Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 435 The First Gate of the Underground Palace, 1 Exquisite Apertures

One by one, the supreme soul-saving mantras spit out from their mouths, and then under the blessing of the seven-star soul-speeding array, they quickly turned into golden characters one after another and flew towards the back of the Black Stone Xuanmen with great soul-saving power.

In Luo Chen's perception, the huge power of resentment behind the door also began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye under the superimposed power of transformation.

After silently calculating according to the speed at which resentment was transformed, Luo Chen turned around and retreated to the temporary camp behind him.

If nothing else happened, with Bai Yi's powerful helping hand, the 2000-year-old resentment in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor would be completely cleared away in four hours.

At that time, the gate of the underground palace of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, which has been sealed for more than 2000 years, will also be reopened.

After returning to the camp, Luo Chen directly asked someone to call the Mo family's Changci, and when he was about to enter the underground palace, let this guy go in with him.

Luo Chen also thought about this for a long time. After all, with the character of this guy, if he stays in the scientific research team, what if he is beaten to death again? . .

Moreover, the most important point is that when Luo Chen saw this guy coming, he seemed to be bringing a big baby with him.

Moreover, it has been covered tightly with a black cloth, with a cautious look, as if afraid of being seen as a treasure.

Although he didn't know what that thing was, Luo Chen had a vague feeling that it might be the key to breaking the situation.

So combining various reasons, Luo Chen still decided to bring this tool man with him.

After all, if you can use it, you can use it, and if you don’t use it, it won’t take up too much space, right?

cough cough. . .

Time is a very beautiful thing, it always passes away quietly when you want to catch it, but it always dangles in front of your eyes when you want to give it up.

Just like the people from the Nine Schools and Four Sects now, even when Chen Pi saw people gathering to fight the landlord in Xiling, he couldn't help but go up and forcefully occupy a position.

The eyelids of the people who watched it were jubilant. In Xiaopang's original words:

"You are actually fighting the landlord in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, you are really the father of the scorpion - the only one!"

But even so, he didn't stop Chen Pi's determination to fight the landlord, the yelling voice once made the second master plan to throw the iron egg out of his hand and clean up the house directly.

But fortunately, time seems to be at the last moment, and the flow speed has suddenly accelerated.

The degree of transformation before the gate of the underground palace has also come to an end, Luo Chen almost seized the time to dodge to the gate.

Following the door, after the last mournful sound disappeared, the figures of Bai Yi, Lao Ba and others standing or sitting from the void also quietly fell down under Bai Yi's movements.

Bai Yi and Lao BaMian looked slightly better, especially Bai Yi, who seemed to be using no effort at all.

But the Taoist priests who came to support seemed a little tired. After all, this can be regarded as the largest soul-saving operation in history.

Such a large amount can be used in such a short time, and it is inevitable that there will be some exhaustion.

Seeing this, Luo Chen naturally wanted to pretend to be false, and hurried forward:
"You Taoists have worked hard, take a short rest, if you plan to go back to the mountain gate, let the fighter plane just now send you back."

"However, everything here cannot be disclosed, and you should keep this in mind!"

"Please rest assured, Tianguan, we naturally know the reason for this!"

But fortunately, effort is always directly proportional to gain. After reducing such a scale of resentful souls, the merits gained will obviously not be a small amount.

So after looking at each other, Qing Yunzi, Luo Chen's old acquaintance, spoke first.

"Heavenly officials don't need to worry about us, we will practice what we have just gained here, and protect this group of ordinary people for the heavenly officials by the way!"

"So good!"

Luo Chen was naturally happy to have someone protect his worries, and he no longer had the slightest worries, so he summoned a new staff to stand in front of the Black Stone Xuanmen.

Looking at the Nine-Aperture Linglong Lock in the center of the portal, Luo Chen flipped his big hand and the nine dragon-shaped blood jades in his hand shot out immediately.

Impartially inserted straight into the depth of the lock cylinder of Jiuqiao Linglong Lock.


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