Grave Robbery starts with the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline

Chapter 408 Jade Coffin Rift Valley, Bronze Chains

But on the ground that is almost parallel to the jade coffin, there are dense snow hairs wriggling, that is, millipedes in our mouth.

The density of the millipedes seemed to converge into a river flowing, and there was no place to get down at all.

So at this time, Luo Chen also prevented Xiao Hu and others from exploring the way first.

In such a dense sea of ​​insects, apart from herself, even Ju Liang, who followed behind and called the fat man and others brothers and sisters, would turn into bones in an instant if she entered it.

It is also very likely that there will be no bones left. . .

Not to mention Fatty and others, in the eyes of that bunch of millipedes, Fatty's size probably wouldn't even be able to eat a single bite.

In order to prevent everyone from becoming a meal for the worms, Luo Chen threw out the diamond rope and wrapped it tightly around the corridor, then pulled his wrist and slid straight down.

At the moment when it was about to fall to the bottom, it was suspended in mid-air with the help of ropes.

Looking at the dense sea of ​​insects, Luo Chen let out a cold snort and let go of his aura, the sea formed by those millipedes immediately boiled over.

One by one, they fled towards the surroundings desperately, while some trotting slowly because they secretly hated that they didn't have many legs when they hatched from the eggs.

As for why Luo Chen didn't choose to kill these bugs directly?

First of all, it wasn't that Luo Chen couldn't bear it, nor did he find it troublesome, it was precisely because there were too many of these bugs.

If you completely let go of your aura and crush them all, how can this underground space be good?
You can imagine, the space at the bottom is completely covered with the body fluids of insects, and there is no place for feet to feel.

The toad climbed on the instep, even if it didn't bite, it would still be intimidating.

Besides, the smell of the millipedes is very poisonous, if they are really killed, why not come down and lie down one by one!

Not long after, the sea of ​​insects in the entire tomb disappeared. Except for a few who were too weak and died under Luo Chen's aura, the rest of the insects all got into those huge coffins.

It seemed that those coffins were their lairs, but Luo Chen could see clearly that those millipedes seemed to be very afraid of the jade coffins.

Even though the jade coffin that was as tall as a person was open at this time, none of the insects dared to drill into the jade coffin.

It was as if there was a guy more terrifying than Luo Chen in it.

Very weird.

After landing, Luo Chen scanned his surroundings as usual, and only after he was sure it was safe did he send out the signal for Wu Xie and his party to come down.

Everything around seemed very simple, and there were not even any murals left on the walls of the tomb.

Overall, Luo Chen felt that this place was like a paradise tailor-made for those bugs, and the eight huge black wooden coffins were their warm nests.

After the millipedes disappeared completely, there was nothing special about this tomb.

Except, facing Luo Chen, the jeweled glazed coffin sunk deep into the ground.

The inner and outer coffins are located in the very center of the tomb, surrounded by eight black wooden coffins in sequence according to the order of the nine palaces of wearing nine shoes.

There are no extra decorations in the coffin.

But at the top of the coffin, which was as tall as a person, there was a tomb passage that a person could barely pass through.

The tomb passage is slanted downwards and becomes steeper as it gets closer to the depth. At a glance, it is full of endless darkness, and there is no end in sight.

And that endless darkness seems to be like a sinking hell, it has the effect of devouring people's hearts.

And on the fighting body on the other side of the coffin, there are clear symbols left by several younger brothers, reminding everyone that this is the only place to go.

After everyone got down, Luo Chen didn't waste any more time, and directly plunged into the dark tomb passage.

Seeing this, everyone naturally wouldn't have other words. After staying in this deep underground for a long time, they couldn't help but feel an urge to breathe fresh air from the outside.

For this reason, no matter how much hard work it takes, it is worth it.

It is said that the winding path leads to the secluded, but at this time, the road under the feet of Luo Chen and the others is straight and cannot be straighter, and it has entered from the beginning of everyone to the present.

A group of people have been walking for more than an hour, but this dark tomb passage seems to have no end, which makes people feel restless.

"Xiao Wu, we won't be hit by ghosts hitting the wall again, right?"

"Why is this road so long?"

The deeper you go in this tomb passage, the hotter you can feel it. After walking for a while, Xiaopang couldn't help but tugged at his collar and said to Wuxie in an annoyed mood.

But Wu Xie is also very upset at the moment, and coupled with the hardships of the continuous journey, there is no extra energy to discuss these things with Xiaopang.

I just tied my head and pretended not to hear.

After a group of people continued to go deeper for more than an hour with such a strong spirit, the damn tomb passage finally reached the end.

At this time, Luo Chen was standing on a stone platform after walking out of the tomb passage. Looking around, the stone platform was a corridor built on a cliff.

Just like a small platform between the rifts, from time to time there will be a cool wind blowing through the rifts.

And in the middle of the corridor, stands a huge three-legged black giant tripod, one of which is sunk deep in the ground, and may fall over at any time.

As everyone walked, the floor of the corridor here also made a crackling sound, obviously it had been aged by the drilling wind.

Standing on the edge of the platform and looking around, everyone only saw the darkness, they couldn't see the top of their heads, couldn't see the eyes, and couldn't see the bottom.

But in Luo Chen's eyes of breaking delusion, this place is actually a huge mountain crack, and the stone platform where they stand proudly is built on the cliff on one side of the crack.

In front is the cliff on the other side of the crack, and above the head is a rift valley that is slowly shrinking in the form of a line of sky, and finally closes at the end of the line of sight.

But at the bottom of the crack in the mountain, there was a scene that would shock anyone.

I saw that in the bottomless rift of the dark abyss, there were actually countless treaties with bronze chains as thick as the mouth of a bowl running through them.

The criss-crossing is like a spider spinning a web, tightly locking the rift valleys on both sides together.


After the light of the flares came on, Wu Xie and the others also saw this shocking scene, and all exclaimed.

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