four people and lived up to Qin Jun's expectations.


Qin Jun was hanging on the top of the abyss.

Below him are Qi Tiezui and Adjutant Zhang.

Finally, there is the heaviest big black-backed sixth child.

The black-backed sixth child, Qi Tiezui, and Adjutant Zhang were bound around the waist, staring at the abyss below in a daze, with dull expressions.

It was as if the soul followed the bronze platform.

Qin Jun slapped Qi Tiezui on the top of his head: "Come back to your senses."


Qi Tiezui under Qin Jun's buttocks yelled in fright, and his body beat violently.

Qi Tiezui's exclamation echoed in the abyss, and the three big men below gradually came back to their senses.

The black-backed sixth child at the bottom tried to ask, "We're not dead, are we?"

Qin Jun said calmly, "Almost."

"Um, good, good."

The black-backed sixth child responded in shock.

He lightly touched the rope with his big finger, trembling with fear.

Heibei Lao Liu moved and said: "Master Qin, your rope is really powerful. It is made of very strong material, and it is actually elastic. If it is replaced with an ordinary rope, it will definitely break at the speed of our fall just now. Even if it does not break, we will have to strangle us." In two halves."

The flying fairy rope was as thin as the cloth straps of Miss Sister's swimming trunks, but it managed to bear their weight without breaking, nor did it strangle them when they fell fast.

The astonishing rarity attribute really surprised the black-backed old six.

"Indeed, a godlike rope..."

Qi Tiezui also said excitedly.

The flying fairy rope became the only life-saving straw for Qin Jun. The three big men were dragged back from the gate of hell by the rope, and they were all very excited.

Qin Jun also touched the rope carefully.

The material of the rope is translucent, crystal clear like water silk, but it feels quite frictional to the touch, giving it a different feeling.

Qin Jun secretly said: You must not stop.

The flying fairy rope is made of nano-materials as a whole, which is made of nano- and intelligent black technology.

Qin Jun had heard the legend of nanomaterials.

The thin nanofibers of spider silk are said to be 100 times stronger than an equally thin steel wire.

Qin Jun didn't know where the limit of the flying fairy rope was, so he could only pray for it to give it more strength.

Qi Tiezui raised his head and looked up at the sky, wondering: "How did Master Qin fix this rope, this cliff goes straight up and down, can it hang on?"

"What a god!"

The black-backed sixth child looked up excitedly.

Above and below are black cliffs, the surface is as flat as being cut, without any protrusions or recesses.

But in their eyes, the other end of the rope was clung to the cliff and saved their lives.

"But it looks like it's going to come off at any moment, and I really don't want to."

Qi Tiezui watched with joy in their hearts, and terrified eyes, their hearts beating wildly into their throats.

The black-backed sixth child suddenly said: "By the way, how do we go up?"

The three big men turned on the flashlights to shine overhead, and stretched their necks to look up.

In the dim light, the cliff above was so dark that the top could not be seen at a glance.

The faces of the three big men were instantly pale, and their bodies were trembling.

The black-backed sixth child breathed heavily and shouted, "It's so damn high, how deep did we fall, hundreds of meters?"

The panicked cries of the sixth child echoed in the sky above the abyss, and then fell into a cold dead silence.

The black-backed sixth sons were all silent.

They can't go up.


Qin Jun let out a breath slowly.

He fought alone against the four great masters, who went mad with gold thread and jade-clothed blood corpse king, his waist was stained with blood, and he was scratched.

He almost hurt his precious kidney!
I just triggered the Nine Secret Healing Talent [Kirin Zerg], healed silently, and the wound gradually healed. Now Qin Jun feels better.

Think back to the previous battle...

"My wife was so exciting just now!"

Qin Jun was very excited, his heart was beating passionately.

It was a two-meter tall, burly, quasi-super-expert fighting machine, and its rich blood flowed out of its body.

The black-backed sixth sons were tortured by blood, but fortunately, I did my best, otherwise they would all be fooling around.

Qin Jun thought for a while, felt a little ashamed, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a little weak, and I couldn't kill you in one hit."


The black-backed old Liu and the three below hit it twice, coughing violently in the chest.

Their chests were stained with blood from the bloody corpses, and they were seriously injured. The thick arms of the corpses almost knocked out their dog's brains.

The black-backed sixth child said miserably: "Fortunately, Master Qin's divine power destroyed them all, otherwise we would all be slaughtered."

Qin Jun used the King's Landing Sword Technique and they thought he would lose his strength and be torn to pieces by the four blood corpse kings. In the end, he took a breath and beat the four blood corpse kings to pieces like a god descending from the earth.

It's unbelievable for them to think about it now.

The black-backed sixth child raised his head miserably and said, "But Master Qin... we can't go up."

"Can't you go up?"

Qin Jun was stunned and found out their unhappiness.

The system sounded in my mind: "Ding, don't worry, the host, the flying fairy rope is the most advanced R-grade rare tool in the world, and the weight of the four people is far from its carrying limit."

"Okay! The system is awesome, I'm relieved."

Qin Jun was overjoyed.

Afterwards, Qin Jun gave each of the three people a B-level special healing pill, and said calmly, "Don't be afraid, I can bring you back to the top."

Qin Jun grabbed the rope body, stepped on the cliff for more than ten meters, and boldly came to the bottom of the rope.

Qin Jun tied the black gold scabbard with a rope, pulled out the sharp black gold ancient knife, and pried it up on the cliff with difficulty with the tip of the knife.

Black cliffs are particularly hard.

"Fortunately, I have a black gold ancient sword. If I replace it with the black-backed old six's big sword, it will definitely not destroy the stone wall."

Fortunately for Qin Jun, he pried out two fist-sized holes after 3 minutes.

He grabbed the rope and climbed up, stepped on the two holes with his feet, and continued to pry up on it.

Qin Jun pried out twelve punch holes in a row.

Then Qin Jun firmly grasped the fist hole with his right hand, and then pulled the rope hard, pulling up a string of black-backed old sixes who weighed three pigs below.

The three men, the black-backed Lao Liu, were pulled up 15 meters, their hands and feet were quickly put into the fist holes, and their stomachs were tightly pressed against the cliff.

"Too dangerous."

The black-backed sixth child yelled in panic, his palms were numb and his legs went limp.

Fortunately, Qin Jun gave them top-notch healing elixir, and the shoulders and back of the blood corpse king's heavy blow were warmed up, and the pain didn't hurt much.

"Hold on tight!"

Qin Jun reminded loudly from above, grabbed the rope and pulled it down hard.

The end of the rope on the head was directly torn off by Qin Jun.

The end of the rope suddenly fell off, and the black-backed Lao Liu and the three looked up and almost died on the spot.

This Nima's!

If there is no rope to hang on, all will be finished, all will fall into the abyss!
At this moment, the three of them almost fainted, and their hearts almost went crazy.

In the next second, Qin Jun threw the rope upwards forcefully.

The nano-tipped diamond rope head of the flying fairy rope is as thin as the rope body, but it is extremely heavy. It collides with the cliff above it crisply, and immediately opens and tightly adheres to the cliff.


The black-backed Lao Liu and the three breathed a sigh of relief, and their souls were suspended again.

Qin Jun's body was nimble, and he climbed to the height of fifteen or six meters like flying again.

Twelve times.

Qin Jun soared up the cliff, like a little fairy on the cliff, dragging the three of them up nearly 200 meters with great effort.

In the darkness, the passage of the tomb above was in the distance under the light of the torch.

"Without Master Qin, we would have died long ago, died in the hands of blood corpses, fell into the dark abyss, and will never recover—"

"But we are not dead, we are alive!"

"It's us who should say sorry. We've been dragging our feet..."

The black-backed sixth child, Qi Tiezui, and the adjutant could not contain the emotion in their hearts. They looked up at Qin Jun, who had once again risen gracefully, with red eyes and sparkling tears inside.

If you go out, you must serve him well.

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