"This seems to be something called 'blood corpse'?"

The blood corpse attacked and tore off the skin of his subordinates.

Ryoko Tanaka's face was extremely ugly, and the ferocious aura was revealed in the high-pitched voice, saying: "Speed ​​up and catch up with Captain Ueno, shoot and kill any monsters immediately, go!"


Qin Jun said in a low voice, and quickly followed with three big men whose hearts were beating fast.

Qi Tiezui and his adjutant, using the dim fluorescent light, vaguely saw a large piece of flesh on the face of a skull in the corner of the tomb, and the corpse was chopped into three parts: head, chest, and legs by teammates.

In the side passage of the tomb was a bloody mass.

"Oh, scare me to death!"

"Is that the ghost biting the benzene man?"

Qi Tiezui saw his heart beating wildly, he grabbed the black donkey's hooves tightly, and the adjutant who also changed his expression slightly followed Qin Jun quickly.

Just now, a sharp scream pierced the tomb, making their hearts tremble with resonance.

"Encounter the small monster lair, the monsters are on the left and right, fire."

Captain Li Benz in front was once again annoyed and ordered.

"The Luben people were attacked again so soon, what kind of ghost tomb is this?"

The black-backed sixth child, Qi Tiezui, and the adjutant were surprised.

Qin Jun used Qimen Dunjia Kungfu, his eyes quickly scanned the layout of the tomb, the direction, width, and slight inclination of the left and right tomb branches...

Qin Jun was very surprised: "This terrifying tomb was really built by taking advantage of the terrain."

The topography of Fumai is like an iceberg under the water in Antarctica. Fengshui is not exposed on the surface, but hidden underground.

Qin Jun's Qimen Dunjia is proficient in kung fu, and he feels something is wrong.

The layout of the tomb has clues, and it is faintly converging, converging the feng shui of the Fumai to the deepest part of the tomb.

What does the owner of the tomb want?

Qin Jun said sharply: "Follow me."

Qin Jun then quickly followed Ryoko Tanaka, passed through three tomb corridors, and passed through two tomb chambers that were cracked by Ueno.

"bang bang bang"

After passing through a spacious corridor, the commotion of the benzene people in the city became louder, and they opened fire fiercely.

Ryoko Tanaka said angrily: "Small monster nest, I want to see how many more there are?"

"Two people in the city were attacked by evil things again..."

Behind Qin Jun, the black-backed Lao Liu and the other three stared at each other and looked at each other again.

Three times.

"It's disgusting, what is Captain Ueno doing, do you want to steal the treasure?"


Ryoko Tanaka gritted her teeth and found the corpse of a tomb-exploring brigade under Ueno. With a stern face, she ordered the spy team to stand in front, and led the large troops to follow Ueno's footprints in a hurry.

"Ueno, the man who fought several times in the Northeast with the mysterious young master named Zhang?"

"It's best not to die for this master, you can ask if what he encounters is my little brother Zhang Qiling..."

Qin Jun suddenly laughed happily as he thought about it.

I secretly said in my heart: Please Ueno don't die.

The four of them passed by the firefighting tomb of the Liban people, and Qi Tiezui suddenly called out urgently: "Master Qin, wait a minute."

In the corner of the tomb.

A Ueno tomb explorer was abandoned by his companions and hid behind a stone altar.

The princes of Qin gathered around to watch.

The other party took off all his clothes and pants, his nose was bitten off, and a large bloody hole was dug out of his abdomen by the monster's claws. The skin all over his body was abnormally red and was melting strangely.

Qin Jun said: "It's nothing, it was bitten by a blood corpse, let's go."

Qi Tiezui retreated in panic: "No, it's really a blood corpse. No wonder the corpse transformed so quickly. I thought it was a zongzi!"

The adjutant asked in surprise: "Master Qin, Mr. Ba, blood corpses are so powerful?"

Master Qin said solemnly: "It's not very powerful, it's pretty ugly."

The corners of Qi Tiezui's mouth trembled, and he said nervously: "It's not very powerful for Lord Qin, but it's terrible for us. Blood corpses are stronger than zongzi!"

"The blood corpse has a lot of origins. It is said that it is the product of an ancient longevity secret technique that failed..."

Qi Tiezui nervously explained to the adjutant and the black-backed sixth son.

The blood corpse is related to the ancient secret technique of longevity.

It is said that the ancient pre-Qin capable people would start a secret ceremony before they died, and finally seal themselves in the secret golden jade clothes and sleep.

The secret witch hazel jade garment has mysterious power, which can make people shed their skin several times and return to the vitality of the physical body.

After a long time, the aging body will rejuvenate after several times of shedding, and the people in the jade clothes will naturally wake up, so as to achieve longevity.

But accidents often happen during sleep.

The body in the jade clothes was affected by an unknown cause, and it deteriorated violently, and the skin dissolved, forming an extremely terrifying blood corpse.

With great strength and blood poison, it can assimilate living things into blood corpses.

Qi Tie grinned and said: "Blood corpses are a symbol of a rich and large tomb. There are blood corpses in this tomb, which shows that the owner of the tomb is really not young. I don’t have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life.”

There are not only blood corpses, but also the Warring States Silk Book that records the mystery of longevity.

The identity of the owner of the tomb was absolutely extraordinary.

Qin Jun said happily in his heart: "It seems that I am really extraordinary."

Hearing Qi Tiezui's nervous explanation, the black-backed sixth boy shouted with bright eyes: "It's good to be rich in the tomb, I'll do it!"

The black-backed sixth son was full of excitement, so excited that he wanted to copy Qin Jun's house.

The adjutant said solemnly: "I'm not in a hurry for the treasure. The people in the city who are in a hurry to get down to this blood corpse must have a big plan. I don't know what it is. I must stop it."

"The benzene people? Oh, don't be afraid, let's hang in the back and see what happens to them."

The black-backed sixth child sneered disdainfully.

He secretly glanced at Qin Jun.

He secretly thought in his heart that he really shouldn't judge Master Qin by his appearance. Under his pure and kind face, he was a little devil.

Everything is under Master Qin's control!

Qin Jun calmly said: "What are you peeking at, sixth son, go behind and be careful."


Black-backed Lao Liu was dumbfounded for a moment.

He knew that there were not only terrifying blood corpses in the tomb, but also more terrifying unknown existences, and he never wanted to be the last one.

That's why he just took pleasure in other's misfortune and let the young adjutant, who didn't know anything about the bird's situation, take the back seat.

Just because he glanced at Master Qin in the crowd, does he have to be the queen of the palace...

"My sixth master is afraid of shit!"

The black-backed sixth child jumped bravely, took up the big knife and walked in the last guard instead of the adjutant, muttering in his heart: Lord Qin is really a devil...


The benzene man was about to be assimilated into a blood corpse, Qin Jun quickly chopped off his head and continued to explore.

Ahead, in a large tomb with eight sides.

A total of eight dark passages.

A tomb explorer reported at the northwest passageway: "Chief Tanaka, Ueno の キャプテンは前で待っています (Chief Tanaka, Captain Ueno is waiting for you ahead)!"

"Ueno actually cracked this strange layout?"

Ryoko Tanaka's ugly face instantly became energetic, leading a large army to enter.

"Everyone be careful, this is not an ordinary layout, this is a layout of eight evils!"

Qi Tiezui was very surprised: "There is only one road behind the eight passages leading to the owner's tomb, and the other seven are all dead ends. If you are unlucky, the seven groups of tomb robbers who entered the tomb may have to fall here."

"And the road leading to the master's tomb is not easy, it is full of dangers."

"The owner of the tomb arranged the layout of the eight murderers. It must be to warn the tomb robbers to stop here, and don't disturb his peace by courting death."

Qi Tiezui was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth, and said cautiously: "Master Qin, let's..."


Qin Jun said energetically.

It doesn't feel good to run away when you leave the tomb, but now that you are proficient in Qimen Dunjia, you can see that there are dead ends everywhere, so exciting!

Qin Jun quickly passed the layout of the eight evils.

Walk through a rather elegant 72-degree downward steep step, run forward for more than [-] meters, and walk through a section of ascending steps, and finally a white jade platform appears in front of you.

The space of the tomb in front of him suddenly became wider.


Ryoko Tanaka shouted sharply and hurried to the platform with a large army.

Three meters ahead, Captain Ueno stood quietly with his back to Ryoko Tanaka.


(The author is very excited. I just received a few more valuable gifts. I am very grateful to the big boss book friend "Xiaoyao Jianchen" for the 5 inspiration capsules and reminders in the middle of the night! I am also very grateful to the big boss Book friend "Light of the Last Sun" gave a big gift of character summoning this morning! Special thanks to the two big guys, thank you for your support!)
(Finally, I would also like to thank the book friend "Yijiang_Nan" for the valuable gifts of blades and love letters, and special thanks to the book friend 'user 10904370' for the precious gift of likes, and I am very grateful to the two book friends, Granny Xu, who loves Huang Jingui, for their support .)
(Today, the author will make four more changes, and personally add more changes to the fried dough sticks who gave 5 character summons yesterday!)

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