At the same time, on the fat man's side, Luo Chen's blood on the hair mound had dried up with the passage of time, and the Yi worms around him also became irritable.

Fatty shouted and ran back to Luo Chen and the two of them. Luo Chen didn't delay anymore, and before the wound on his hand had healed completely, he directly smeared the blood on the Heavenly Official Seal in Fatty's hand.

Then he stretched out his hair mound fingers, directly reached into the mouth of the evil spirit statue, and pulled out a round stone with an iron chain with a little force.

The iron chain was pulled, followed by a series of mechanism sounds, and the heavy door was opened again after hundreds of years.

Before the effect of Luo Chen's blood disappeared, everyone quickly entered the door. Luo Chen stretched out his hand and patted the wall behind the door, and the door fell in response, splashing a lot of dust.

After a while, the dust here gradually dissipated. Luo Chen looked intently and saw a long corridor with a huge brazier hanging above it.

Luo Chen asked Xiao Hu to take out a fire pocket, blew on it twice, and then casually threw the fire pocket into the huge brazier.

The flames instantly illuminated the entire corridor. Exquisite pictures were engraved on the walls of the long corridor, and at the end of the corridor was a screen-like object made of a stone tablet.

After feeling that there is no danger here, Luo Chen and the others began to carefully examine the murals on the wall.
The first mural depicts a man dressed in the Han family, standing bowed in front of a bed, and there is a person lying on the bed, who seems to be explaining something.

But the style of the bedding on the bed is obviously not the style of the land of Zhongzhou, and the second painting shows the man dressed in the Han family and a group of people surrounded by a child sitting on the dragon head throne, the throne!

The third painting is that the man seems to be talking about something with the little emperor above the throne, but there is still a graceful figure behind the little emperor, but it is indistinct.

In the fourth picture, the man put on a suit of armor, followed by countless soldiers, facing another group of soldiers and horses across a big river.

The fifth painting is in a large hall. The man in armor is toasted by the little emperor and courtiers, as if celebrating something.

The last painting is still this man, but he looks a bit old, sitting opposite a vague figure. Judging from the other party's phoenix crown and xiapei, this vague person is a woman, and she is also a royal.

The murals came to an abrupt end here, and Luo Chen and the others also walked in front of the stone tablet screen.

"Master Luo, there are words on the back of the stele!"

The fat man, who was not interested in the murals, went directly to the back of the stone tablet. He wanted to see if there were any treasures, but he accidentally discovered the writing on the stone tablet, so he shouted out.

Luo Chen and Xiao Hu walked over, the writing on the stone tablet was very dense, and Luo Chen could barely see it clearly with the light of the fat man's flashlight.

The skills proficient in ancient characters made Luo Chen look at these characters without any sense of strangeness.It is stated above

In the first year of Qianheng, Liao Jingzong, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, was critically ill. The man in the painting was ordered to become a minister of Gu Ming, and then secretly negotiated with the queen of the dynasty.
First, he deprived the military power of the various princes who coveted the throne, and then made Liang Wang, who was only 12 years old at the time, the emperor, and participated in major state affairs.

Since then, the man in this painting has been in the position of supervisor of the country. As a Han, he insisted on occupying a high position in the Liao Kingdom, and was highly valued. You must know that in the Liao Kingdom at that time, the status of the Han people was slaves.

Then, during the battle between Liao and Song Dynasties, he led the Liao army to defeat the Song army in Lianghe, and made great contributions to the Liao state.

He was even exempted from being a slave by the current emperor and given the surname Yelu, and changed his name to Yelu Longyun. Yelu was the surname of the royal family in the Liao Kingdom.

This person is the Prime Minister of the Liao Kingdom, Han Derang.

Han Derang was granted the title of king and prime minister in the Liao Kingdom as a Han Chinese, which shows that he is capable to the sky, and he was given the posthumous title of "Wen Zhong" after his death

On this stele is the record of Han Derang's life experience, honors, etc., which means that this stele is Handerang's epitaph.

It's not surprising that there is such a great person in the tomb of the Empress Dowager of the Liao Kingdom, anyway, Luo Chen doesn't think it's strange.

But he didn't explain. After reading the epitaph, Luo Chen led the two of them towards the passage. The passage was very dark, and it was hard to see how long it was ahead.

Luo Chen also braced himself and held the Scarlet Firmament Sword in his hands to prevent accidents, because Xiao Hu and Fatty both turned on the flashlights behind him, so Luo Chen did not open the Eye of Delusion.

A group of people walked in this dark corridor for nearly half an hour, but did not get out of this corridor, and this corridor seemed to be able to absorb light.

The flashlight, which could have been able to illuminate about ten meters, could only illuminate three meters in this passage, and as everyone moved forward, the illuminated area became smaller and smaller.

Luo Chen couldn't help but secretly marveled, after the crowd walked away for another 10 minutes, the area illuminated by the flashlight was less than one meter.

The darkness in front of him was like a bloody mouth that would devour someone, quietly waiting for Luo Chen and the others to enter the mouth.

"Old Hu, why is it getting darker and darker here? Could it be that we encountered something dirty?"

Fatty looked at the darkness in front of him and his heart felt trembling, he couldn't help talking to Xiao Hu beside him.

"Fatty, you are still afraid of the dark. If there are dirty things that see you like this, they will be afraid of you. You should be afraid first."

"When did I get scared, Fat Master? Isn't this getting darker and darker? I'm thinking about enlivening the atmosphere."

The voices of the two of them reminded Luo Chen, who was exploring the way ahead, and immediately stopped and turned to look at the fat man.
"Fatty, my heavenly official seal is with you, right?"

"Here, Master Luo, I'll keep it safe for you."

The fat man was taken aback by Luo Chen's sudden ear turning, but he didn't make any drastic moves, and he responded quickly when he heard Luo Chen's question.

While speaking, he also handed over the Heavenly Official Seal to Luo Chen, and the moment Luo Chen took the Heavenly Official Seal, he had the heart to kill the fat man in front of him.

"Fatty man, the Heavenly Official Seal is so hot, why don't you say anything?"

"Are you a tiger?"

"When did you start getting hot?"

The moment Luo Chen took the seal of the Heavenly Official, the healing wound on his hand was scalded by the seal, but Luo Chen's heart felt a little heavy.

As we all know, there is only one reason why the Tianguan seal is hot this day, and that is that there are dirty things around him, and the hotter it is, the more awesome the dirty things are.

Now this seal is a bit hot, it can be seen that the things around him are very scary.

At this time, the fat man looked at Luo Chen with an aggrieved face.
"Master Luo, this seal has already started to get hot. It's warm and comfortable."

"I thought your baby was hot because you were afraid of my cold, so I didn't say..."


Luo Chen laughed angrily. Luo Chen wasn't very angry at first, but he really had never seen such a weird reason. He didn't expect this fat man to have such a strange brain circuit.

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