"Tsk tsk tsk, I've never heard of this lamp made of mermaid paste, it's very rare!"

"Let me put away a few lamps and bring them back for my old Yue to enjoy."

While talking jokingly, Bai Yi stepped forward to take off a few lamps and put them away.

Luo Chen was about to break after watching the operation, and he couldn't help but think of Xiaojiao who was sent to the sea area of ​​​​Gunu Country in his mind.

If this guy was here, wouldn't he have an excuse. . .

Thinking so in his heart, but Luo Chen still pretended to be nonchalant, clenched his back molars and said:
"Well, don't delay any longer, let's move on!"

After passing through this short corridor, the figures of Luo Chen and his party entered a large venue again.

It is a circle or two smaller than the previous Terracotta Warriors Square, but it is different from the square just now.

The field in front of him was full of large square pits that had been dug out one after another. There were hundreds of large pits three meters square, leaving only a passage in the middle.

The overall arrangement is like a Baigong grid neatly distributed on both sides of the aisle.

Inside the pit, there are densely packed white bones, almost filling up all the big pits.

The piles of white bones mixed with the broken coarse clothes made it impossible to tell the exact number.

Luo Chen roughly estimated that such a large-scale burial pit would require at least 30 bones to fill it.

Seeing the scene in front of them like a hell of bones, Master Foye and the others were all taken aback, and instantly understood the source of the huge resentment that Luo Chen had said before.

"Good guy!"

"Hundreds of large pits are filled with human bones, and 30 resentful souls mourn together."

"The accumulation of such resentment, it is estimated that only the fate of this eternal emperor can suppress it!"

It's rare for Lao Ba to say one thing with a serious face, but I have to say, fortunately, he and a group of Taoists in white teamed up to deal with the 30 resentful souls in advance.
Otherwise, after the portal was opened just now, nothing might happen.

but!Is it true that only the first emperor's destiny of being an emperor through the ages can suppress such a huge resentment?
Luo Chen shook his head in denial while looking at the distance, and Bai Yi also closed the folding fan straight away, smiling without saying a word.

At the point where the eyes of the two meet, that is, in the middle of this straight aisle, stands a statue of a figure about ten meters high and the size of a three-story building.

It's just that the statue is not the eternal emperor as everyone imagined, nor is it wearing a black emperor's crown, nor does it have the aura of dominating the world in the eyes of the first emperor.

On the contrary, the statue is just an ordinary person who at first glance makes people feel extremely ordinary.

The clothing on the sculpture is dyed with a color that has remained unchanged for thousands of years with some secret material, and the plain white robe looks plain and ordinary.

But after just a simple glance, the eyes of Luo Chen and his party could no longer leave the sculpture.

A question arose in Qiqi's heart.

Who is the prototype of this statue?

Why is it that just standing there with hands behind your back can make people feel involuntarily oppressed?

And through the vividly portrayed eyes on the sculpture, it seems as if they can span endless time and space and bring everyone back to the original ancient battlefield.

The corpses of fallen soldiers are everywhere on the desolate land, and the blood gathers into a ball and finally merges into a stream;
And on top of the endless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, a white-robed general in plain white long clothes was staring directly at the sky with his hands behind his hands with a gentle smile on his lips.

The same standing with hands behind their backs, the same pile of corpses and rivers of blood.

But what is different is that the white-robed general on the ancient battlefield still has a vaguely red sword stuck in front of him.

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