Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 141 Because of your insanity, I can kill you

The soil on the ground of Hei Qiaozu Land is a gloomy black, like a beast's domain that chooses people to devour.

In the dark night, the three teams of Hei Qiao troops patrolled back and forth all night, with strict security.

Outside the ancestral cave in the deepest part of the ancestral land.

A gun is dormant in the dark.

In the depths of the ancestral cave, the lights are bright, and painful screams can be heard from each prison.

35 benzene experimenters were busy back and forth wearing protective clothing, rushing to carry out virus experiments at night.


In a huge stone room, the iron chains rattled, and some horrible creatures roared hoarsely.

The three benzene people went in to collect the samples, and then walked out in a panic.

I was horrified by what was inside.

A burly man walked into the ancestral cave.

He opened and closed his mouth, and let out a snarky voice: "The war is urgent, I must complete the experimental task within ten days, otherwise I will be punished!"

"Hi, sir!"

The laboratory director hastily saluted and agreed.

"Damn Chinese people, Changsha will soon fall into our hands, and then the whole south will be our empire's territory."

"If you dare to kill Ryoko Tanaka, and even my subordinates, I will let you know what regret is."

The burly man said cruelly in his eyes.

He was ambitious, so he spread out a topographical map on the spot, and had already drawn up an extremely vicious poisoning operation plan in his mind.

The vengeance in my heart was unprecedentedly strong.


Little brother Zhang Qiling shuttled through the night silently.

He avoided the patrolling men and horses in Hei Qiao village, sneaked quietly to the deepest part of Hei Qiao's ancestral land, and came to the left side of the ancestral cave.

"It's not good, there is a firepower net!"

His spirit tensed up in vain.

Secretly, an army outside the city hid in more than a dozen bunkers, strictly protecting the ancestral cave, and aimed their guns at the area outside the cave entrance.

Zhang Qiling looked nervously in another direction.

There is a dark place.

It is where Qin Jun is.

Qin Jun's body was close to the natural stone wall, and he also keenly felt the danger of the cave entrance, which was completely exposed to the dark muzzle of the gun.

"The Benzene are really here, what are they protecting, the virus laboratory?"

Qin Jun was secretly pleasantly surprised, but then extremely annoyed.

"This Heiqiao Village has colluded with the Liban people outside the city to such an extent that they even donated their ancestral land for generations to let the Liban people outside the city carry out their secret plans. It's really abominable."

Qin Jun was thinking of some way to destroy this benzene nest, when a system voice suddenly sounded in his mind:
"Ding, the host found Heiqiao Zudong, and found a high-risk Zudong tomb."

"Does the host consume 10 achievements to mystify this tomb to the death ancestral cave tomb?"

"The Great Tomb?"

Qin Jun's mind was moved when he heard it.

High-risk tomb, as the name suggests, this ancestral cave is full of extremely high dangers, which are fatal to ordinary people.

Qin Jun quickly said: "Mystify this ancestral cave."

Just right, there is no need to go into the Ancestral Cave.

Force them out!
"Ding, the host has consumed 10 achievements, and the mystification has been completed. The tomb of the high-ranking ancestral cave has been changed into the tomb of the dead ancestral cave. The host, please rest assured to explore this tomb."

Qin Jun didn't take the initiative to force his way in.

The qi mechanism of Hei Qiao Zudong in front of him changed quietly, and a thick Yin Qi spread silently from the depths of the ancestral cave.

The bodies of many benzene experimenters inside felt a chill instantly, and they all stopped in surprise.


There was a loud hissing sound in the deepest laboratory.

"bang bang bang"

There were a lot of crisp and piercing cracking sounds of iron cables from the depths.

The laboratory director exclaimed: "No, the iron cable must have broken, and the original sample broke free."

"Quick, come and protect us!"

"Take the precious experimental results in the cabinet and leave, don't let them be destroyed!"

Many benzene people in the laboratory screamed, commotion, and stopped the bacterial virus experiment in a panic.

Thirty or so experimenters hastily packed up the precious test tubes.

At this moment, the director of the Lubenzene Laboratory raised his head.

At a glance, a huge humanoid figure appeared in the passage at the end.

Under the light, it casts a large shadow of terrifying human form.


The behemoth came out with heavy steps, dragging eight thick iron chains on its body, and they dragged on the ground with loud noises.

In the next second, the huge monster charged out with a strong wind, throwing the laboratory director to the ground.

Showing sharp teeth and a terrifying face.

"Help, save me... ah!!!"

Heart-piercing screams sounded in Hei Qiaozu Cave, and the sharp screams pierced the night.

The behemoth bent down, bit the laboratory chief's throat with a palm-wide bloody opening, and tore open a long strip of bloody flesh, from throat to chin to forehead and brow.


The surrounding benzene experimenters saw their heads roar, and then screamed in their throats: "Mom, monster, help!"

Frightened by the horrific and bloody scene in front of them, all the Luben people dropped the experimental test tube with trembling hands, turned around and fled with all their might.

The behemoth's facial features were festered, its skin was black and red, and a thick layer of fossilized matter formed on the surface, chasing and biting many benzene people.

The speed is unbelievably fast, and every mouthful is full of long strips of flesh.

The behemoth opened its mouth, and its mouth was full of filth and blood. Drops of viscous blood dripped down its chin.

The burly man, the officer, saw his blood stagnate.

"Damn thing, it's a big deal for me!"

Chief Luben's eyes were red with anger, and he picked up a Luben experimenter beside him and threw it at the monster.

He was so frightened that the souls of the dead trembled, he turned around and fled wildly outside the cave entrance.

A tragic cry for help sounded from the rear, and the mournful howling of pain echoed continuously.

Numerous benzene experimenters tortured that horrible ghost thing as a sample, and now taste the pain and fear of being tortured.

The benzene army outside the city in the dark at the entrance of the cave left the muzzle in a panic, and soon there was intensive firing.

Qin Jun's heart beat slightly when he heard it outside the entrance of the cave.

The tragic wailing and pleading for help of the people outside the city sounded in his ears, and Qin Jun felt relieved all of a sudden.

It's like going back to the good old days when I fought fiercely with Ryoko Tanaka.

"Uh, I kind of miss it..."

Qin Jun excitedly said secretly, and walked out of the darkness.

In front of the entrance of the Ancestral Cave, a large group of Luben people rushed out, crying loudly.

Numerous Luben people were brutally chased out, threw away their guns and fled, saw the great horror that their companions encountered, and were gutted by the things in the ancestral cave.

The firepower net formed was easily broken by Qin Jun.

In Qin Jun's clear vision, a black shadow flashed in front of him.

Straight into the benzene people.

"My little brother's Zhang family unicorn body has been activated, and his strength is really different!"

Qin Jun secretly trembled when he saw it.

The little brother Zhang Qiling was like a cold ghost in the dark night, the black gold ancient knife was tainted with chill, and wiped the necks of every one of them.

Instantly kill five people.

The burly man was the chief of the city, who was in charge of the "Poisoning Operation Plan", and he yelled angrily, "Who is it?"


Chief Li Benz staggered forward and fell to the ground.

He suffered from pain in the chest and was stabbed deeply.

Chief Li Benz raised his head with difficulty.

In his eyes, he could only see two figures killing and hacking mercilessly among his subordinates.

His subordinates kept groaning in pain, and fell to the ground in pain.

They struggled to escape the attack of the terrorist creatures in the ancestral cave, but failed to escape the two mysterious beings in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, all the 21 escaped men fell at the feet of Qin Jun.

In the face of the two rare unicorn bodies and their formidable strength, these Qiben people were not enemies in one round at all, and they were all ruthlessly killed, leaving no one behind.

"Cough cough."

Chief Li Benz coughed violently, feeling very angry.

They were the only ones who slaughtered others in the scene before them, but they didn't expect that the ones lying on the ground were replaced by them, and they were killed wantonly.

He raised his head and asked in horror, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"To sabotage your virus lab."

Qin Jun stepped forward and said lightly.

The other party's eyes widened immediately, his face was full of tragedy, and he roared angrily: "Damn Chinese people, why dare to spoil my hard work and spoil my battle plan!"

Chief Li Benz was extremely angry and full of despair.

Before, he thought about the success of the battle plan, the glory of the empire, and the supreme honor to the emperor.

Now with the shots of the two young men in front of him, all illusions are shattered.

The experiment that took a long time to work on will also be ruthlessly destroyed.

"Because you are crazy enough, I can kill you."

Qin Jun Qingyue said, stepped forward and approached the officer who was unwilling to roar on the ground, and dropped the sharp black gold ancient knife in his hand.


Ruthless pierces its heart.

Qin Jun exerted a little force, and the people under his feet were distorted and painful, and slowly lost their breath.

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