Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 415 Wannu King, Behind the Ancient Bronze Gate

What kind of image is this?

Roe-headed rat-eyed, clumsy and ugly, eagle-headed and sparrow-headed, swan-faced and dove-shaped, with a dirty face, contemptuous and disdainful, it is simply unsightly.

It looks like a supernatural workmanship, it looks like it has no public morality, it looks like it is easy to cause traffic accidents, it looks like it is well-intentioned, and it looks like it is a waste of electricity.

Of course, these words cannot express one ten-thousandth of its ugliness.

If there is the ugliest description of ugliness in the world, then I would call it even uglier!

If there is a limit to the word ugly in this world, then I would rather say that the one in front of me has completely refreshed the concept of the word ugly.

It's so ugly there's no bottom line.
It's just ugly having no friends!


Seeing the ugly and arrogant posture in front of him, the little brother couldn't bear it any longer, and vomited directly.

"Hmph! You wait for these little dolls to have a very good attitude, and they know how to bow their heads when they see this king!"

Seeing the little brother, Ju Liang and others bowing to him one after another, the ugly guy thought he was worshiping it, and immediately felt better about himself.

But when he saw Luo Chen standing straight in front of him, his expression immediately changed.

He stared at the two eyes that were opened but didn't seem to be opened, and said angrily:

"What's the matter with you little doll?"

"Don't think that if you release this king from the suppression, you can sit on an equal footing with this king!"

"Hmph! Hurry up,,,"

Luo Chen couldn't bear it any longer before he could finish his ugly words to King Wannu.

Good guy, I can bear with being ugly, but who told you that you can keep beeping if you are ugly?

So in a rage, Luo Chen directly picked up the huge sarcophagus lid in his hand, and slapped the ugly face that was in desperate need of disfigurement without saying a word.

This shot was so delightful that even those clansmen who had a cold sentence started to clap their hands and applaud.

"Whoa!!! Well done! I've lost sight of that face a long time ago, vomit~"

"Yes! Vomit~ If I didn't throw up as soon as I saw it, vomit~~~ I will definitely be the first to hit it!"

"Ouch~~~ Don't even talk about it, I'm too tired to vomit, vomit~~~"

Although they have been busy throwing up and throwing up, the people of Juliang soon got used to it.

When they saw that Chou Bi's body was flying in their direction, which was thrown away by Luo Chen's lid, they also vomited and avoided it.

It's as if the ugliness is contagious, and I'm afraid that I will be infected with this ugliness by accident.

It can be said that wherever the ugly man went, there was nothing in the past, until it hit the ancient bronze door, and then it barely stopped.

Even the ancient bronze door seemed to dislike it, and opened a small gap.

From this, it can also be seen how much strength Luo Chen used.

But that ugly guy seemed to be completely uninjured, and the insect body with densely packed legs rolled over and stood up straight.

He even exaggeratedly twisted the head of the worm body from the neck down.

After being patted, the guy's head became even flatter, and his two eyes, one horizontal and one vertical, erupted with endless anger.

But it was not seen by anyone, there was no way, there was really nothing to vomit. . .

"Ah!!! The humble ants dare to take such a handsome face of this king!"

"You must be envious of this king's natural handsomeness, how can this king forgive you!"

"Fuck! You ugly, didn't your mother teach you to keep your eyes open when talking to people?"

Luo Chen looked at the Wannu King who was flabbergasting again, his heart was filled with infinite anger, and he couldn't help but swear directly.

But I didn't expect that this sentence would directly detonate the ugly Wannuwang, and the huge insect drive rushed towards Luo Chen with a flick.

Even the two human arms protruding from the neck started to dance wildly, the mouth with two teeth but five tongues couldn't even care about shouting, and yelled madly :

"How dare you insult me ​​like this, I'm so fucking wide open!"

"Go to hell, ants!"

"It's okay to look disgusting, but it's your fault if you come out to scare people!"

"Didn't your mother tell you not to hang out if you are ugly?"

Without any surprises, facing Wannu Wang who was rushing forward, Luo Chen directly yelled at the coffin lid with a heavy force.

Still the same position, still the same trajectory.

The ancient bronze door was knocked open again, and it was barely enough for a normal-sized person to pass sideways.

Looking at the crack in the door that could already pass through, the Wannu King put away his angry expression, and looked at Luo Chen calmly:

"Hehe, ants!"

"You should be thankful that this king has spent too much energy fighting against the Kyushu Ding in the endless years, otherwise this king would be enough to crush you with one finger, hmph!"

"However, I still want to thank you again. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't be able to open this damn door!"

"Wait! This king's people will definitely come out of this damned place this time. At that time, this king will also take these two shots back!"

After finishing speaking, the Wannu King turned around and got into the ancient bronze door, leaving behind only an ugly laugh.

At the same time, Zhang Qiling's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to chase after King Wannu in.

But before he got to the door, he saw a figure flashing past and going straight to the back of the door.

Looking back, Luo Chen's figure had long since disappeared, leaving only the huge sarcophagus lid in place.

"It's finally coming in!"

Behind the door, the figure of King Wannu had long since disappeared, but Luo Chen stared at the space in front of him, which seemed to be another world, and stopped in a daze.

There is no singing of birds and fragrance of flowers as Wang Zanghai said, no sea of ​​red flowers, no dark blue sky like gems, no ancient trees that block out the sky, and no golden three-legged bird.

Everything is like the most primitive collapse.

Here the water is black, the earth is cracked, the sky is as gray as chaos, and there are dead plants and rotting bones everywhere.

From time to time, a contradictory airflow swirls through the air, and everything that the airflow passes is completely wiped out without any residue.

At the end of the line of sight, there is a big pit like a ghost hole, and some black inextinguishable flames are burning in the pit.

But here, it's just the tip of the iceberg in this chaotic space, and Luo Chen can clearly feel the hugeness of this world in the distance.

But the space in the distance is shrouded in thick black mist, the next day is in jeopardy!

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