The battle to defend the city is over.

All the enemy troops hurriedly withdrew from the city to the east, discarded their luggage, and divided into three routes while resisting the pursuit and withdrawing in embarrassment, giving up all opportunities to attack.

The faces of the two commanders were bleak, their faces pale, and their eyes flustered.

They once succeeded in occupying the city, and temporarily occupied the mysterious treasure, the Meteorite Copper.

But overnight, all the results of the battle were wiped out!
The general from Kanto in the north turned into a lunatic, roaring and screaming in the middle of the night, and turned into a distorted monster. He was torn into 18 yuan by a group of monster companions, scaring the living.

Many enemy bandits withdrew [-] kilometers to the east, retreated into Changcheng and Seoul in batches, and tightly closed the city gates.

So far the truce.

"All the enemy troops have withdrawn. It seems that the loss is huge. Can we defend Shacheng?"

Lao Jiumen and other masters returned to the city in fear.

A variable emerged in this ultimate war.

No one expected that he would return with the "reinforcement army" in the end, turning the world around, becoming the key to severely inflicting damage on the enemy army, and regaining the occupied homeland.

Inside Changsha city.

Qi Tiezui was sitting in his living room with his lapel upright, his hands resting on the crabapple wood armrests, his fingers trembling abruptly.

"I, dammit, Master Qin is not a human being!"

The black-backed sixth child was terrified, as if seeing a ghost, and hid far away.

Inside the dilapidated Zhang Mansion.

"That tall monster, we have seen it in the tomb of blood corpses before."

"Judging from Lord Qin's special status, they are likely to be his subordinates through the ages."

"We saw it again behind that stone gate."

"...That's probably what happened. I can't tell whether it's a nightmare or reality. Everything is unbelievable."

The adjutant reported with lingering fear.

Zhang Qishan listened quietly, and couldn't help clenching his fists and hammering his forehead hard.

The head is about to split.

He once witnessed an incredible scene that night, dark clouds flooded the city, and a "reinforcement army" that he would never forget, made his heart tremble.

The ghost things brought here almost tortured all their masters to death in the tomb.

"What kind of weird existence is that boy?"

"Apart from his extremely special identity as the owner of the pre-Qin tomb, what specific secret skills of the ancient family did he inherit?"

"He is from the generation of my Zhang family's ancestors. Is he more terrifying than my Zhang family?"

Zhang Qishan was exhausted, he leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and said tiredly: "Go out, I want to be quiet."

"Yes, Lord Buddha, rest well."

The adjutant left the office with a serious face.

Er Yuehong, an old master of Jiumen, stood on the ruins of the Red Mansion, Qutai and his guests were blown up to death, with sad eyes.

The apprentice Chen Pi Lao Liu came with a large number of subordinates behind him, and asked in a cold tone: "I heard that person has a strange army?"

Er Yuehong turned her head.

Looking up and down at the young apprentice in front of him, he shook his head and said, "You are not one ten thousandth as good as Master Qin, so don't try to compare yourself with others."

The fourth son of Chen Pi clenched his fists and shouted angrily: "I am not weak in Chen Pi, sooner or later I will let you all know how powerful I am!"

Chen Pi angrily led his men to leave.

Er Yuehong shook her head.

Only by facing that young man in person can one know what despair is.

Huo family.

Huo Jinxi, who used to be the number one beauty in Changsha, felt that she was getting old and was far inferior to her niece.

solution home.

Xie Jiuye looked at the chessboard in front of him, not thinking about playing chess at all.

After six years of hard work, everything in the original peaceful life has been lost.

A month later.

After nearly six years, the people of Wushui City in the west returned to Shacheng together, forming a mighty long dragon.

The city is completely different from the original.

The once prosperous city was devastated, with [-] houses collapsed and turned into scorched earth.

On the scorched earth of the ruins, the people are busy rebuilding their homes.

Shacheng's victory spread like wildfire.

The people were immersed in the high joy of victory, and there was not much detailed news about Qin Jun, only a few words and legends.

But the upper floors have gone crazy!
"Restrain me, I will shoot anyone who does something bad, I will shoot him for 10 minutes!"

The leaders of the warlords in the West World yelled with ferocious faces and got angry.

They participated in the anti-Japanese war and defended, their hearts trembled with horror, and they witnessed unimaginable scenes.

The almost inhuman power made them worship, and they hurriedly restrained their subordinates, afraid of offending his majesty by doing something wrong.

"Please the central government pay attention to this, so far!"

The faces of Zhang Qishan's upper peaks were extremely solemn.

After careful inquiries, I personally wrote a 72-page detailed report overnight, including various speculations, speculations, and rational statements of deeds, and submitted it to the top.

As a result, the above was shocked.

Personally and secretly dispatch intelligence officers to Shacheng to confirm the situation.

Inquire from the mouths of soldiers, officers, and common people.

From the death of Ryoko Tanaka...

To the integration of the west world, to the secret virus laboratory outside the city being taken over, and then to the executioner Gang Chunningz being killed.

In the next six years, all cards were exhausted.

The last shocking and weird battle...

After confirming that all the unbelievable deeds in the report were true, the top executives also went crazy, swearing and swearing.

Finally, secretly strengthen the security forces.

After all, the other party is too young, and young people of this age are full of passion.

In case they can't stand their behavior, they can't stand it if they go over and steal their heads.

Qin Jun in Shacheng was listed as a taboo by the high officials.

in the city.

The people were busy building new houses on the ruins. The smoke of the war dissipated and the city gradually stabilized.

The astonishing news about the war gradually spread from the soldiers, causing the common people to discuss in amazement:
"Six years, four defensive battles. Except for the defenders, almost all the old Jiumen in the city participated. In the end, Master Qin also participated in the war at such a young age?"

"There was a mysterious big stone in the first battle, and a strange fog to defend the city in the second battle?"

"The ten-winged centipede from the legend of the West World in the third battle is haunted!"

"And the last battle should have been lost, the enemy occupied Shacheng, and for some reason suddenly withdrew all troops?"

When the common people were curious, doubtful, surprised, and looking forward to it, a soldier who did not want to be named said in a low voice with fear: "In the middle of the night of the fourth battle, the strange fog flooded the city!"

"Really, is it the dark cloud in the north of the city that we saw when the Buddhas went to the tomb?"

"There's a scary 'reinforcement' inside?"

The faces of the people were shocked when they heard it, and their expressions were suddenly very exciting.

Some superstitious and timid ones turned pale, their legs were weak and they knelt down, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to pray.

I don't know how the strange fog came.

There was no statement from the military.

It's like a ridiculous story that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

However, the army of enemy bandits who had attacked the city aggressively for many years retreated completely, did not invade again, and did not know how much the loss was.

There are only some shocking gossips among the people, which cannot be confirmed, but they shocked the people: "Master Qin!!!"

The hearts of the people trembled deeply, and they knew some shocking things.

That young man did all sorts of amazing deeds before, accumulating bit by bit, until now, like a volcano erupting abruptly and completely.

"It's amazing, fairy!"

The people in the streets and alleys of the city talked excitedly.

The famous ladies and dignitaries in the compound and your mansion couldn't help their hearts beating wildly, and they secretly said in surprise: "It would be great to make friends with him..."

The contribution of the defenders is indelible, but the last astonishing deed attracts people even more, and it spreads more and more intensely, flying out of Shacheng, to the north and south banks of the Yangtze River, and to the land in all directions.

The six-year arduous defense battle ended, and that boy became a legend.

However, Qin Jun has not appeared in the public eye for a long time.


(Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you and your book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and wish you and your book friends a happy moon appreciation. I wish you a long life and a long life, and I wish all your book friends good health and a long life Years old, we can see the moon of the new century together in the next century.)

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