The enemy soldiers outside the city approached the city and suffered their first heavy defeat, with [-] corpses. The cheers of the soldiers inside the city were loud, which was in stark contrast to the dead silence outside the city.

"Thank you Lord Qin for creating the opportunity, otherwise, even if we don't lose the first battle, there will be heavy casualties."

"Thank him, thank us, we won, the first battle was won, the enemy is not invincible!"

The soldiers raised their guns and shouted hoarsely, and many officers were very excited.

However, Qin Jun, who had activated the Meteorite Bronze, was nowhere to be seen. He did not accept Nuo Da's gratitude and celebrated the victory of the first battle.

Half a month after the first battle, the night outside the city suddenly became boiling.

"There are changes outside the city!"

Zhang Qishan didn't sleep well all night, got up in a panic, and hurried up the city wall with dark eyes.

Early in the morning.

Changsha City was shrouded in a thin layer of strange fog.

The noise outside the city eerily quietened down, becoming extraordinarily quiet.

Zhang Qishan shouted vigilantly: "Be careful!"


The adjutants and the guards responded nervously and loudly, and hurriedly dispersed everywhere to carry out high-intensity vigilance.

Flares and gunshots erupted outside the city last night. It seemed that the enemy troops outside the city wanted to launch a large-scale night attack.

But strangely, he didn't move.

I don't know what insidious tricks are being used again.

The soldiers were busy digging trenches and building battle dams in the city.

Zhang Qishan was apprehensive, and ordered solemnly: "Move out the supplies supported by Master Qin."

"Yes, Lord!"

The soldiers responded loudly, busy moving a large number of guns and ammunition to the wall to stabilize the line of defense.

These armaments are not small, and sending carbon in the snow can keep them going for a while.

Zhang Qishan stood on top of the wall with a solemn expression.

In the past, I was afraid that the army would overwhelm the border, and the whole city would be reduced to hell, and my heart was bleak, but now looking outside the city, I gradually calmed down.

This city is not an isolated city, and there are mysterious forces guarding it.

But at this time, the whole city had long since disappeared from Qin Jun's figure, like a bursting bubble, and he was nowhere to be seen.


In the center of the city.

Qi Tiezui touched the Tianwai Meteorite Copper carefully, and his hands got goosebumps in fright.

He was full of admiration, and praised loudly: "Master Qin is different. With this thing, I say he is the most amazing person in the world, no one dares to object."

"Against the fart, this thing can stop the army, and our old Jiumen looks shabby!"

Half of Li said unhappily.

As the third member of Lao Jiu's family, he has an honorable status. Although he didn't have much contact with that young man, he was completely convinced at the moment.

The power of this meteoric copper is obvious to all, it can create strategic opportunities and severely damage the enemy troops outside the city!
"This thing can't fit in a truck, it has to be pulled by a train, it's too heavy."

The black-backed sixth child said in surprise.

Without saying a word, he pushed with all his strength, and the huge meteoric copper couldn't move at all.

Er Yuehong, Huo Jinxi, Xie Jiuye, Banquan Li and others stood on top of a nearby restaurant, watching the reckless sixth master forcibly shaking the copper, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

To this day, they are still shocked by it.

I really don't know what to say to be worthy of the shocking scene in front of me.

Huo Jinxi covered her mouth lightly, and asked, "I can't figure out what method Master Qin used to transport the meteoric copper, and how did he do it, Sixth Master, Eighth Master, do any of you know?"

Legend has it that Master Zhang Dafo could move a large stone Buddha weighing several tons outside the city to the mansion.

This bizarre incident was widely circulated by people, so he was specially honored as "Buddha".

At this moment, everyone encountered this strange thing in person.

The super extraterrestrial copper in front of me is extremely dense and extremely heavy, at least ten times heavier than the Buddha.

However, that young man did something even more exaggerated than Buddha, and directly transported it from the mine cemetery 160 kilometers away into the city.

"Too reckless!"

Huo Jinxi was really surprised, this is simply impossible!

"do not know."

The black-backed sixth child on the ground shook his head violently.

"Don't look at me, I don't know."

Qi Tiezui shook his head with a wry smile.

He and the black-backed sixth son were the closest people to that boy, but they really didn't know each other's secrets.

Qi Tiezui looked up, applauded sincerely, and said: "We all say that the Buddha has the ability to transport, and this is probably the real transportation skill. Lord Qin must have used extraordinary methods, which is terrible."

He knew in his heart what the Buddha's transporting technique was all about.

It won't work at all if it's used on meteorite copper.

He couldn't understand how that young man managed to move the meteorite copper into the city, he only knew that it was definitely not something that could be done by manpower.

Even if you want to do it, you have to use a lot of labor with great fanfare, and cut the huge meteorite copper into small pieces, and then use the train to transport it.

But in fact, everything was calm, and the whole piece of meteoric copper quietly appeared in the center of the city overnight, which could not be explained, and gave everyone a huge "surprise".

"Master Qin's methods... are amazing."

The old Nine Sect masters finally said with complicated expressions.

They looked up and looked at the whole city.

The entire city of Changsha was filled with a faint mist, blowing with the breeze, like a lost realm.

This is still the boy's method, which seriously hinders the enemy's attack on the city.

The old Nine Sect masters murmured bitterly: "The whole city has turned into a large-scale misty illusion. If you are not careful, you will get lost in it. This is the second 'surprise' he gave us after the meteorite copper."

This is not a surprise, but a second fright!
Many masters sighed, looked back, and then rushed to the city gate together.

at the same time.

Outside the city, a person came.

"That's Master Qin. When did Master Qin leave the city and what did he do?"

The old Jiumen masters stood on the city wall with doubts in their eyes.

In the binoculars, Qin Jun came back from outside the city and walked towards Changsha City at a leisurely pace.

His clothes were heavily soiled and had half a dozen horrific bullet holes.

The old Jiumen master hurried down the city wall and opened the city gate.

The black-backed sixth child was carrying a big knife, staring blankly, and asked curiously: "Master Qin, what are you doing outside the city? You exchanged fire with the enemy, are you not injured?"

"It's okay, I went out and killed someone."

Qin Jun said, raising a plump head in his hand.

The head in Qin Jun's hand was dripping with blood, his eyes were glaring angrily, and he would not rest in peace until he died.

Everyone looked carefully.

The adjutant couldn't help but frowned and said, "Hey, Lord Buddha, I seem to have seen this man in the newspaper."

Zhang Qishan's heart shook, and he said in a deep voice, "This person seems to be Gang Chunningci."


Qi Tiezui on the side raised his voice, very surprised, and stammered: "Isn't this the name of the highest commander of the enemy army outside the city?"

All the masters looked sideways, and looked at the young man in front of them in surprise.

Qin Jun nodded, and responded concisely: "It's him. I went out of the city to kill him. It is expected that the enemy will not attack in a short time. Everyone should defend well and don't take it lightly."

Qin Jun's face was peaceful and serene, he handed his bloody head to Zhang Qishan, and left calmly to rest.

The adjutant said blankly: "Lord Buddha, Gangchun Ningci is dead, what should we do now?"

The highest officer of the enemy army died, but the adjutant suddenly lost his plan.

Zhang Qishan didn't respond, his eyes were deep and his heart was greatly shaken.

Second master Er Yuehong, third master Banjian Li, Huo Jinxi, Xie Jiuye and other masters looked dull, watching the young man's back leave, blood coagulated all over his body.

The other party successfully killed Gang Chunningz?
Is that an understatement?

just leave?
Everyone looked at the head in Zhang Qishan's hand in disbelief.

The bloody head of the enemy's supreme commander was placed in front of them, and everyone's hearts were shocked again.

This... the boy in front of him went out of the city to assassinate the supreme commander of the enemy army outside the city.


The opponent successfully bypassed layers of blockades, alone, and took away the head of Gunchuningz amidst bullets and artillery fire.


The old Nine Sect masters throbbed, and their hearts trembled violently for the third time.

The war is cold and cruel, Qin Jun cannot reverse the overall situation, and the national disaster still exists.

But he also did some things within his capacity for the national crisis, which is destined to be imprinted in the hearts of the old Nine Sect masters, deeply shocked, even awed and looked up to, which cannot be erased.


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