Many friends say that I am short and weak

It's as if you've actually seen it. . .

Since Luo Chen and Partridge Whistle returned from abroad respectively last time, more than ten years have passed in a hurry. In these years, nothing major has happened. Under that person's governance, the whole China is thriving.

All the people in the world praised him, how could anyone care about his appearance, wishing that he could be young forever.

Although there have been several foreign frictions in these years, thanks to the bravery and tenacity of countless soldiers, they all won the war.

Of course, some things have happened in Jiumen these years. Chen Pi has been sitting in Changsha for these years. During this period, he brought a half-grown boy to Sijiu City once. After meeting Luo Chen, he sent the half-grown boy to Buddha. on the house.

He also brought an ancient black knife that Luo Chen had obtained from Pan Jiayuan in recent years, and handed it to the Buddha together with the young man. . .

this day,

The restless Luo Chen was on his way to Panjiayuan. When he passed the Sijiucheng Railway Station, a group of old scholars were discussing a topic about knowledge. Luo Chen couldn't help but listened to it.

This group of old pedants was discussing what wicked carrots and pregnant women have in common.

Luo Chen listened with great interest, and couldn't help but join the discussion crowd.

This joining was incredible, this group of knowledgeable people actually kept discussing until noon, and finally Luo Chen couldn't listen anymore, so he walked away.

This problem is the same as the problem that Sister Rose likes Brother Epiphyllum, but doesn't want to be with Brother Epiphyllum.

It was already noon, and Luo Chen didn't want to go home for dinner, so he walked directly towards Panjiayuan. This Panjiayuan is the flea market in Sijiu City. A place where antiques are traded.

In fact, this place used to be called Panjiayao, but was later changed to Panjiayuan by the locals, and this Panjiayuan was once given a death order by Luo Chen. This order is also an order that is carried out by ancient goods markets all over China .

This order is, how much you can sell all ancient goods and fakes, and whoever you sell to is up to you. However, genuine goods can only be circulated in the hands of Chinese people, and none of them are allowed to be sold to foreigners.

For this regulation, Luo Chen even specifically notified the New Moon Hotel, asking the New Moon Hotel to send out a treasure appraiser every day to sit in Panjiayuan.

Along with it, there was also a statement that Chinese archaeologists are not allowed to forcibly expropriate anyone's antiques and antiques in the name of China. Once these two orders were issued, they were implemented in various places. There is no way, this person has been in charge of underground affairs since Only these two commands have been issued since then.

Coupled with the unconditional support of the person above the temple, who dares to say no?
Not long after, Luo Chen walked to a shop in Panjiayuan.

A person dressed as a small boss in the shop was drinking water. When he saw Luo Chen coming in, he hurried up to greet him. He grinned at Luo Chen with a big grin, and one of the exposed teeth was actually gold.

"Yo! Master Luo, don't let anyone notify you when you come. I'll tell my father that you're here."

Speaking very sensible, he greeted Luo Chen to sit down and poured a cup of tea before he hurried inside to call for someone.

This really can't be called an outsider, this man's father was Luo Chen's personal soldier on the battlefield back then, he not only followed Luo Chen to charge into battle, but also went to the grave to fight with him, he was a very good fighter.

It's a pity that after participating in overseas battles, he froze his legs on the battlefield and became permanently disabled. When Luo Chen found out, he couldn't stop sighing, and placed him in Sijiu City, allowing him to start an antique business.

After a while, the person who went in just now pushed a slightly older person out

"Master Luo, I haven't been here for a few days, don't rush to leave today, let Jin Ya lead us to eat boiled mutton, and we two will drink with you."

"That's right, Master Luo, you and my father haven't seen each other for a long time, and I just know that there is a restaurant with delicious boiled mutton, so I'll drink some together."

In front of Luo Chen, Da Jinya put away his traitor as a profiteer, and sincerely invited, Luo Chen couldn't refuse, and it happened to be dinner time, so he simply agreed.

The big gold tooth pushed the old gold head, and soon they arrived at the mutton restaurant.

Da Jinya was obviously a regular visitor here, and after a few shouts, someone brought plates of mutton at the bottom of the pot, and asked someone to bring some bottles of wine.

The three of them were drinking, when a man in an old military uniform came in, ordered a few small dishes of beer, sat at the table next to Luo Chen and the others, and ate by himself.

After a while, another fat man with a wide waist and a fat body came in from the outside. He looked a bit unscrupulous. He shook his head and looked around. When he saw the man in the old military uniform, his expression obviously changed.

The fat man hurriedly walked up to the man, carefully looked at the man in military uniform, and when the man was puzzled, the fat man spoke.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger?"

Listening to the familiar words, the expression of the man in military uniform gradually changed from doubt to surprise, and he replied

"Pagoda Town River Demon!"

"Why is your face red?"

"If you can't get a wife, you're in a hurry!"

"Why are you white again?"

"I'm scared to marry a tigress!"

"Old Hu!"


After speaking, the two hugged each other tightly, full of joy of reunion.


Luo Chen, who was drinking at the side, heard the familiar conversation, couldn't hold back the wine in his mouth, and sprayed the big golden tooth next to him all over his face.

Da Jinya was dumbfounded on the spot, grinning blankly at Luo Chen, the golden tooth in his mouth was shining brightly.

The two hugging tightly next to each other also noticed Luo Chen and the others, and quickly let go of each other. The old Hu gave Luo Chen and the others an apologetic look.

Luo Chen and the others didn't care, it was indeed a great joy to reunite after a long absence, and it was normal to lose one's composure.

After three rounds of wine,

The old Jintou also talked more, and kept recalling some things about beating dog slaves with Luo Chen and fighting in the grave.

In the depths of the memory, he frequently toasted to Luo Chen. Luo Chen would not refuse anyone who came, and he drank cup after cup. In fact, although so many years had passed, Luo Chen didn't feel like it had been a long time, as if everything before was yesterday. Just happened.

And the most important thing is that Luo Chen really doesn't care about his age anymore. If you really want to count it, according to the lifespan of the Golden Crow, Luo Chen can be regarded as a child, not yet an adult. . .

But more or less, there is still some growth. The most intuitive feeling is that when Luo Chen hears someone say the idiom 'turbulent waves', he no longer thinks of the sea first.

"Hey! Maybe this is growth"

Luo Chen couldn't help sighing while drinking the wine.

After saying goodbye to the old Jintou father and son, Luo Chen walked towards his mansion, where the group of old scholars who discussed knowledge before were still discussing fiercely there.

"They are all a group of people who love to learn. They really live and learn forever!"

After returning home, Luo Chen thought about it carefully, and thought it was right, after all, Chinese culture is extensive and profound.

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