Tomb Raider: Sign in at the beginning of the game, my teammates

Chapter 25 Water God Gonggong, Ice Spirit Orb

"I'm going, little brother, you just woke up, lie down for a while, I'm fine, I can get up by myself."

Lin Hao saw Zhang Qiling getting up, and knew that he was going to help him, but he was afraid that Zhang Qiling, who had just woken up, would not recover.

It's not easy to save him. If he gets injured again, Lin Hao will die of heartache?

Lin Hao used a little strength in his arm and wanted to rely on the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella to climb up. Unexpectedly, the next second, Zhang Qiling dragged his exhausted body to Lin Hao.

Sensing the shadow on his face, Lin Hao slowly raised his head, and Zhang Qiling in front of him had already stretched out his hand to him.

"I'll pull you!"

From Zhang Qiling's mouth, he still uttered these three words concisely.

Now that they are all in front of him, if Lin Hao refuses again, it will be hypocritical.

"it is good!"

Lin Hao put one of his hands on Zhang Qiling's arm, and after Zhang Qiling took it, he pulled him with both hands.

Helplessly, Zhang Qiling's condition was also very poor. Even on the ice pond, Zhang Qiling still had a little sweat on his forehead when he pulled Lin Hao.

"Brother, are you alright, why don't I do it myself?" Lin Hao said worriedly, looking at Zhang Qiling, who had a slightly painful look.


Zhang Qiling yelled violently, his strength was instantaneous, Lin Hao was thrown up, and Zhang Qiling himself slipped on the soles of his feet and lay back.

That Lin Hao happened to land on Zhang Qiling's body, and the two of them were in a posture similar to "stacking arhats".

Lin Hao stared at Zhang Qiling's face, and the next second, Zhang Qiling's eyes suddenly opened.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time, the two swallowed their saliva at the same time.

"It's not me, it's not me, I was thrown over when you pulled me just now."

Lin Hao quickly propped himself up with his hands, stood up and quickly explained to Zhang Qiling.

Zhang Qiling didn't speak. He covered his stomach with one hand and supported his body with the other to stand up.

"Oh my god, brother Hao, you two are showing off. Just kissed just now and let it go. Now we are pushing it. We are fighting, not entering the bridal chamber."

The fat man complained, and then continued: "Fat master, fat. Ah Qiu~ Fat master and Xiaotian are about to be frozen stupid, why don't you come and give him a hand."

Fatty huddled in a corner, and Wu Xie hugged and rubbed each other's bodies to keep warm.

Looking at Fatty and Wu Xie's appearance is still kind of cute.

Hearing Fatty's words, Zhang Qiling looked at Lin Hao again, staring at Lin Hao's face firmly.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not here to save you, and I'm not. My sexual orientation is fine. Don't look at me with such strange eyes."

"Oh, I didn't say you have a problem with your sexual orientation. What did you explain?"

"This this."

Lin Hao is very embarrassed now, but fortunately the fat man came to the rescue again, "Brother Hao, you are still chatting, don't come quickly."

"Oh. I'm coming, you hold on."

Following Fatty's request, Lin Hao immediately ran to the back of the stone statue, and used the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella to chisel and stack ice cubes on Fatty and Wu Xie.

After a few strokes, the ice cubes at their feet loosened, and they pulled them out.

"I'll go, I'm almost gone." Wu Xie said helplessly as he tapped his leg.

Lin Hao then helped the two of them to sit down against the stone statue, and then said: "Let's lean on for a while, just take it easy."

When he first stepped into this tomb, due to the icicle rain on the top, Lin Hao had no time to check the situation around him. Now only he and his brother can move.

When Lin Hao's eyes wandered around the tomb, they stopped behind Zhang Qiling.

He pointed there.

From Zhang Qiling's perspective, the person in front of him was pointing at himself, so he frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

"Tsk, look behind you, what am I going to do, use your brain, little brother, you will become a lot more stupid when you are crushed by ice cubes." Lin Hao said with a sigh of resentment.

The two came to the back wall, and what caught their eyes were murals in the same style as the gate.

But the difference from before is that the above characters are completely different from the previous ones.

"Look, why does the biggest one have such a body?" Lin Hao asked curiously, stroking the dragon-headed character in front of him.

"There should be words here, I can't understand, brother, do you understand?"

Zhang Qiling stretched out two fingers and closed his eyes to caress the words in Lin Hao's mouth, and then said unhurriedly, "The leader of the tribe, Kong Ren."

"Kong Ren? What is Kong Ren?"

Just when Lin Hao was asking questions, Wu Xie's voice came from the stone statue behind, "Kong Ren, in today's words, is the water god Gonggong in ancient mythology."

Lin Hao instinctively associated the water god Gonggong mentioned by Wu Xie with the fire god Zhurong at the tomb gate. These two myths have long been heard.

"On the tomb door is the god of fire, Zhurong, and the tomb is the god of water, Gonggong, so the closer we get to the tomb door, the higher the temperature of the surrounding environment, and then we will fall from the head when we step into this tomb. Icicle rain?"

Lin Hao muttered to himself, and then expressed his doubts to everyone.

"It's impossible for there to be a god of water and fire in reality. How did the high temperature and the icicle rain here come about?"

Zhang Qiling took out a red object from the side of the backpack, which was the one that Lin Hao saw through the perspective.

"Really this? What is this thing?"

The little brother looked at the red object in his hand and said, "Ice Spirit Orb."

"Ice Spirit Orb? What is that?" Lin Hao asked in confusion.

"The sacred item given to Gonggong, the god of water by Kuikui, the emperor of Yan, can play the role of extreme cold in the hands of Gonggong."

"So that's what made the icicle rain on our heads just now?"

Lin Hao felt that this was too outrageous, how could there be any gods and ghosts in this world, and here came another ice spirit orb.

"Brother, are you kidding me?" The more Lin Hao thought about it, the more he felt that he was being deceived by his brother.

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