Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 439 Set up a door and establish a household, assisting the title ring


I even set up the small bench, so you tell me this when you're done?
Even Bai Yi looked at Lao Ba with re-examination eyes, deeply puzzled:

"Is this guy really an iron mouth? How come he has become this virtuous now."

. . .

Almost at the same time, everyone including Luo Chen turned their heads away, completely ignoring Lao Ba who was playing swords and selling treasures.

Put your eyes back on this special portal again.

Apart from the carved pattern of a three-legged golden crow, there are no decorations on the gate of unknown material.

However, at a position about two meters high on both sides of the gate, there are two three-dimensional animal heads sticking out.

Formed the unique auxiliary title ring on the Huaxia portal.

Fushou Legend is a door ornament with the meaning of exorcising evil spirits. It is classified by material. Gold is called Jinbu, silver is called Yinbu, and copper is called Tongbu.

And because of the different shapes, the effects are also different. Some have the shape of a lizard, and some have a kiss of an animal.

Those who smelt the shape of Li, take the one who is good at keeping the economy;

There are turtles, snakes, tigers, etc., which are used to treat beasts and kisses. They are often used to suppress evil and ward off evil spirits, avoid disasters and seek blessings.

The auxiliary title ring first appeared in the Shang Dynasty of China, not only the gate of the mansion, but also the bronze relief stone and even the coffin of the tomb door.

And the title ring that is integrated with the auxiliary head is an object like a door knocker, which is specially designed by the host's family to facilitate visitors who come to knock on the door.

Of course, it can also be an object designed to open a door, a handle or the like.

Therefore, this auxiliary title ring is also called "Is the master here?" '.

And the style of the auxiliary head in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is very special, especially the tightly closed corrugated mouth on the animal face, which looks like a snail in the sea.

And this kind of strange animal head is also the animal head that only the rich and powerful could have in ancient times, Jiaotu.

Jiaotu is a mystical beast, and it is even described as the ninth son of the dragon in a certain version of the legend of the dragon giving birth to nine sons.

Shaped like a snail clam, it has a gentle nature and is most disgusted by foreign objects entering its nest.

When in danger, it will always close its clam shell tightly to resist enemy attacks.

Therefore, after people learned about this kind of mythical beast, they carved its image on the door as the auxiliary head, which meant that the door was closed.

In addition, because of its unique shape and ferocious appearance, some special places, such as the gate of the ancient tomb and the coffin of the tomb owner, will be carved with this object to guard and kill evil spirits.

Of course, the Jiaotu animal heads on ancient tombs and coffins generally do not have matching rings.

After all, no one would foolishly think that someone would knock on the door after his death. . .

But there are exceptions to everything, this is not the case with the Jiaotu animal head in front of Luo Chen. Although it is in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, there are obvious signs of the presence of rings on both sides of the nostrils of the animal head.

But for some reason, the ring on the auxiliary head seemed to have been deliberately taken off, leaving marks of friction.

Is this someone's bad taste, or is it a secret arrangement?
Luo Chen took out the preserved Liangyi title ring, and then couldn't help but feel speechless.

"...Why does it feel a little weird?"

"I'm inexplicably scared, is there anything!"

At this time, Luo Chen, who was holding the Liangyi ring in his hand, couldn't help feeling a little deer bumping in his heart, he was really afraid that this door would be opened once.

Suddenly a domineering and eternal voice resounded from inside:

"Brother Luo, you are finally here!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

This,,, the painting style is not right!
"What's the matter, Lord Luo?"

After noticing the strange look on Luo Chen's face, Buddha couldn't help asking immediately, after all, there is nothing trivial in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

A little carelessness is a situation where thousands of arrows will pierce the heart, and no one can be an exception.

"Ahem, it's nothing, I just thought of something, let's open the door quickly!"

Luo Chen smiled awkwardly to cover up the embarrassment on his face, and then directly handed the fluorescent ring of the Liangyi to the Buddha's hand.

Only then did the Buddha dispel his desire to continue asking.

The two walked up to the gate with a title ring each, and after looking at each other, they put the title ring on Jiao Tufu's head at the same time.

Then, a miraculous scene happened.

Just as the two ceremonial title rings were slowly approaching their respective heads, Jiao Tu, who was carved on the portal, might have also sensed the breath of the title rings.

The tightly closed mouth suddenly opened wide, and a super strong magnetic force seemed to rise from within that ferocious big mouth at the same time, capturing the Liangyi ring in Luo Chen's hands.

Finally, the big corrugated mouth was tightly closed again, leaving no gaps.


Foye froze on the spot with the ring in his hand, because the moment Jiaotu closed his mouth just now,

In his eyes, Jiaotu seemed to come alive, his eyes were lively, as if expressing a sense of gratitude.

But when the Buddha took a closer look, it was as if nothing had happened. The assistant leader Jiaotu was still cold, but there was a fluorescent ring on his mouth, nothing else unusual.

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