Tomb Raider: The Beginning Divine Fire Qilin Body

Chapter 104 Go to Pingshan together

A delicate black shadow sneaked into Qin Jun's room, bringing in a scent of fragrance.

He tiptoed to Qin Jun's bag, secretly opened it, sniffed it lightly, and was extremely intoxicated.

She smelled a special fragrance of elixir.

Chop the left hand vigorously with the right hand, resist the greed, and gently tie the burden.

The black shadow then noticed Qin Jun's long and narrow ancient knife.

She walked over curiously.

take it.

Hey, I couldn't move it.

Black Shadow secretly used all his strength to move up with both hands, but he was completely dumbfounded and couldn't move it at all!

The ancient black gold knife did not move at all!

Hei Ying was horrified, the knife was at least three or four hundred catties, and he felt that he had met a terrifying strange person, so he had to go.

The black shadow tiptoed back, and suddenly bumped into something.

A Qingyue voice came from behind, asking curiously, "What are you doing?"

Heiying turned around to look, and suddenly exclaimed: "Ah ghost!"

Qin Jun swiftly slashed the opponent unconscious.

Qin Jun turned on the light and saw that Huo was a beautiful young lady in black night clothes, only in her teens.

Qin Jun pinched her face fiercely, hey, you are still so tender, you dare to come and steal from me.

Qin Jun took out the rope and tied the opponent up.

Then, sleep.

The next day, Qin Jun woke up after a good night's sleep, full of energy.

After Qin Jun washed his face and brushed his teeth, the man in black who was tied up into rice dumplings was sleeping in a corner, and woke up leisurely with a terrified expression.

He is a master!

The man in black was extremely anxious.

She is also the inheritor of the Taoist who moves mountains, so she has a little skill, but she is vulnerable to this person.

Qin Jun stepped forward, condescendingly and asked doubtfully, "Thief, who are you?"

The girl in black was very frightened, and stammered: "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't come here on purpose, I was just curious about your elixir, I didn't steal anything."

The other party was about to collapse, she just came to take a sip.

Qin Jun asked: "Then who are you?"

The girl in black was so anxious that she was about to cry, and said: "My name is Hua Ling, and I'm the junior sister of Zhegushao, the leader of the mountain mover. Please, for the sake of senior brother, can you let me go?"

"Flower spirit? Partridge whistle?"

Qin Jun's heart was moved immediately.

Partridge Whistle is the leader of the Taoists who move mountains in the "Faqiu, Mojin, Move Mountains, and Xie Ling" in the Daodou world, and he is also a famous big shot.

Qin Jun's impression of Partridge Whistle is more comfortable than Chen Yulou's, because he went to the tomb only for Danzhu, not asking for money, nor would he wantonly destroy the corpse in the tomb, let alone desecrate the owner of the tomb.

"Partridge Whistle is more capable than Chen Yulou. He has inherited the art of moving mountains and is proficient in 'mountain piercing and armor division' and 'moving mountains and filling seas'."

"He also has a special skill 'Kuixing Kick Fight', which can break the spine of a big rice dumpling!"

"I should meet him this time, when will Bibi?"

Qin Jun was excited, and he would also use a powerful technique to destroy the joints of the zongzi.

As for the junior sister in front of me...

"The little girl is quite simple."

Qin Jun remembered that Partridge Whistle really had a junior sister who collected herbs and Ganoderma lucidum all the year round and kept away from others.

"No wonder your nose is so sharp that you can smell my elixir."

Qin Jun thought about it funny, untied the rope and said generously: "So it was a misunderstanding, I let you go, you go."

Hua Ling was stunned, her face was like a dream, she was tied up all night thinking she was going to be killed like a pig.

Hua Ling hesitated, and summoned up the courage to ask: "May I ask if you want to go to the grave? I see that you are carrying bucket tools."

Qin Jun nodded: "En."

There's nothing to hide.

Partridge Whistle's goal does not conflict with himself, and he is just, so no contention will break out.

Hua Ling couldn't help asking: "Do you have to go?"

Qin Jun nodded: "We must go."

Hua Ling moved Xiao Jiujiu, and issued an invitation: "That tomb is particularly dangerous. We are descendants of the Taoist Qianshan lineage. Can you come with us?"

Hua Ling has a pure heart and is afraid that Qin Jun and the others will die for no reason.

Qin Jun said confidently: "No need."

The black-backed sixth child outside the room came over, with a confused look on his face: "Master Qin, when did you have an extra girl in your room?"

Brother Zhang Qiling looked Hualing up and down, his eyes were slightly cold.

Discovered the inappropriate attire of the other party's night clothes.

Qin Jun smiled and said: "This is Hua Ling, one of the descendants of the Taoist who moved the mountain, there is a misunderstanding, let's not delay, let's go."

Qin Jun looked confident, and left under the apprehensive eyes of Hua Ling behind him, and set off for Pingshan.

at the same time.

The crowd on the other side was mighty, and the warlord team was clearly separated from the green forest masters, and they all returned to Pingshan.

Add up to seven or eight hundred people.

A large number of people carried more than 100 red rooster cages and forty or fifty centipede hanging ladders, shouting frantically, and the movement was very loud.

It was Luo Laowai, the great warlord, and Chen Yulou, the leader of Xiling.

Unwilling to give up, I happened to go to Pingshan together with Qin Jun and others, preparing for the third robbery of the Pingshan tomb!
Among them was a man in a Taoist robe, with a handsome appearance and an outstanding temperament, he was the leader of the Taoists who moved mountains.

Hua Ling hurried over and shouted anxiously: "Brother!"

Hua Ling pulled the partridge whistle aside, eagerly muttering something.

Partridge Whistle wondered and said in a low voice, "It looks like an ancient black gold sword. Could it be someone from the Zhang family in the north?"

"I've heard it before!"

"No matter who it is, if you really have the ability, it's a joy in life to make friends with one or two."

Partridge Whistle looked excited, and wanted to make friends with the mysterious master that his junior sister said, and secretly began to compete.

Qin Jun and his little buddies were completely unaware of the big movements of the Partridge Whistle and the Xiangxi forces, and rushed to Pingshan according to the news they had inquired in Nuqing County.

Qin Jun crossed the mountains and entered the deep mountains. After an hour, he came to a very strange mountain. The mountain was covered with clouds and fog, and the smell of medicine was strong.

The three of Qin Jun stood up on the top of the mountain with high spirits.

"Bottle Mountain!"

Qin Jun glanced over and saw a long narrow abyss hundreds of meters deep in the middle of the miraculous mountain.

Looking at the shape of the abyss, it looks like a Guanyin vase is standing upright.

Surrounded by dense clouds in the abyss, it looks like a fairyland. Two rainbow visions go straight to the sky and slowly disappear in the early morning.

The little brother couldn't help but solemnly said: "It looks like auspicious clouds below, but it doesn't feel good. It may be evil. Be careful."

Qin Jun nodded in affirmation: "My little brother is right. I heard that there are powerful monsters haunting the ground, and there is also a terrible miasma. Otherwise, Chen Yulou and the others would not have suffered heavy losses."

Part of the Pingshan Tomb is just below the bottom of the bottle.

There are some gold and silver treasures under the clouds.

But there is even more terrifying miasma, and a powerful and almost invincible monster, the six-winged centipede!
(Special thanks to book friend "Book China" for the valuable reminder talisman and other three gifts! Special thanks to book friend "Prodigal Son か" for the valuable reminder talisman gift! Special thanks to book friend "Bai Yang Yingyue" for the likes again Four precious gifts! I am also very grateful to the book friend "He Xiangshan's Huang" for the three small gifts, and the book friend Liu Wufeng who likes bad women, user 23217722, life is like a dream, and Yu'an Wang who likes the gnat , Li, username 61369694, a small gift from An orange cat.)

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