Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 119 Killing 4 parties and breaking out of Pingshan

There is someone ahead.

Qin Jun's perception was keen, and he heard the footsteps of more than six or seven people, walking in a hurry, with a murderous look on fire.

The black-backed sixth son was vigilant: "Are you also someone who wants to fight?"

As the unknown horse approached quickly, Qin Jun's mind became vigilant in an instant.

A system voice sounded in my mind: "Ding, the host pays attention, the legend of the Pingshan Tomb has triggered the warlords and bandits to attack."

"The host's defeat of competitors is also one of the contents of this tomb robbery, and it will be settled into the final reward."

"Warlords and bandits attack?"

Qin Jun was puzzled, and immediately felt dizzy.

There are not many other places in Xiangxi, except for local warlords and bandit dens.

Because of the frequent turmoil in western Hunan, the local government of the Republic of China was useless here. A large number of stragglers occupied the county seat and occupied the mountain as king.

These armed forces took advantage of the dangerous mountains and rivers in western Hunan to dominate and dominate. Most of them murdered and set fire, robbed houses, raped and plundered, and did almost everything.

Even Chen Yulou's proud leader who claims to be a hundred thousand Xieling has to support the warlord leader Luo Laowai in order to gain a stable foothold in this chaotic world.

"Warlords and bandits have guns, and it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to deal with them."

"But I, Mr. Qin, have a god-level talent for crossword puzzles, and a good pet eight-winged centipede..."

Qin Jun thought, and his mind suddenly settled down.

When the warlords attacked, Qin Jun remembered that Chen Yulou failed to steal Pingshan three times, and all his fleeing subordinates were robbed and killed. The comers were definitely not kind.

"Old Six, ambush."

Qin Jun shouted decisively, and flew to the top of the tree in the blink of an eye.

The black-backed sixth child looked solemn, and quickly hid behind a tree.

Soon, a seven-man vanguard warlord team appeared in the forest. The captain held a box pistol and charged forward along the forest path with a murderous look on his face.

On the other hand, the younger brother Zhang Qiling coldly educated the warlord leader and hurried back.

He suddenly felt a cold killing intent.

Someone in the forest said cruelly: "Kill!"


Gunshots rang out in the forest, and the captain who gave the order fell instantly, the back of his head being beaten bloody.

"bang bang bang"

Gunshots rang out from behind, flames sprayed, and seven warlords were shot and fell down instantly.

Qin Jun landed with a gun in his hand, and his marksmanship was clean and neat, blowing the heads of the warlord's subordinates.

The little brother Zhang Qiling quickly came over to join him, and said in a deep voice, "These are warlords?"

Qin Jundao: "Well, it is said that there are a lot of gold, silver and jewels in the Pingshan Tomb. Warlords and bandits came to kill us. Let's be careful."

"Find the mount first!"

Qin Jun said resolutely, picking up guns and ammunition with vigor.

Then Qin Jun, his younger brother, and the black-backed sixth son hurried back to the complex area of ​​Pingshan to avoid the sharp edge of the Xiangxi warlords.

A group of [-] warlords from the rear arrived aggressively. Seeing their subordinates being killed, they were so angry that they fired guns in protest and roared, "It's the tomb robbers who want to escape, kill them for me!"

A group of warlords rushed into the Pingshan area.

The Bottle Mountain area is huge.

Qin Jun quickly walked around a valley on the right.

Soon, I saw a tall horse neighing in front of me.

The two companions behind it fell to the ground, shot in the buttocks, and blood flowed all over the floor.

The black-backed sixth son said angrily, "My horse was killed, you damned warlord and bandit!"

The younger brother and the sixth brother, Ma, who was on their way, fled frightened by the collapse of the mountain, and was robbed and killed by another team of warlord bandits. He lost too much blood and died during the escape.

"There are more than one group of warlords and bandits. If he dares to move us, we will kill them all."

Qin Jun said murderously, aroused anger, and hurriedly climbed up to the top of the steep cliff on the right side of Shanka with his little buddies.

There are only a few exits in the large area of ​​Pingshan, and there are cliffs on both sides, making it difficult to pass, but it is not a problem for Qin Jun and other masters.

Standing on the top of the cliff, Qin Jun saw a dense crowd of people and horses coming from a distance below his feet, and more than ten leaders were riding on horses.

Four hundred gangsters, led by spies, arrived in the Pingshan area in mighty force.

Pingshan is said to be rich in treasures. Hearing that Xiling bandits have robbed Pingshan twice, the bandit leaders couldn't calm down and brought a large number of people here.

Under Qin Jun's nose, a large army of bandits set up camp.

Faintly hearing extremely arrogant shouts, a large number of bandit soldiers dispersed to block the way out.

"Come here, let's fight!"

Qin Jun had a feeling in his heart and ordered the cruel eight-winged centipede to come quickly.

The eight-winged centipede was in high spirits, and sprang out from the deep mountain at an astonishing speed. It quickly climbed up the cliff and came to the top of the mountain to meet Qin Jun.

"Let's see its true strength this time..."

Qin Jun was thinking, waiting quietly, and it got dark.

In the middle of the night, there was faint gunfire, and several groups of warlords and bandits caught fire, which was very intense.


Qin Jun also drank lightly.

In the middle of the night, the eight-winged centipede's viciousness soared, and it carried Qin Jun, his younger brother Zhang Qiling, and the black-backed sixth child to kill him from the mountain.

The eight-winged centipede climbed halfway, and its eight huge wings flapped violently, rushing straight towards the bandit camp from the air.


In the middle of the night, there was a frightening flapping sound above, which startled the gangsters to wake up.


"It's scary, it's a prehistoric monster... poof!"

The eight-winged centipede flew down swiftly, brutally knocking over a dozen bandit soldiers into the air in an instant, and there were a lot of painful blood spurting sounds in the middle of the night.


Qin Jun said coldly.

The eight-winged centipede received the order and rushed straight to the tent of the bandit leader's base camp.


The big tent was directly smashed to pieces by the eight-winged centipede.

The gangster leader rolled away naked with the female bandit, got up in a panic and drew his gun. When he saw the huge monster crawling past him, his eyes were instantly horrified.

Standing on the centipede's back, Qin Jun drew his sword and slashed at it.

The long blade cut through the air and wiped the bandit leader's neck.


Killing bandits is a hundred times easier than killing zongzi!
Qin Jun's body suddenly surged with blood.

The bandit leader's head was thrown high, a large amount of blood sprayed on his neck, splashed out, splashing the face of the naked female bandit on the ground.

The eight-winged centipede rampaged, invincible, and suddenly there was violent chaos and screams, and there was a commotion everywhere.


Qin Jun Qingyue shouted, and his younger brother Zhang Qiling jumped up under the cover of night.

Two peerless masters fell into the group of bandits, and the two ancient black gold knives were like magical weapons specially made for death, killing all directions.

Two ancient black gold knives swept across, and the bandit soldiers screamed like wheat falling one after another.

"bang bang bang"

There were chaotic gunshots in the night, and bandits accidentally injured a large number of their companions.

Gunfire, blood splatter, eight-winged centipede rampant...

The black-backed sixth son saw his blood boil, rushed up from the darkness and hacked a bandit soldier to death with a single knife, and shouted: "Happy!"

The black-backed sixth child suddenly raised his head, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

"I'll do it, Mr. Qin is too strong!"

The black-backed sixth child was shocked. In his eyes, Qin Jun's narrow long knife was like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves. A large number of bandit soldiers howled to the end, and their figures shot out like a white rainbow piercing the sun, instantly piercing through [-] people in a straight line. Bandits.

"I, I'm stupid, three and five kills!"

The black-backed sixth child was shocked.

The Qin lords slaughtered all directions, as if entering a land of no one, their blood boiled watching them.


A bullet slashed across the side, breaking the excited thoughts of the black-backed sixth child.

The black-backed sixth child quickly suppressed the deep shock in his heart, dodged the line of the gun in a panic, and slashed out with a big knife, killing a fleeing bandit soldier.

The bloodthirsty cry of the eight-winged centipede came from the field.


It was time to hunt prey. The huge torso of the eight-winged centipede violently rushed back and forth in the bandit camp. There was a horrific howl in the bandit camp, and the heads of a dozen bandits were bitten off by the jaws of the monster.

"Everyone ran for their lives, the grandsons were all killed!"

"Murder monster! Monster..."

The thugs cried out and were defeated, screaming and fleeing to the wild forests on all sides, terrified.

The eight-winged centipede flew out, chasing and killing the fleeing bandits, knocking down bandits one after another.

Qin Jun stood in the camp, with a large amount of bandit corpses lying under his feet, dripping with blood.


Qin Jun retracted the saber, his whole body was dripping with joy, and his palms were slightly hot.

Qin Jun is not bloodthirsty, but he vaguely heard some shocking conversations, this group of gangsters really deserve death.

Little brother came over.

Qin Jun asked concerned: "Brother, how are you doing, Sixth?"

"I am fine."

Zhang Qiling said in a low voice.

"Master Qin, it's okay!"

The black-backed sixth son also recovered and replied loudly.

"That's fine."

The two were not injured under the cover of night, Qin Jun heaved a sigh of relief.

The three of Qin Jun inspected the camp of bandits by the light of the fire, only to see the corpses of bandits everywhere.

There are more than 200 lying down.

Qin Jun's heart beat wildly.

I have never experienced such a battle of hundreds of people.

Confronted with a gangster in Xiangxi, and won!

As for which famous gangster it is, hmph, Qin Jun doesn't care.

The black-backed sixth son next to Qin Jun also had his heart beating wildly: "I thought it would be a difficult battle, but it turned out to be so one-sided, it's terrible, it's all because of Master Qin..."

The black-backed sixth child's eyes were bloodshot, and he was really shocked.

He thought of our Lord Qin's explosive combat power and his terrifying pets, and his body was so excited that his fingers trembled slightly.

The black-backed sixth child suddenly felt that the strengthened body that he swallowed the strong body pill was not good.

Compared with his own Lord Qin, he really can't get on the stage.

"We're waiting for my pet."

Qin Jun opened his mouth and waited with his younger brother and sixth child until midnight.

The eight-winged centipede crawled back excitedly.

It is the top cruel hunter in the world, violently killing all fleeing bandits.


Qin Jun said brightly.

Qin Jun, his younger brother and the sixth brother passed through the blockade of the western Xiangxi gangsters, relieved their anger very freely, and swaggered out of the Pingshan area.

The secretive spies in the surrounding darkness were so frightened that they sat down on the ground, then got up and fled desperately back to spread the news.

No one dared to stop it.

However, compared to the blood and hearty beheading of the Qin Juns.

The leaders of Chen Yulou were almost aggrieved and went crazy.


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