Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 111 Sweeping the Rich Gold, Silver and Jewelry

Qin Jun came driving the eight-winged centipede, and everyone was deeply shocked.

Amidst the panic on everyone's faces, the eight-winged centipede crawled closer.

Its torso was a little taller than Chen Yulou's at the front of the crowd, and its upper body was tilted up, making it look taller and more ferocious. The two long upright tentacles on its head were as thick as thumbs.

Everyone smelled a strong murderous breath.

"Such a powerful eight-winged monster, it was really subdued."

Partridge Whistle's body stiffened when he saw it, and a shocking wave was set off in his heart.

As the inheritor of the Taoist who moves mountains, he has a lot of research on the art of controlling beasts, and he is very aware of the horror of this eight-winged beast, and his temperament is very vicious, so he will not give in.

The way is profound!

The general natural enemy, the angry chicken, can't be suppressed!
He had previously suspected that the man had died at the mouth of the eight-winged beast.

But the opponent not only survived, but also subdued the huge monster, and appeared alive before his eyes, like a miracle.

"What a strange person he is, it's incredible..."

Partridge Whistle's pupils shrank sharply, and his heart was beyond shocked.

Beside Partridge Whistle, Chen Yulou also saw that his head was roaring, and his thoughts were empty.

He looked up at Qin Jun's majestic appearance, driving the eight-winged centipede to come, and this moment made him unable to turn his nerves.

On the head of the murderous creature, Qin Jun held a long knife, standing proudly, as if he had the spirit of swallowing the world, his spirit was high, and he was in a trance like a big sun falling on the world, which was peerless and shocking.

Chen Yulou was shocked: "The demeanor is not inferior to my own..."

Qin Jun jumped to the ground and said, "Hi everyone."

All the Xiling people backed away in a panic, their faces terrified all day long.

Seeing the eight-winged centipede approaching, everyone felt bad at all, and their hearts were pounding with nervousness.

The eight-winged centipede had a huge and ferocious head, and unknown saliva flowed from its mouth.

The two big black teeth are like guillotines, they can bite off their heads in one bite, chewing them so crisply.

The partridge whistle had an extraordinary bearing, and he took a deep breath and stood up.

He cupped his hands and said, "I'm the partridge whistle of the Mountain Range. Thank you for this friend's action. This monster's skills are so high that it has reached the level of eight wings, which is beyond my expectations. Today we almost encountered an accident."

"Um, little brother is so young, with such shocking abilities, he is really a unparalleled god!"

Partridge Whistle was stunned for a moment and quickly regained its composure. He acted freely and praised, his face full of praise without being stingy.

Qin Jun looked calm and said: "It turns out that he is a famous mountain-moving Taoist, and his reputation is too high."

Chen Yulou, as the leader of the Shiwan Xie Ridge, commanded all directions, and was one of the six people who had seen strong winds and waves, he calmed down instantly.

He asked: "I am the leader of the mountain, Chen Yulou, dare to ask where the little brother is from and what is his name?"

"Qin Jun, from Changsha, has long admired Mr. Chen's name."

Qin Jun said blindly: "I have long heard that there is a powerful monster in this vase tomb, now tame it, let's go first, bye."

Qin Jun didn't talk nonsense, and left with his quiet brother Zhang Qiling.

"Oh, by the way, I just heard someone scold me very badly, saying I'm a son of a bitch."

Qin Jun turned around and walked towards Luo Laowai calmly.

Qin Jun heard a lot of unsavory insults from him just now, which are worse than dogs.

Luo Laowai, the leader of the great warlord, was still immersed in the shocking scene just now, facing the eight-winged centipede in front of him, his legs trembled, as if seeing a nightmare.

"How dare you insult me?"

Qin Jun came up and slapped his backhand fiercely.


The leader of the big warlord was thrown flying by Qin Jun, circling three times in the air, "Ah!", screaming in big characters and hitting the wall.

Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou's eyelids twitched slightly.

This young man's temperament is really unbearable... Happy to be kind and enmity.

"He slapped the handsome man in the face, what should we do?"

The warlord's subordinates were in a commotion.

But their legs were weak in front of the eight-winged centipede, and they didn't dare to breathe.

Qin Jun came down to earth as a god in shock!

They didn't dare to offend, and they didn't dare to stand up for the handsome.

"And this man saved our lives."

All the Xiling people and the warlord's subordinates felt endless gratitude that it was Qin Jun who saved all of their lives.

Under the nervous gaze of two famous tomb robbers from Partridge Whistle, Chen Yulou, and a large group of Xiling people and warlords, Qin Jun's back was shrouded in a mysterious halo and disappeared from sight.

After a long time.


Partridge Whistle heaved a sigh of relief, and exclaimed joyfully: "That incomparable eight-winged beast is surrendered, it's really a joyful event in life, comfortable!"

A master unloader stepped forward and said, "Mr. Chen, they are the ones who descended from the top of the mountain to the tomb earlier."

"It's them?"

Chen Yulou was slightly taken aback.

Then I felt extremely ashamed: "Before I was sure that they were dead, but in the end they not only survived but also solved the catastrophe, but this time they underestimated people..."

Chen Yulou felt hot on his face.

Thinking of how determined I was just now, I still want to pick up someone else's handed down magic weapon...

cough cough.

Think more.

Chen Yulou pondered, and said: "He is from Changsha. I heard that there was a big fight in Changsha Jiu's sect a while ago, and the whole army was almost wiped out. He was rescued by a mysterious boy. It should be him."

"I, Chen, will never be weaker than him in my life."

"Now that the crisis is resolved, it's time to take the treasure to give me comfort and accomplish my great cause!"

Chen Yulou's eyes were burning with flames thinking, thinking about obtaining a treasure of great wealth, and from then on, he will show his grand plans and achieve supreme supremacy.

And the other side.

Qin Jun took his brother and walked through the tomb on the eight-winged centipede.

The system voice sounded in my mind in time: "The host surrendered the eight-winged centipede, and the danger in the bottom area of ​​the vase tomb has been resolved, and a sweep can be carried out."

"Due to the abundance of treasures, will the host consume 3 achievements to wipe out all the treasures?"

Qin Jun said decisively: "Sweep up, but don't do everything, leave some worthless things for Chen Yulou."

Suddenly, an exciting reminder sounded in Qin Jun's mind:
"Ding, found the golden cave and got a lot of gold: 18 taels of gold!"

"Ding, I found a treasure house of silver and got a lot of silver: 49 taels of silver!"

"Ding, get a gorgeous gold jewelry box: *10 boxes."

"Ding, get gorgeous treasures and jade treasure chests*10 boxes."

"Ding, I got a large number of Yuan Dynasty crystal bottles, glass cups and other artifacts * 100 pieces of antiques."

"Ding, I got a large number of pottery figurines and antiques *300 pieces from the Yuan Dynasty."

"Ding, I finally found the super money bank of the Yuan Dynasty, and got the Southern Song Dynasty copper coins: 100 million guan!"

As the system sounded, the glaring treasures in the treasure rooms at the bottom of the Aquarius Tomb quietly disappeared.

The golden ingots of pure gold were all charming, and they fell into Jun Qin's system treasury, and boxes of gorgeous gold jewelry and jade treasure chests were put into his pockets.

Antiques and utensils also fell into the treasure house one after another.

A large amount of copper coins rattled, forming a yellow-brown torrent pouring into the treasure house.

"So much gold, silver and jewels, so much money?"

Qin Jun was very moved.

Surprised by this huge number!
The great general of the Yuan Dynasty conquered the Southern Song Dynasty and plundered countless gold, silver and jade objects from the southern land, and he became rich to such an extent.

Qin Jun remembered that He Shen, a famous corrupt official in the previous dynasty, had been corrupt all his life and had embezzled 19 taels of gold.

"There are 49 taels of silver and 100 million copper coins!"

Qin Jun's heart was hot, and he felt that he had suddenly become a millionaire in the Republic of China.

Rich in millions!
Although it is far from the 8 million taels of silver embezzled by Heshen, it is still a treasure so huge that ordinary people can't even imagine it.

Qin Jun's cells were trembling, excited by the rich gold and silver treasures in the Aquarius Tomb.

"Now that I have money, I can contribute to the future defense of Changsha."

"You can't do everything right, and leave the rest of the 'good things' to the two famous leaders!"

Chen Yulou are about to vomit blood...

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