Luo Chen saw that the phantom figure still didn't have the slightest bit of hostility, and there was an indescribable melancholy in his tone, so he couldn't help talking with him
"Senior sleeps here forever, but is he named Yelu Longyun?"

The figure was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Haha, I didn't expect someone to recognize me after being alone for so many years."

"However, I prefer to be called Han Derang! Because I am Han Chinese!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Chen felt great admiration, but his vigilance never faded. If Luo Chen's worries were really dispelled by his few words, then Luo Chen would be hit by spraying wisdom.

"Senior Gao Yi, I don't know that she was the Empress Dowager Xiao Chuo Xiao that the senior just mentioned?"

"That's right, it's Yanyan!"

As he spoke, he turned and looked at the woman's body on the white marble, a trace of tenderness flashed in his illusory eyes.

The body of the female corpse was wearing a shroud embroidered with four phoenix patterns, also known as Lianfu. The whole body of this dress was woven with gold thread, if viewed from the back.

You will see a sun pattern embroidered with gold silk. This kind of shroud was only available to the queen mother or empress at that time, but this is probably the only one with gold silk all over.

The name is the golden filigree inlaid shroud with four phoenix patterns, and the whole body is made of gold to symbolize the noble status of its owner.

Han Derang sighed faintly, as if he had some unspeakable difficulties, he was obviously unwilling to mention this matter, and Luo Chen didn't pursue it further.

At this moment, from the place where Luo Chen and the others came in, there was an unknown roar, and Han Derang's face seemed a little distorted.

"Here you go, hurry up, you won't be able to leave any later."

After speaking, he turned around and got into the body, the body made a series of crackling sounds, and slowly stood up from Luo Chen and the others.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to a place behind him, signaling Luo Chen and the others to go in that direction, and then quickly jumped down the Hanbai steps.

At the same time, the owner of that roar finally slowly appeared at the entrance, and a black humanoid figure stepped out.

The moment Luo Chen saw this thing, he was sure that this thing in front of him was the black figure he had seen several times, but this thing was obviously not a person.

It's just that the appearance of this thing reminded Luo Chen of a creature recorded in the Shan Hai Jing, the Shan Hai Jing, and the Hai Nei Jing.

In the south, there are Gan giants with human faces and long arms, black bodies with hair, and long legs.

This creature is called a mandrill in the north. It has a human face, arms that are as long as the knee, and black hair all over, but it has only one foot.

And the thing under Luo Chen's eyes only had one foot, but for some reason, a cluster of black air turned into a foot under the mandrill's body.

According to the rumors, the mandrill is a friendly species, but for some reason, the eyes of this mandrill are full of violence, very manic.

A piece of blue-green bamboo the size of a finger hung on his chest, and there were some rune-like things engraved on the small piece of bamboo in Luo Chen's Pupil of Delusion.

But the distance was too far, and Luo Chen couldn't see what was depicted clearly. The mandrill's violent pupils looked at Luo Chen and the others as if joking, and ignored Han Derang who was rushing towards him.

Han Derang turned his head to look at Luo Chen and the others who hadn't left on the high platform, and eagerly waved his stiff arms, then turned his head and swung his arms straight towards the mandrill's neck.

After realizing that Han Derang's target turned out to be the treasure on his neck, the mandrill became even more irritable, instead of looking at Luo Chen and the others, he slapped Han Derang to the side with his big black-haired palm.

There was a sneering smile on his mouth, and he looked at Han Derang as if he was just playing in situ.

But the bamboo on the mandrill's neck seemed to be something extraordinary, and it kept attracting him.

Han Derang was knocked into the air by the mandrill again and again, and again and again he pounced on him. This kind of disregard for himself moved Luo Chen a little.

The mandrill was also annoyed by Han Derang's fly-like attack, and he kicked Han Derang who had rushed over to the high platform with one kick, and smiled at Luo Chen and the others with his mouth full of fishy teeth.

"Aiya, I go!"

"Master Luo, is this monkey-like thing looking down on us?"

"Will you cut him?"

Xiao Hu on the side couldn't hold it anymore
"Fatty, why are you still beeping there, just cut and straighten it."

After saying that, he picked up the vajra umbrella and ran down. The fat man didn't hesitate when he saw that Lao Hu had gone down.

"Your uncle's!"

While shouting, he took out his gun and fired at the mandrill's forehead. The mandrill seemed to sneer at the bullets, but when the bullets were about to hit it, it stretched out its thick black arms to resist.

A series of sparks splashed, and every bullet that missed the mandrill's body was bounced off, leaving a few shallow cuts and some white marks on the mandrill's thick black arm.

The mandrill's skin was slightly scratched, but it just felt a little itchy, and stretched out its claws to scratch it nonchalantly, but this action angered the fat man who hadn't lost his temper.

The fat man threw the gun and rushed straight down, an angry voice came out of the fat man's mouth
"Grandson, grandpa killed you."

At this time, Xiao Hu had already started to fight the mandrill, holding the diamond umbrella in his left hand and directly pulling out the umbrella knife that cut iron like mud from the handle of the umbrella with his right hand.

First, he used the vajra umbrella to trick the mandrill's arm, and cut his right hand at the position of his stomach.


Black blood flowed out from the abdomen, and the mandrill roared in pain, obviously irritated, but this was not the end.

Amid the roar of the mandrill, the fat man jumped over directly, using his inertia to press his shoulders against the mandrill's chest, just like the iron mountain in Bajiquan.

Wu has eight poles to determine the universe.

The mandrill was being leaned on by the fat man while it was roaring, and it almost fell off in one breath, and its body fell out in an instant, and fell heavily on the ground.

But obviously the angry fat man is not going to give up until he kills it, and directly uses his strength to jump high, hitting the top with a powerful and heavy Mount Tai, with an absolute size advantage

It hit the mandrill heavily, this attack is terrible, the fat man's size and the strength of the fall, unless you are a zongzi and your whole body is made of steel, you are just like the mandrill in front of you.

The crackling sound came from the mandrill's body. It was obvious that the fat man had broken a bone in his body, and he kept spitting blood from his mouth.

"Old Hu, take a knife and chop the girl upright. How dare you underestimate your fat master to see if you are dead or not."

The fat man firmly suppressed the mandrill's body, Xiao Hu directly raised the knife and walked to the front, probably following Luo Chen's tricks, raised the knife and dropped it, and directly killed the mandrill.

At this moment, the fat man's anger dissipated. Just as he was about to give Xiao Hu a high-five to celebrate, he saw Han Derang rushing to the mandrill's body like crazy, and pulled the bamboo off.

. . .

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