Changsha City has become unprecedentedly oppressive, even a lively young woman like Yin Xinyue can't be lively, and hurriedly followed the Qin Jun and others in bright clothes.

Zhang Qishan and other officers were also very busy. Soldiers who went up to the peak retreated from the defeat outside the city, silent and hesitant. They had encountered a tragic battle before, and they were accepted with dignity.

When everything was done, Zhang Qishan, his adjutants, and his own soldiers stood on the city wall, quietly welcoming the enemy troops outside the city with a heavy heart.

While the officers were waiting, when they turned their heads and looked back, their hearts trembled slightly.

There is a super killer weapon in the central town of Changsha City.

Horrible enemies outside the city have been plotting.

If you want to be crazy, you can control its extraordinary power. There is even Ryoko Tanaka's secret tomb robbery team docking, trying to take it away for experiments.

But it fell into the hands of the mysterious boy.

And that mysterious boy was able to control its power, and achieved what the enemies outside the city had always wanted to achieve.

"That super giant is our hope!"

Zhang Qishan said with deep eyes, understanding its great effect.

The adjutant and other officers felt their scalps go numb, and they felt the terrifying coercion from the super giant Meteorite Copper from the bottom of their hearts.


A slight roar suddenly came from the gap in the sky.

The roaring sound is getting louder, low and terrifying, like a nightmare coming.

Things fell from the sky into the city.


There was a violent explosion in the city.

The stone bricks and mud on the ground were blown up, and the corpses of three civilians were blown up mixed with mud, and there was no time to scream.

"The bombers are coming, there are several overhead!"

"No, quickly take our child away and find a place to hide!"

People, merchants, and nobles on the street yelled at their wives in a panic, and fled home in a panic.

Zhang Qishan's expression changed dramatically, and he shouted, "Dodge the bombing."

Six enemy planes flew over Changsha City and bombed Changsha City. There were violent explosions everywhere, completely breaking the peace of Changsha City.


Qin Jun quickly arranged Partridge Whistle, Yin Xinyue and others in the cellar to avoid the bombing, picked up a rifle and walked out of the ground, and hurried to the city gate with the black-backed sixth son.

Six bombers roared and swooped overhead, continuously dropping loads of ammunition into the city.


A house in front was blown to pieces, and a large number of sharp tiles splashed and fell to the ground.

Bombers flew overhead and dropped bombs wantonly, bombing continuously, wantonly displaying force.

But Zhang Qishan really had nothing to do with them, they could only be passively bombed.

The soldiers hid in the bunkers and cellars, and could only let the six bombers show off their power in the sky, without any effective means of counterattack.


The people and children in the city who were reluctant to retreat were blown away, their skin was charred, and their corpses lay on the ruins of their homes.

Heibei Lao Liu raised his head and said coldly: "If those pilots are shot down, I will have to cut off their heads!"

Qin Jun also couldn't help being moved.

"This is real war, brutal and merciless."

Qin Jun thought to himself, his palms were numb, and the blood in his body that had been silent for a long time gradually warmed up again.



Two large bombs fell and exploded next to the outer space copper in the center.

Affected by the spread of the shock wave, the meteorite copper remained motionless.

It's of incredible quality and hasn't been compromised in the slightest!

Qin Jun completely relaxed.

As long as the enemy can't shake the meteorite copper, Changsha City will be impossible to break through.

The bomber overhead dived and dropped bombs from an altitude of a thousand meters. It was quite backward in manufacture, and its trajectory appeared very regular in front of a super expert like Qin Jun.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Zhang Qishan and his adjutants vaguely heard the gunshots of nine sophisticated rifles coming from outside.

Immediately afterwards, a red light exploded in the sky.

An enemy plane exploded and fell to the ground with a long tail flame and thick smoke.

"This...this marksmanship is also okay?"

The black-backed sixth child looked up, dumbfounded.

"The enemy plane was shot down!"

Intense screams suddenly sounded in the dark of the city.

The other five bombers turned their heads in fright and fled out of the city in embarrassment, suffering huge losses. This show of force failed.

"I don't know which sharpshooter it is?"

Zhang Qishan was surprised, his eyes became sharp, and he strode out of the air-raid shelter.

The possibility of shooting down an enemy bomber is very small, but it is not impossible. Just this time, an enemy plane was shot down, which greatly boosted the morale of the city.

With a gun on his back and a black gold ancient knife, Qin Jun and the black-backed sixth child hurried to the city gate.

Zhang Qishan solemnly cupped his hands and said, "Master Qin and Sixth Master, you are here, an enemy plane has crashed."

The black-backed sixth son blushed and exclaimed triumphantly, "We know that it was the enemy plane shot down by Lord Qin."

"Master Qin again?"

Zhang Qishan was slightly surprised.

He has become more and more unable to figure out what kind of existence the mysterious boy in front of him is.

He had heard that the opponent was a good shot.

"But I didn't expect Lord Qin to be able to shoot down the enemy plane!"

Zhang Qishan and the adjutants and soldiers behind him looked bright, and their hearts were greatly shocked.

It is feasible to shoot down enemy planes with rifles, but at least one regiment of gunners needs to cover and shoot densely to have a small probability of shooting down.

Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him did it alone and created another miracle.

Everyone couldn't help but think of the mysterious transporting technique to completely move the super giant meteorite copper to Changsha City. This is almost impossible to do manually. Compared with the amazing things before...

Shooting down a bomber doesn't seem like a big deal.

Zhang Qishan said with admiration: "Thank you, Lord Qin, for your action. These bombers are here to attack key military targets, and they are also showing off their firepower to lure them to surrender. If they are not shot down, I am afraid that the soldiers in the city will greatly reduce their momentum."

Qin Jun nodded and said: "They are too arrogant, they must be suppressed so that everyone can see hope."

Now is not the time to show off, the impasse has just begun.

Qin Jun didn't talk nonsense, and said sternly: "The bombers are dispatched, and their large forces are probably already outside the city. Let's go to meet the enemy."

"This time, fight to the death!"

Zhang Qishan agreed in a deep voice, followed by the adjutants and soldiers whose hearts were beating fast.

Qin Jun walked up to the city wall.

Outside the city was shrouded in a heavy shadow of war, and the autumn wind lingered, approaching the city quickly.

Soon, dense numbers of enemy troops in yellow military uniforms appeared at the end of the field of vision outside the city.

All over the mountains.

You can't see the edge at a glance!

Zhang Qishan pulled out his gun suddenly and squeezed the butt of the gun tightly.

The battle of life and death has arrived!
He said in a deep voice: "According to front-line intelligence, the number of enemy troops attacking this time is [-]. They have gathered the main forces from the North China Plain and gathered here from the three major regions of northern Jiangxi, northern Hunan, and southern Hubei. This will be a battle." Fierce battle."

"One hundred thousand, ten divisions, indeed a lot."

Qin Jun's cheeks shivered when he saw it, and then he quickly calmed down, and secretly clenched the gun with his fingers, watching the front quietly.

The [-] troops in the local area have an advanced military offensive and defensive system and strong individual defense capabilities, which are by no means comparable to any Xiangxi warlords.

The strength of ten divisions, even on the frontal battlefield, at least one to three regular troops of a total of thirty divisions can resist their attack.

This will be an extremely difficult battle.

A surrender envoy was dispatched and came to the gate of the city.

Wearing a white shirt and yellow military trousers, the envoy stood up high and shouted with his head on his hips, "There is a felon in the city who killed our official Ryoko Tanaka and sabotaged our empire's major plans many times. Please hand it over immediately!"

Zhang Qishan, who was beside Qin Jun, responded with a cold face and scolded: "Speaking like farting, such a clumsy excuse can be given. Can handing over you jackal race stop the aggression?"

"Hahaha, no!"

The surrender envoy laughed and said, "All of you leave the city and surrender immediately, otherwise our army will break through the city and it will be the day of massacre."


Qin Jun couldn't help but respond with a smile.

Qin Jun took a step forward, stood by the city wall, and said forcefully, "Go away, go back and tell Gangchun Ningci that this city is his death!"

Qin Jun remembered that the highest commander outside the city was Gang Chunningci, the notorious executioner and the highest-ranking war criminal in the world.

Later, it will be sent to the Yasukuni Sacrifice for worship for tourists from all over the world.

Qin Jundao: "Let him, Gangchun Ningci, wait, his head will fall to the ground, and there will be no bones left."

The surrender envoy's face was ugly, and he shouted angrily: "The boy wants to die, dare to call General Gangchun's name directly, you Chinese people really don't have a long memory, and you have killed millions of people all the way, haven't you been scared yet? You They should all go out of the city and kneel down to welcome the general into the city, tie their hands and ask the emperor for mercy—”


The headshot from the city wall shot out a bullet, which hit him between the eyebrows.

The surrender envoy fell down in shock, with blood gushing from his forehead, brains gushing red and white on his face, and his clean shirt soaked in red blood.

Qin Jun raised his pistol angrily, and gave him a few big guns to whip the corpse.

The two armies fought without beheading the envoy, but the other party insulted him first, breaking the rules and morality, it was shameful, Qin Jun killed him mercilessly.

In the distance, a large number of officers including Gang Chunningz watched with binoculars and were very annoyed when they saw what happened.

Their tactics are very clear. They first send bombers to bomb the city, and then send envoys to persuade them to surrender. The purpose is to lure them to surrender and severely defeat the enthusiasm of the city in front of them.

But unexpectedly, during the first demonstration, one bomber was shot down.

In the second demonstration to induce surrender, even the envoys sent were whipped to death.

What a shame!
The tall and burly Gang Chunningz with a livid face waved his hands and said, "Siege the city!"

A gun barrel hummed.

Mortars shot out of their chambers one after another, crossed the sky, landed in Changsha city and exploded violently, carrying out the third round of majesty and attack.

Changsha City suffered heavy bombardment, the soldiers defending the city were damaged, and the walls of the city walls were blown to pieces.

The city was bombarded violently for half an hour, and the area of ​​the city wall was blown to pieces.

The large enemy forces outside the city did not give the slightest respite, and brutally launched an attack.

Qin Jun's face was cold.

This first wave can only be resisted by Foye Zhang Qishan and his army, and it is destined to be very difficult and tragic.

But when the super giant extraterrestrial copper is activated, everything will come back.

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