Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 152 The real name of the owner of the blood corpse tomb, the third Qin Jun

Pre-Qin Research Institute.

With two panda dark circles under his eyes, Qi Tiezui stayed up all night nervously and in high spirits.

Holding an ancient book, he squatted behind everyone, his eyes were wild, and he kept urging: "President Wei, come on, we are still rushing back to the Jiumen party!"

"Come on, don't make trouble!"

Wei Feng, vice president of the research institute, cursed with a wry smile.

The old researchers were surrounded by a pile of broken blood-colored oracle bones covered in mud, in full swing.

They have never been so busy since they heard the news about the tomb of blood corpses in the pre-Qin period.

They have been looking for information for many days, running around, contacting other people, and investigating the location of the blood corpse tomb, without missing any important details and collecting important clues.

At this moment, many old men are carefully observing the oracle bones of the Western Zhou Dynasty with magnifying glasses.

There are a large number of oracle bone inscriptions engraved on the oracle bone, and the old researchers are excited to interpret it.

Dean Wei's eyes were eager, and his face was full of awe, and said: "These Western Zhou oracle bones record a long-lived story that has been lost, and it is the ancient 'Qin Clan' clan."

Qi Tiezui asked curiously: "Is the Qin family of the Western Zhou Dynasty one of the princes from all directions?"


Dean Wei nodded solemnly and said: "The pre-Qin and Western Zhou Dynasties are too far away from us, and a large amount of data has been lost, resulting in many important events being buried. The princes of the Western Zhou Dynasty were inherited from the mysterious Shang Dynasty. story."

"These oracle bones record one of the hidden events, telling the story of an important figure in the Qin family's pursuit of longevity."

"It's related to a mysterious young master."

"The ancients who disappeared in the long river of history are about to surface."

The deans of Wei said nervously and excitedly, carefully interpreting the writing on the oracle bones of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

"The vanished ancient man, the young master of pre-Qin..."

Old Gou Wu murmured beside him, his body stiffened suddenly, and his mood became tense.

He thought of a familiar young "person", his mind was buzzing, and his little finger began to tremble uncontrollably.

Qi Tiezui was startled as if he heard a ghost whispering in his ears.

He turned his head and couldn't help asking in doubt: "Fifth Master, what's the matter with you, you've always been out of your mind recently, have you been bewitched?"

Qi Tiezui looked concerned.

Recently, I found that the fifth master next to me is weird, and the whole person is neurotic and abnormal.

Wu Laogou regained his composure.

His eyes refocused on Qi Tiezui's face that looked like a man and a ghost.

This eighth master had an "affair" with that thing.

Old Dog Wu said with a pale face, "No, it's nothing, I thought of a familiar young man surnamed Qin, the one from Changsha."

Qi Tiezui said in astonishment: "Are you talking about Master Qin? We are talking about mysterious figures in the pre-Qin period. Why do you mention Master Qin?"

Old Dog Wu said with a green face, "What do you think?"

Qi Tiezui suddenly realized, nodded and said: "Oh, Master Qin is the same as this mysterious pre-Qin young man who pursues longevity. Both of them have the surname Qin."

After Qi Tiezui finished speaking, his voice suddenly paused.

Horrible experiences popped up in his mind.

In the blood corpse tomb, I saw the strange face of Master Qin, with a strange and terrifying smile.

Behind the mysterious stone gate of the mine tomb, there is a second weird Master Qin.

It's all related to the mysterious Master Qin.

"It's really strange. What kind of identity and origin does Master Qin have? He can never be..."


Qi Tiezui shuddered slightly, shook his head vigorously, and hurriedly shook off the extremely absurd thoughts.

Dean Wei stood up satisfied.

He rolled up his sleeves, turned around and asked in doubt: "Ba Ye, what happened to you, you changed your face all of a sudden, what are you afraid of?"

Qi Tiezui laughed all over his face and said: "It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of a young man born out of nowhere, that's really..."

"Okay, okay, stop."

Dean Wei hurriedly stopped and interrupted, saying: "I've heard your bragging all day long, and I can hear calluses in my ears. You young people like bragging all the time. How can there be such a powerful guy."

Qi Tiezui is happy.

These old antiques don't listen to what's going on outside the window, they only know how to study it, and sooner or later they will be shocked by Master Qin alone.

Dean Wei blushed, and smiled contentedly: "Let me tell you, we have found the owner of that tomb. His surname is Qin, and his single name is 'Jun'."

Dean Wei didn't go around and said the result directly, and said energetically: "The name of the owner of the tomb is Qin Jun."

Qin... Jun Qin?
"Dean, you said that person is called Qin Jun?"

The next second, Qi Tiezui opened his mouth wide in shock.

Qin Jun!

This name is all too familiar to him!

Every story about the other party is enough to shock people, the other party's fame is at the height of the sky, in the Xiangxi world and in Changsha city!
The other party is the boy I showed off to the dean just now!
"The owner of the blood corpse tomb is also called 'Qin Jun'?"

"What a coincidence?"

Qi Tiezui couldn't help shouting, his heart was bewildered, and he was surprised by what he heard.

There was a third Qin Jun!

"It's really him, it must be him..."

Standing aside, Old Dog Wu trembled violently.

His inner feelings were deeper than Qi Tiezui's, and his heart trembled when he heard it.

Both legs trembled slightly.


Old Dog Wu was anxious, and solemnly shouted: "I have to leave Changsha, I can't stay in this damn place anymore."

Wu Laogou was about to be driven crazy.

He has personally experienced the strange tomb of bloody corpses. The other party's fake corpse stood up and the bronze coffin boards were blown away.

He used to secretly visit the eighth master and the sixth master with a cautious attitude.

"Being" understands more deeply.

It also made him more afraid.

The testimony of the black-backed sixth child and Qi Tiezui all confirmed that it was an extremely terrifying "inhuman" existence.

There have been some deep taboos and horror legends about the business of tomb robbery since ancient times.

"The other party's pursuit of longevity is impossible to succeed. There must be a terrible mutation."

Old Dog Wu was terrified and guessing, and he was in a state of panic all day long.

Qi Tiezui smacked his tongue and said, "This news is a bit scary. The name of the owner of the blood corpse tomb is actually the same as Master Qin's. He must be very surprised when he goes back and tells Master Qin."

Old Dog Wu blurted out, "I'm afraid it's the same person."

"Uh, the same one, are you kidding me?"

Qi Tiezui was stunned for a moment.

Immediately he shouted anxiously: "Bah, bah, fifth master, don't talk nonsense about Mr. Qin, bad luck, how can a living person touch a porcelain dead person!"

Old Dog Wu took a deep breath and said, "Eighth Master, don't say much, let's go back, Buddha and Second Master are waiting for us, I want to tell you a very important thing."

The dead people climbed out again, and their abilities were strangely powerful.

This thing is too scary.

Wu Laogou knew that he couldn't escape, so he decided to tell everyone in Lao Jiu's family and face it bravely.

Wu Laogou's face was surprisingly calm at the moment.

With a straight back and full of depression, he left the Pre-Qin Academy with three pure black dogs.


Qi Tiezui hurriedly asked the last very interesting question, and said, "Dean Wei, I think this mysterious young master of the Western Zhou Dynasty must have a great background, right?"

"It's a big deal."

Dean Wei definitely responded, and said meaningfully: "And this Qin clan is not simple. This clan has inherited the ancients, which happens to be the source of the word 'Qin'. It inherits the ancients and opens up the future."


Qi Tiezui was shocked when he heard it.

After standing blankly for a while, Qi Tiezui said goodbye with his hands together, and quickly chased him out of the research institute.

"Mysterious Qin family, the mystery of longevity..."

"Fifth Master went to the tomb of bloody corpses. Mr. Wu died strangely. They must know something."

"Ham, why do I always feel that he is the only one who will reveal a shocking thing about the important things that the fifth master said? The missing blood corpse tomb owner's corpse, Qin Jun, Qin Lord... I hope it's not my absurd imagination In that way..."

Qi Tiezui's heart was throbbing, and he hurriedly followed the strange fifth master.


Special thanks to "Ya Chi" for presenting a "End 88" golden gift worth 666 yuan!Once again, I am especially grateful to the big boss "Ya Chi" for the two golden gifts of "Bang Geng Sa Hua" with a total value of 2 yuan yesterday and today!Thank you so much for your great support!
I am also especially grateful to the book friend "Jun Moxie" and the book friend "Ci Ai" for their precious milk tea, and I am especially grateful to the book friend "Zhatian Gang-Mindy" and the book friend "Your Internet Kiss" for their two precious praises, Special thanks to the book friend "Gucheng Jili" for his precious love letter and likes.I am also especially grateful for the precious love letters of the book friend "Mu Wan Wan ^O^" and the book friend "Xingxiu Zhiyue", as well as the three book friends "ヾban*li*geゞ", "staying up late party", "Mudfish in Jiangbei City" "Precious praise.Finally, I am also very grateful to Mangkhut ^O^, user 2 and other 23217722 new and old book friends for their small gifts, thank you~

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