Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 18 Amazing Qimen Dunjia Chapter

The Qimen Dunjia chapter has been passed down since ancient times, and no one has ever seen the real story. As a result, many swindlers have made up random content to cheat and deceive, ignorant the people, and even shake the foundation of the emperor.

What Qin Jun studied was the real story.

The full name should be rumored by the outside world as "Nine Heavens Xuannv Qimen Dunjia Chapter".

It is said that its creator is the famous goddess Jiutianxuannv in ancient times.

Together with Liuren and Taiyi, it is called the ancient three styles. Among them, Qimen Dunjia is the most rational and mysterious, and is known as the first secret technique of the three styles. It has been involved with famous figures such as Guiguzi and Zhuge Liang since ancient times, and has been circulated for at least 5000 years.

The complete Qimen Dunjia covers the fields of mathematics, life, military affairs, heaven, earth, people, and gods. There is not much knowledge about tomb robbery:

Searching for dragons, burials, xingjia, transforming evil spirits, geomantic omens of mountains and hills, formation mechanisms, ways of transformation, counting people's hearts...

It's all the lost skills that grave robbers dream of learning!
"The Nine Palaces are the ground, the foundation of the Qimen, sitting on the mountain without moving, watching the sky, the earth, people, gods..."

"Sanqi and Liuyi are banned."

"The eight gates are open, the rotation is open, rest, life, injury, death, scene, shock, death, rotation of water, fire, mountain, swamp, wind, thunder, thousands of changes, endless opportunities..."


In an instant, Qin Jun's mind spontaneously deduced a hundred thousand kinds of shocking and wonderful methods.

All kinds of mountain terrains, large formations of organs, and numbers of people's hearts emerge in my mind, like spiritual lights, colliding and converging as much as I want...

Soon, Qin Jun mastered the main part of Qimen Dunjia.

"too strong!"

Qin Jun was extremely shocked.

The Qimen Dunjia chapter has the ability of ghosts and gods to be unpredictable, the sky can be measured above, the earth below can be measured, and humans and gods can be measured in the middle.

The method is based on the nine palaces, with the three wonders, six appearances, eight gates, and nine stars as the latitude, to observe the good and bad luck of the heavens, and to detect everything in the world, so as to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Comprehend the supreme state, better coordinate time and space, grasp the opportunity, and decide the way of heaven in your heart, and win a thousand miles!

Qin Jun chooses to learn, and currently mainly masters three major aspects about tomb robbery:
【Mountain Fengshui】.

【Formation organ】.

【Calculate people's hearts】.

Qin Jun thinks that mastering the formation mechanism is the most important thing.

If the Qilin Nine Secrets talent is the necessary survival talent for Qin Jun to walk in the tomb, Qimen Dunjia is the key for Qin Jun to crack the tomb and break all the deadly mechanisms and killing formations.

The most terrifying thing in the tomb is not only the powerful evils such as zongzi and blood corpses, but also a large number of deadly death mechanisms, lost tombs, and killing formations to kill tomb robbers in different ways.

Once the organ formation forms a death-killing situation, all members will be wiped out at every turn.

It is said that most of the tomb robbers who died in the tomb in the past did not die from zongzi, and the proportion of those killed by the tomb killing bureau was as high as 80.00%.

This is also the reason why Qin Jun did not dare to return to his "home" at the level of the horrible tomb.

"Qimen Dunjia came just in time!"

"Shenhuo Qilin Body + Qilin Nine Secrets + Qimen Dunjia, now I can boldly go back to 'home' and get some money!"

Qin Jun's eyes were red and hot, and he had long been salivating over the rich treasures in his "home".

The tomb of horror is like a big meal for those who go into the tomb, and it is even more itchy for an enthusiastic archaeologist like Qin Jun, full of temptations, knowing that it is very dangerous, but I just want to go to see it first glance.

The most vigilant thing when going to the grave is still: human nature.

The Qimen Dunjia chapter can also help Qin Jun calculate people's hearts.

"It's really good not to be afraid of being stabbed in the back."

Qin Jun likes the skill of "measurement of people's hearts" the most.

People's hearts hurt people the most. Although this ability has no lethality, it can keep Qin Jun from being persecuted by people's hearts as much as possible.

As for the famous "Looking for the Dragon Jue"...

"Looking for the dragon and dividing the gold to look at the mountain, one level of entanglement is one level..."

"Aw~ here comes the curse."

There is also a dragon-seeking chapter in the Qimen Dunjia chapter, Qin Jun is about to faint, and the current little brain is simply not enough.

But learning the three necessary tomb-robbing skills of Qimen Dunjia, Qin Jun is already very satisfied!
The system kindly reminds: "The complete chapter of Qimen Dunjia learned by the host is a mortal chapter, and the higher-level chapters need to be found by the host."

Qin Jun was very surprised immediately: "A higher level chapter of Qimen Dunjia?"

As long as the current content is completely mastered, it is enough for him to deal with the tomb. Wouldn't the higher-level chapters be able to go to the tomb of the gods?

"Where can I find it?"

"Personally ask the legendary Nine Heavens Profound Girl?"

Qin Jun showed curiosity. There is the tomb of Queen Mother of the West in the world, but is there also the tomb of Xuannv?

Qin Jun remembered that in the future 2021, Sanxingdui, a famous civilization site in China, will come out. The incorruptible female corpse and the beautiful golden mask will shock the world. It is guessed that it is the clue of the mysterious girl outside the sky.

According to many people, the third uncle almost got in because of leaking the secret.

The system affirmed: "The Great World of Tomb Raiders is known as a big world, and there are many tombs. There must be a tomb of Xuannv among them, but it is not in Sanxingdui. I hope the host will improve its strength and reveal more surprises and mysteries."

Qin Jun couldn't help murmuring: "That's great."

This big world of tomb robbers is very exciting, Qin Jun feels like a frog in a well now, very curious about the big world in the future.


"Wherever I follow, I only managed a ghost car..."

Qin Jun found himself overthinking, and a wonderful life has just begun.

But Qin Jun was already in an extremely anxious mood, and urged: "Speed ​​up the system, I'm going to rob the tomb after I finish my studies!"

After learning the three major abilities of the Qimen Dunjia chapter, Qin Jun couldn't wait to practice, and wanted to go out to visit mountains and rivers and caves immediately after learning quickly.

The system intimately reminded: "Host, don't worry, you are still a newcomer, make full preparations before setting off, you will learn the god-level sword technique Junlin sword technique, and it is necessary to have one enemy with many enemies when you go to the grave."

"Yes, yes, I'm a newbie~"

Qin Jun was so amused that he burst out laughing.

In the next second, Qin Jun performed an astonishing god-level sword technique in his mind.

Soon, Qin Jun has learned a god-level sword technique!
[King's Landing Sword Technique]: God-level sword technique, like a king coming to the nine heavens, making all spirits submit, the highest level of power can pass through the gods, and the sword's meaning can shock thousands of rice dumplings in the tomb.

"It's really a domineering and unreasonable sword technique. It's full of shocking power. It suits my Qin Jun best! It turns out that I can also fulfill my martial arts dream at will..."

Qin Jun's expression was stunned.

Mastering this sword technique, Qin Jun's strength is once again stronger!
And already has his own representative sword technique, Qin Jun can open the door to accept a little female apprentice if he wants to!
In the next second, Qin Jun's mind was overwhelmed by a large amount of knowledge about the tomb robbery world.

"Northeast Zhang family, four factions, Luoyang shovel..."

Qin Jun has a more comprehensive understanding of the tomb-robbing world, including food, tools, techniques, industry status, factions, taboos, and famous figures in the tomb-robbing world.

Now, Qin Jun has officially become a member of the tomb robbery world.

After mastering the Qimen Dunjia chapter, the god-level sword technique Junlin sword technique, and the knowledge of tomb robbery, Qin Jun's tomb robbery skills have greatly improved.

"But besides Qimen Dunjia and God-level Saber Technique, I, Qin Jun, also have great things!"

The harvest this time is really great!

No way, the system gives too much~
Qin Jun enjoyed it and was so happy that he died, leaving all the good things for later.

"If I initially activate the Divine Fire Qilin Body + Nine Secret Talents, I will be able to defeat the black-backed sixth son, and beat him 30-0. Will the next level be even stronger? Can I beat him 60-0?"

Qin Jun said without any hesitation: "System, come on, give me one last blow, completely mystify my body."

Qin Jun's eyes were fiery, and he wanted to see how his divine fire unicorn body would change drastically after he was upgraded, whether he could beat the sixth child violently, and whether he would activate a heaven-defying hole card?

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