In the early morning, the sound of the train whistle woke Luo Chen and the others from their dreams, but Qing Province had arrived, but this time the goal of Luo Chen and the others was a place called Qilian County in Haibei Prefecture, Qing Province.

After breakfast, Luo Chen and the others boarded the bus to Qilian County, and heard Xiao Hu tell Fatty that this ancient tomb is in a place called Niuxin Mountain in the Qilian Mountains, and the two went there when they were going to the countryside. The only ones are educated youths from a small village not far from Niuxin Mountain.

This Niuxin Mountain is called "Ami Dongsuo" by the locals, which means the mountain of the gods. It is the most iconic mountain in the entire Qilian Mountains. It is towering and towering, and its beauty is indescribable.

Sure enough, on the way to Qilian County, Luo Chen saw the towering mountain range through the car window, which looked like a cow's heart, and he heard from Lao Hu and Fatty that the area at the foot of Niuxin Mountain has not yet been visited by people. There are countless wild boars, bears, and blind people in primeval forests.

Moreover, according to the legend of the local people, there is a humanoid creature in this mountain, which is called the mountain god by the local people.

As the car went further and further away, Luo Chen and the others were getting closer and closer to their destination, perhaps because of revisiting their old places, Xiao Hu became excited along the way, let alone Fatty.

The two kept chatting about the deeds of catching rabbits in the mountains, stabbing honeycombs and stealing honey.

"Yeah, fat man, I still remember that when we poked the beehive, you even let the bees stung there. Every day, my pants were bulging, and I saw a few educated youths blushing."

"Fart, old Hu, I blocked the gun for you, do you know that, if it weren't for you, Fatty, I would have dived into the water to hide."

The two talked more and more vigorously, exposing each other's secrets, and even the passengers in the car were all smiling, suddenly


The car stopped directly on the road, the driver got out of the car cursing and checking the situation, and got back in the car after a while, facing everyone
"I'm sorry everyone, the car exploded. Those who haven't repaired the car can't fix it. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, driver"

"Yeah, it's not far away, we can walk there"

Fortunately, it's not far from Qilian County, and the passengers on the bus didn't complain, they all expressed their understanding.

"Tell you two to talk nonsense, the car has made the two of you talk to each other!"

Luo Chen turned his head and said to Xiao Hu and Fatty, then turned around and walked out of the car, leaving Fatty and Xiao Hu looking at each other
"Old Hu, you said that this car really made us talk about blown cylinders?"

Listening to the fat man's question, Xiao Hu rolled his eyes, stopped talking to the second idiot, and quickly followed Luo Chen.

"Hey? What do you mean, old Hu? Lord Luo, you two wait for me, I'm stuck in the car seat..."

After a lot of effort, the fat man pulled out from the seat and caught up with Luo Chen and the two of them.

"I'll go, Master Luo, you two are not real, just leave the fat man alone in the car."

Luo Chen couldn't help but shuddered when he heard the mourning in the fat man's tone, this fat man has always been such a master, I really admire Xiao Hu for being able to bear it.

Probably because of Luo Chen's good luck, or because there was Ou Huang among these two people, the three of them had just walked for a while, when a donkey cart came from behind.

The fat man took a look: "Old Hu, do you think the donkey cart driver is Uncle Zhang from the village where we went to the countryside?"

Xiao Hu took a closer look, "Yo, it's true"

Immediately, the two of them reached out their hands to stop Uncle Zhang's donkey cart. After some politeness, they got into Uncle Zhang's donkey cart and walked straight to the foot of Niuxin Mountain.

Along the way, the two of Xiao Hu also kept chatting with Uncle Zhang, and the fat man kept asking questions.

"Uncle Zhang, I remember you used to hunt, why are you driving a car now?"

"Hey! Fat boy, let me tell you, there have been no wars these years, and the village has been connected to roads. I went out a few years ago and got this donkey back. If there is nothing to do, I will pull a few people to maintain my life. , I’m old, I can’t hunt anymore.”

Luo Chen listened to what Uncle Zhang said, and then looked at the donkey, always felt that something was wrong.

Taking a donkey cart, Niuxin Mountain was getting closer and closer. Xiao Hu and the two wanted to go to the village first, and find an acquaintance to lead the way, but after hearing Uncle Zhang say to send them directly to the foot of the mountain, Xiao Hu didn't insist anymore.

In this way, Luo Chen and others came to the edge of a virgin forest outside Niuxin Mountain. Uncle Zhang sent them to the place and left. It was noon.

Relying on the mountain to eat the mountain and rely on the water to drink the water
There is definitely no shortage of food in this big mountain. Of course, if you are lucky, it may also become food for other things. Luo Chen and the others wandered around twice casually, beat a few rabbits, and then found a slightly flat place. place, directly began the picnic.

After eating the hare meat and resting for a while, everyone went straight on the road. Along the way, Xiao Huhu led the way according to the memory in his mind. Except for the fat man's constant complaints, nothing happened.

As the sun went down, Xiao Hu finally found a place, and several people entered a basin, saying that the basin is actually a sunken valley, and the valley extends to the place where the sky and the earth meet in the distance.

On the left is the endless prairie. The wind blows on the green grassland and the red setting sun looks beautiful. On the right is a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles, like a black dragon, walking between the sky and the earth. The carving technique is undoubtedly shocking.

Luo Chen stared blankly at the scene in front of him, but in his mind he kept thinking about creating something even more shocking than this in the imaginary world.

There must be a large tomb here, and it must be a powerful party if it is not a prince or aristocrat.

"Little Hu, do you see what's coming?"

It was Luo Chen who was testing and teaching Hu Bayi who had just entered the school, and Luo Chen nodded when he heard that Xiao Hu's answer was similar to what he just described.

But in fact, Luo Chen has already pointed out the location of the dragon's lair, the reason why he didn't say it out is entirely for the purpose of cultivating Lao Hu.

The sky darkened quickly, Luo Chen turned around and went into the woods, intending to hunt two prey, not long after, Luo Chen found two big pheasants, and ended the two pheasants with the stones he picked up in his hand, just as Luo Chen carried them. When the pheasant is ready to return

Suddenly a black shadow flashed through the woods, Luo Chen threw a stone directly in the darkness, and in response, the black shadow uttered a cry that was both human and inhuman, and disappeared within Luo Chen's eyes after a few ups and downs. in the eyes.

"What is this? Savage?"

Doubts flashed in Luo Chen's heart, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. With his current strength, as long as he didn't try to die, he would never die.

Just two steps away, two figures slowly walked towards Luo Chen
"Master Luo, are you okay, just now?"

But when Xiao Hu and Fatty heard the voice, they were afraid that Luo Chen would encounter any danger, so they ran over with an engineering shovel, and they were quite righteous.

At that moment, Luo Chen also briefly talked about the situation just now, and then everyone returned to the valley not far away.

The bright and cool lunar star gradually rose, and the moonlight shone into the valley, casting a quiet silver light on the surrounding area.

Xiao Hu looked up at the moon rising at the angle between the grassland and the mountain peak, a hint of enlightenment gradually flashed in his eyes

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