Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 43: The Golden Crow Opens His Eyes, Slays the Extravagant Man

Sheman roared angrily and turned around, opened his mouth wide and directly sucked the remaining blood in the jade bowl into his body.

As the blood entered the body, circle after circle of aura continued to emerge from Lu Man's body, and the thick black around him began to penetrate into the body.

"Be careful, Luo Chen, I can feel that the strength of this thing has more than doubled."

Yue Ling's voice came in again.

In fact, Luo Chen also felt it without Yue Ling's reminder. After all, this may be the last resort for that extravagant man.

There was no longer any black air around the extravagant body, and the body that had been solidified had transformed again. The entire body of the beast was covered with black runes, as if wearing a layer of armor.

His eyes exuded a bloodthirsty breath, he stared at Luo Chen firmly, and let out an evil laugh from his mouth


"Boy, before I die, I can pull a miscellaneous bird on my back, I have to thank you very much, haha"

Luo Chen didn't answer, he pointed his sword at Sheman and waited in full force.

At this moment, Sheman suddenly disappeared, and the speed was so fast that Luo Chen's naked eyes could not catch his figure.

A sentence suddenly came from the left of Luo Chen

"Boy, where are you looking?"

Luo Chen was shocked, and before he had time to adjust his figure, he felt a pain in his chest, and his whole body was knocked out, and before he landed in the air, another figure flashed and bumped into him, and Luo Chen flew in another direction .

Hitting straight into the previous stone platform, Luo Chen could no longer hold back a mouthful of blood, leaning on his sword and slowly stood up.

Seeing Luo Chen's distressed appearance, Suman couldn't help but feel relieved, and laughed out loud.

"Haha, have you seen the miscellaneous hair bird? This is the supreme physical power of my witch clan, hmph"

Luo Chen felt the injury on his body, and stared at Sheman coldly.
"There has been a law since ancient times, do you know it?"


Extravagantly puzzled, Luo Chen said smoothly

"The villain died from talking too much!!!"

Delusion-shattering pupil, open!

With the opening of the Pupil of Delusion, Luo Chen did not stop the movement in his hand, stretched out his palm, and wiped it from the edge of the sword, and the bright red blood flowed directly on the blade.

Then Luo Chen tapped his chest twice with blood on his finger, the position where the blood fell on his finger happened to be the eye position of the Golden Crow tattoo.

This is an eye opener! !

It was the first time Luo Chen voluntarily opened the eyes of the Golden Crow, and the blood was absorbed by the Golden Crow's tattoo in the blink of an eye, leaving only two dark red spots on the eyes.

A golden crow's cry appeared from Luo Chen's mind, followed by streams of light flowing along the tattooed body.

A strong heat flow filled Luo Chen's whole body, and the internal injuries he had suffered earlier healed in an instant, and the huge aura came out directly through his body, pressing towards the luxury of the Wu clan in front of him.

Feeling that the power of his body was vastly different from before, Luo Chen had the illusion that he could kill that extravagant man with one punch, and the Scarlet Heaven Sword in his hand also made a sound of sword groaning very cooperatively at this time.

Sensing Chi Xiao's sword intent, Luo Chen moved.

Appeared in front of Sheman in an instant, and kicked out heavily, and Sheman's body was immediately kicked upwards.

Moving again, Luo Chen appeared directly above Sheman, stepped on Sheman's head, and threw Sheman heavily to the ground.

At the same time, Luo Chen fell rapidly, and the blood-stained ancient Chixiao sword in his hand slashed towards Sheman's head.

a long time,

After the smoke and dust cleared, Luo Chen raised his sword to face Sheman, only to see Sheman's head was chopped off by Luo Chen in half, and fell to the ground.

Sheman let out a painful roar on the spot.

"You shouldn't exist in this world, so just go where you came from."

A cold voice came from Luo Chen's mouth, and at the same time he raised his sword to send Sheman on the road.

But I saw that Sheman's originally shrunk and solid body turned into a cloud of black mist and enlarged again, and turned into the previous illusory body, and the half of the remnant body above the ground also turned into black mist, and melted into Sheman again. in the phantom.

Luo Chen slashed out with a sword, and Chi Xiao made ripples in the air, but it didn't cause any harm to Sheman.

"Haha, Miscellaneous Bird, want to kill me?"

"I exist in the illusion, how can you kill me if you can't touch it? Haha"

Such shameless extravagance is illusory if you can't beat it. Is this the witch clan who fought against heaven and earth in ancient times?I'm afraid that the ancestral witch Shebishi will be angry and come back to life seeing such a junior?

The opponent Luo Chen felt ashamed by this, and even showed a trace of disdain for the Golden Crow tattoo on his body.

"I have a sword that can cut ghosts and gods"

After saying something coldly, he stopped talking nonsense with Sheman, Luo Chen raised his sword, put the hilt in his palm, and raised his sword to the sky.


Streams of milky white air flow between the sky and the earth converged towards Chi Xiao, and a huge wisp of milky white air appeared above Luo Chen's head and merged into the Chi Xiao sword, and more and more white air gathered.

Chi Xiao's sword body transformed into a white giant sword, and several phantom swords formed by white gas also began to emerge around Luo Chen, following the last white gas on Luo Chen's body poured into Chi Xiao's back.

Scarlet Firmament Sword suddenly let out a sword groan, and the phantom sword covering the sword expanded again, enveloping Luo Chen's entire body. Looking from the outside, Luo Chen seemed to be one with the huge phantom sword and body sword.

Both momentum and sword intent reached the critical point, Luo Chen raised his sword and rushed straight into the extravagant phantom in the air

"This sword will send you on your way!"

"Heaven and earth are upright, awe-inspiring forever"

"Don't seek to kill immortals, but kill ghosts and gods"

When the formula was read, Luo Chen's body burst out, with Chi Xiao as the tip of the sword, Luo Chen as the body of the sword, the righteousness of heaven and earth turned into a thrust, and the human sword merged into one, together with the huge white phantom sword wrapped outside, Directly stab at the extravagant phantom in the air.

In an instant, the white phantom sword with several small phantom swords directly pierced into Sheman's phantom, the air flowed, and countless white airflows poured in along the broken opening on Sheman's body.

The dazzling white light burst out, illuminating the entire mysterious space brightly.

After landing, Luo Chen turned his back to the dazzling white light.

The white light didn't last long, and with the sound of bubbles bursting, it disappeared together with the extravagant phantom.

At this time, Luo Chen just turned around, looking at the empty mysterious space, Luo Chen slowly smiled, then closed his eyes, and fell backwards.


Moon Spirit flashed out from the void, directly caught Luo Chen who was about to fall to the ground, hugged him in his arms, felt Luo Chen's breath, and felt relieved.

But it was because of the constant fighting, opening the eyes of the Golden Crow, and finally using the magic trick of slaying ghosts and gods, which was extremely exhausting in energy and energy, that he fell into a coma from exhaustion.

Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the task of the ancient tomb of the mine, rewards are now issued.

Ding ~ Reward the host, the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline has been upgraded, and after the upgrade, it will be the middle stage of the first bloodline transformation.

Ding ~ Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 10000 points and a Tianyuan Pill.

One piece of Tianyuan Pill increases the lifespan by 1000 years. Due to the special medicinal effect of Tianyuan Pill, it needs to be taken together with blue snake gall to take effect, otherwise the person who takes it will explode and die.

Of course, Luo Chen didn't hear these things. Luo Chen was in a coma, and his bloodline had been upgraded.

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