Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 115 Don't talk about me, it's not my fault...

Qin Jun remembered that Chen Yulou was really a great bandit leader, and he led the Xiling people to attack Pingshan.

In order to rob the tomb, he encouraged the warlords to use a large number of detonators and explosives to open the mountain.

The problem is that they know a damn blasting technique!
The bottleneck part of the top of Pingshan Mountain was already cracked, but it was directly collapsed by them.

"The mountain has collapsed, retreat quickly!"

There was a terrifying tearing sound from inside the mountain, and Qin Jun screamed in shock, and immediately rushed forward with his brother.

If the mountain collapses, Qin Jun feels that no matter how powerful he is, he will have to play a fool!

Qin Jun and the younger brother disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, what about people... Fuck Master Qin and the others are so fast!"

The black-backed sixth child was dumbfounded.

Immediately, he was so shocked by the mountain that his chest was tight, and he followed Qin Jun and his brother out of the tomb of the Yuan Dynasty general on the top of the mountain in a panic.

The bottle-mouth-shaped peak of Pingshan shook violently, everyone swayed, and rolling stones and dust fell down around them.

"Get out."

The partridge whistle yelled in horror, and quickly swept out with lightness kung fu.

Chen Yulou staggered and couldn't stand still. Just as he was about to tear down the coffin of his master, he shouted in horror: "Don't worry about things, run!"

Headed by Qin Jun and the younger brother, followed by the black-backed sixth child, and finally the leader of moving the mountain and the leader of Xiling, everyone rushed out like crazy.

Qin Jun rushed out of the tomb on the top of the mountain and came to a cliff with a crack in the rock that was one person wide.

It is just sandwiched between two huge cliffs in the rock crevice.

Can't tell which cliff is the main body.

The violent tremors continued continuously, and a large number of rolling stones and mud poured down from above.


A huge boulder the size of a millstone fell down the cliff, and there was a cruel collision sound, and it was about to explode when it was hit on the head.

Qin Jun waited nervously, the violent tremor stopped, and finally the falling rocks above became sparse.

But Qin Jun was not happy at all.

Qin Jun keenly felt that the mountain under his feet was tilting!

The 30-ton mountain on the cliff where the Lords of Qin were standing split apart and was slowly pouring out.

Brother Zhang Qiling whispered: "Over there!"

Qin Jun also said: "Let's go."

Qin Jun and his younger brother jumped out, their bodies clinging to the opposite cliff, and their hands clinging tightly.

Just as Qin Jun flew over, there was a shocking explosion from the mountain.


The mountain erupted with earth-shattering bangs, and the crack in the rock that was one person wide in front of Qin Jun instantly cracked, expanding to six meters wide.

Behind him was a terrible chasm in the valley, between which green clouds surged.

Qin Jun turned his head.

The eyes become bright.

I saw clouds and mist surging in the mountain gap in the distance, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger. The dazzling sun rays shot in along the wide gap, illuminating the clouds and fog behind us, creating a myriad of scenes.

The gap at the back continued to expand, and part of the mountain on the opposite side had been toppling steadily, and the gap gradually expanded to ten meters.

Qin Jun secretly sighed.

The rock-like mountain couldn't help trembling violently, and only the human-wide rock cracks became wider.

In the opposite tomb, the black-backed sixth child ran out crazily, in a hurry.

In the next second, he was so frightened that the ghosts of the dead trembled: "What's the situation, the mountain is divided into two halves?"

The black-backed sixth son yelled sadly: "Master Qin, help me!"

The black-backed sixth child was in a broken mood. Master Qin and the others slipped too fast, and they had already reached the opposite cliff.

But I am still here.

Like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the emerald mist moat in front of him was more than ten meters wide, and he couldn't fly over it no matter what.

You can only rely on Master Qin on the opposite side!

"Don't panic, I can save you!"

Qin Jun cried out urgently, throwing the rope violently.

The flying fairy rope flew over and wrapped around the black-backed sixth son, Qin Jun pulled it hard, and the black-backed sixth son immediately flew across the ten-meter moat like a volley.

Robbing the tomb with Lord Qin is too exciting!
The black-backed sixth child clung to the stone wall tightly, his hair stood up all over his body, and he shouted excitedly, "Thank you, Master Qin!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

Qin Jun exclaimed with a smile.

On the opposite side, the two leaders of the tomb robber world, Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou, shook their bodies and ran to the edge of the cliff in a panic.

Then the two of them froze at the same time.

Immediately, a layer of despair shrouded my heart.

"so far?"

The ten-meter-wide gap made the two leaders suffocate all over their faces, and their hands and feet felt cold.

The mountain under his feet was falling, and Chen Yulou was so anxious that he shouted, "Build a bridge."

The masters of Xiling Ridge were so frightened that they frantically assembled the three centipede hanging ladders and lifted them out to the opposite cliff.

Without saying a word, Chen Yulou led the Xiling people to step onto the bamboo bridge quickly.

Qin Jun on the opposite side hastily reminded: "Be careful of falling rocks!"

Rolling boulders overhead.

"bang bang"

The three unloading people were immediately smashed until their heads were splashed with blood, and they fell deep into the crack below.

Chen Yulou ran forward desperately, suddenly felt nothing under his feet, and couldn't help being horrified.

At this moment, a rope rushed over quickly and pulled him away.

"Bang bang bang."

The bamboo bridge on the gap was smashed to pieces, and the remaining four Xiling disciples all fell to the ground amidst exclamations.


The only remaining partridge whistle on the opposite side was numb and roared.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, exerted all his strength, kicked his legs and leaped out.

The Partridge Whistle was very light, flying more than six meters away, but the situation quickly deteriorated, and his body quickly fell in a parabola without any leverage.

If you are lucky, you can fall to a certain point below the cliff and cling to the rock wall without dying!
In the next second, Partridge Whistle felt his waist being entangled by something, and then his body flew up uncontrollably, rushing towards the opposite cliff like flying clouds and fog.


The partridge whistle's arms and the climbing beetle's Baizihook on the inside of the wrist grab the cliff and climb on it all at once.

Qin Jun and his younger brother looked solemn.

The black-backed sixth child opened his mouth wide.

Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou clung tightly to the cliff, scared out of their wits.

Qin Jun boldly looked down. Under his feet, a giant mountain collapsed quickly, and then fell rapidly.


It hit the ground heavily, causing dust to rise up from below.

The cliff trembled, and Qin Jun's heart couldn't help beating wildly:
"Fortunately, I didn't fall, otherwise I would have been smashed to pieces."

Wait a moment.

Qin Jun was excited and said: "It's safe, let's go up first."

Qin Jun climbed up vigorously, and soon came to the top of half of Pingshan Mountain, holding a long and narrow ancient knife in his hand, his heart was surging, and he stood on the edge of the cliff with endless pride.

Another tomb conquered!
The little brother Zhang Qiling climbed up silently, with a calm expression on his face.

The palms of Qin Jun's black-backed sixth child, Partridge Whistle, and Chen Yulou were all numb.

It took them a long time to recover, their hearts beating wildly with excitement, and they climbed up the cliff cautiously.

When they came to the top of the mountain, the black-backed sixth son let out a long breath, and shouted: "Our Master Qin is really powerful, we can be considered safe now."

Meet the horrible corpse king.

Another landslide occurred.

This trip to the tomb was also thrilling, and it was finally safe.

On the left, Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou handed each other over, and said gratefully, "Thank you little brother."

The leaders of the two factions were full of gratitude, and it was Qin Jun who rescued them in time.

Although they had a chance of surviving without Qin Jun's action, Qin Jun's action guaranteed [-]% their lives.

"If it falls down quickly with the mountain..."

"Phew, I dare not even think about it, all missions, all grand achievements, will disappear from now on!"

Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou's heart skipped a beat.

Everyone escaped and rested for a while.

Beside Qin Jun, the black-backed sixth son slapped his thigh fiercely, and said angrily, "Damn, my pot is gone again!"

The black-backed sixth child's expression changed drastically.

He got a precious Yuan Dynasty jar, but he threw it away because he thought it was getting in the way.

Qin Jun smiled brightly.

It's just a broken jar, I don't care.

But the black-backed old six's face turned green: "Damn it, the ghost didn't even get three big fights, it's really aggrieved."


"what is this……"

Chen Yulou beside him was even more aggrieved than the black-backed sixth child.

"Ha ha."

He laughed miserably.

At this moment, Chen Yulou was going crazy.

He is a dignified leader and a famous figure in all directions, except for a chamber pot, he did not bring any treasures from the tomb on this trip.

He had spurned those piles of jars and tattered clothes before but didn't bring them out.

Now it's all right, not even broken!
"Although they are tattered, they are still worth a lot."

"Now it's all right. I'm the leader of a hundred thousand Xiling Mountains, a man of influence in command of 63 provinces in the South, North, and South. If people spread the word, I just stole a urinal?"

"Even if it wasn't for being laughed at by the world, how can I, Chen, have any face in the world..."

Chen Yulou murmured in his heart, his chest hurts like blood.

This trip to the tomb only robbed a chamber pot, and his mentality was going crazy, and he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Although the purple sand chamber pot in his hand was precious, its function seemed to mock his incompetence.

Qin Jun noticed Chen Yulou's displeasure, and kept silent.

learn brother.

Partridge Whistle sighed: "We didn't achieve our goal, but we have broken the bottle mountain. Brother Chen, don't feel bad."


Chen Yulou felt even more uncomfortable, and said sadly: "I'm actually fine, but the hundreds of brothers who are carrying things under the shade of the mountain don't know what happened. They may have been crushed by this part of the mountain long ago, and they are all over."

Thinking of the brothers who moved a pile of tatters at the foot of Shanyin...

Chen Yulou's heart ached even more, and he looked up to the sky and shouted sadly: "The sky has no eyes, what kind of thing is this!"

The sound spread across the mountains in all directions, forming an echo, and Qin Jun turned his head quickly when he heard it.

This Blind Chen's life is so tragic, I can't bear to watch it.

"Don't talk about me anyway."

"Because I don't come by myself, Chen Yulou's third robbery of the Pingshan tomb will not succeed, and a large number of brothers will also die..."

Qin Jun thought that if he didn't talk about himself first, he would feel much more comfortable.

Chen Yulou got up quickly, and said in a miserable voice, "I'll go down first to see what's going on below."

Partridge Whistle's expression suddenly changed, and he said: "Oops, I asked the red girl to take the unconscious junior sister away. I don't know if the junior sister has been taken away!"

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle hurriedly found their way down the mountain.

The black-backed sixth child was not reconciled, and said anxiously: "Master Qin, let's go down and have a look too, we must catch something when we come here!"

Qin Jun couldn't wait any longer, and said neatly: "Then go down and have a look."

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