Without even thinking about it, "Chishui" must have looked at Lin Hao furiously.

There was still a long way to go before, and Lin Hao was already in front of him in the next second.

The sudden appearance of "Chishui" made Lin Hao startled.

But before he could shake his head, his neck was pinched tightly again.

Lin Hao kicked his legs straight, but it was useless. He couldn't help thinking: I'll go, this old woman still has a chance?

"Tell me a few words. Don't let me say a few words?" Lin Hao's neck was strangled, and he could only speak word by word.

And his face was already flushed red.

"Chishui" ignored Lin Hao, but intensified his efforts instead.

Lin Hao was about to pass out several times.

Fortunately, Lin Hao's physique is different from ordinary people, so he is still persisting.

But no matter how strong his physical fitness is, if "Chishui" doesn't let go, he will die sooner or later.

"I'll go, you are really vicious, you have a beautiful face, but your heart is so vicious, much worse than the Chishui I met before!!"

With the determination to die, Lin Hao continued to speak to "Chishui" without holding back at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the "Chishui" in front of Lin Hao not only did not continue to increase his strength, but let go of his hand directly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hao sat paralyzed on the ground.

"Don't compare me with that lunatic, if you talk nonsense again, you will..." "Chishui" said halfway, but suddenly stopped.

He walked up to Lin Hao slowly, then squatted down, sighed and said, "The one you met earlier was my biological sister, and what you saw was just her fake side!"

Lin Hao slowed down, and then immediately refuted "Chishui" and said: "You are talking nonsense, I was with her not long ago, she is not as bad as you said, but you, with a vicious heart!"

"I said, don't compare me with her anymore, she doesn't deserve it!"

Lin Hao didn't know what happened to the two sisters, but he only knew that their attitudes towards him were completely different.

Although the Chishui he met before was treated because he mistook himself as "Kang Hui", in Lin Hao's heart, he still felt that the Chishui he met before was just a poor infatuated person.

On the other hand, the "Chishui" in front of me is so different that it has no comparative value at all.

But after the emotions passed, Lin Hao also thought about it, maybe after clarifying the dispute between the two of them, there is still a chance for her to let me go?

Don't think about it, it's over!
Lin Hao tried to provoke the topic and said: "What's the matter with you and her, how do I think you are so hostile to her?"

Originally, I thought about saying a few more words to get the words out.

Unexpectedly, "Chishui" would directly tell the whole story.

Maybe it's because she has been in this dark place for thousands of years like the other Chishui, with boundless loneliness, that's why she is like this?
"My sister has been docile and tender since she was a child. Although the majority of the tribe is rough, she can still maintain her character in the tribe."

"Chishui" walked a few steps after speaking, played with his hands, and then continued: "But until he met Kang Hui, his character was distorted."

"The three of us met together. Kang Hui is a few years older than me. Compared with my sister, I am more mature and see more openly. Soon, the relationship between the three of us is at its peak, and we got to know each other immediately."

"But who knew, my sister and I fell in love with Kang Hui at the same time, but Kang Hui and I fell in love with each other. After a long time, she also saw the relationship between me and Kang Hui."

"After that, they started to target me. As a sister, I can only be patient and tolerant. I only think that she is young and immature."

"But who knows, as time goes by, she becomes crazier. Every time Kang Hui and I play and talk together, she will get in the way, and sometimes even play some tricks to frame me. It’s uncomfortable, but I still have patience.”

"In the end, Kang Hui and I decided on our own that I would marry him, but for some reason, she knew about it. So that day, I added Lost Soul Grass to my meals. This herb would not kill me. Instead, it will leave me unconscious until my life is exhausted, and finally I will die."

Just hearing this, Lin Hao's views on the two of them have changed slightly, even though this is only her side of the story.

Then "Chi Shui" continued: "Later, Kang Hui happened to pass by and saw her grind herbal medicine into powder and sprinkle it into my meal, and then immediately exposed her. He may also feel uncomfortable seeing Kang Hui treat her like this , kept apologizing to him.”

"Then I didn't know why, although I didn't eat any food, I fell into a coma, and then I didn't wake up until I woke up again, and I found that I was already lying in the coffin, and he was madly moving towards me The yellow soil that was poured into more than something, I can only watch her continue to pour towards me, that kind of fear, that kind of fear is something I can't imagine in my life."

Speaking of this, "Chishui" still has a distorted face, which seems to be full of substitution, and he is already on the scene.

Lin Hao didn't know whether what she said was true or not, but seeing her reaction now, he quickly comforted him: "Don't, don't get excited, why don't you say it."

Lin Hao's sympathy was a crime to her, and "Chishui" vented all the hatred in his mind on Lin Hao.

Lin Hao didn't have time to react, so he...

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